Performance in Champions Classic since 2017

Sure we want to win. People are saying that because we have ALL yes ALL of our centers out, this game has an asterisk next to it. To act like the program is in decline if we lose Tuesday night with NO CENTER, against the number 1 team in the country, is laughable.
I, too, am tired of hearing people say this game doesn’t matter and then we wind up a six seed. This game absolutely DOES matter for seeding and for confidence.

Of course it matters. Every game matters. On the flip side of the coin are the people saying the program is decaying and proof would be a loss Tuesday. Weak fuel for an agenda IMO.
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Cherry pick all you want to trash UK on a supposed UK website.

UK is still the standard bearer of college basketball and always will be.

You have to cherry pick because the whole is overwhelming.

Does UConn not have a site for the UConn fans to hang out?
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2017 KU loss 65-61
2018 Duke loss 118-84
2019 Michigan St win 69-62
2020 Kansas loss 65-62
2021 Duke loss 79-71
2022 Michigan State loss 86-77

Stop saying this doesn't matter. 1 and 5 in last 6 is an embarrassment. I think if you lose 4 straight you should be kicked out.
Same Cal record against Top 20 teams since 2017. But, for sure we are not Champions in Champions Classic and probably will lose this year with no big man.
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Cherry pick all you want to trash UK on a supposed UK website.

UK is still the standard bearer of college basketball and always will be.

You have to cherry pick because the whole is overwhelming.

Does UConn not have a site for the UConn fans to hang out?
Hard to continue that line of reasoning when we lose to the other names in these tourneys.
Seriously? You think being 1-5 is ok against these teams, and are trying to change the subject to AFTER the game? Stop thinking about how the fans are going to react in your hypothetical situation and look at the real pitiful record.

I'm actually gonna focus on what will be a fun team to watch regardless of what happens Tuesday night and the rest of the season. Complaining about past happenings is for wimps. Carry on. I don't want to hold anything up so won't.
Right, so we should just forget about 9-16 and St. Peter's. Why compete at that point if you have no pressure to perform? Dumb philosophy.

I don't worry about stuff I can't control and fans that live in misery I can't control so have at it. Gonna enjoy this season. Rehashing past failures does nothing for me but I guess some never get over it. So be it. To each their own.
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Cherry pick all you want to trash UK on a supposed UK website.

UK is still the standard bearer of college basketball and always will be.

You have to cherry pick because the whole is overwhelming.

Does UConn not have a site for the UConn fans to hang out?
Saying what your record is out of the last 6 isn’t cherry picking at all, Erin.
I don't worry about stuff I can't control and fans that live in misery I can't control so have at it. Gonna enjoy this season. Rehashing past failures does nothing for me but I guess some never get over it. So be it. To each their own.
Ok... You do realize that these "miserable" fans would be over the moon if Kentucky did anything of note, right? Just don't get how anyone can look at 1-5 and think everything is sunshine and rainbows over here. Trust me, I'd love to kiss Cal's ass if they beat KU on Tuesday.
Ok... You do realize that these "miserable" fans would be over the moon if Kentucky did anything of note, right? Just don't get how anyone can look at 1-5 and think everything is sunshine and rainbows over here. Trust me, I'd love to kiss Cal's ass if they beat KU on Tuesday.
Thing is it’s not just the 1-5 record.

It’s the no longer dominating SEC
It’s the early embarrassing exits lately .
No deep runs lately .

If we didn’t have those going along with the 1-5 then 1-5 wouldn’t be as big of a deal .
Winning is fun. Loosing sucks no matter how one likes a team.

LOL, who said losing doesn't suck? I'm just not going to act like Tuesday night's game doesnt have a massive asterisk beside it. Sadly, some actually enjoy us losing, so to them it doesn't suck. You know why? Because they are "I'm right" fans first and UK fans second.
2017 KU loss 65-61
2018 Duke loss 118-84
2019 Michigan St win 69-62
2020 Kansas loss 65-62
2021 Duke loss 79-71
2022 Michigan State loss 86-77

Stop saying this doesn't matter. 1 and 5 in last 6 is an embarrassment. I think if you lose 4 straight you should be kicked out.
That is ugly.
That said, if we lose to KU, I hope it's only by 3 or 4 like the last two times. 😉 😉 😉
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I don't worry about stuff I can't control and fans that live in misery I can't control so have at it. Gonna enjoy this season. Rehashing past failures does nothing for me but I guess some never get over it. So be it. To each their own.
This is the type of argument people use when people have no argument.
Here's a few of the classic cliches people like you use when you run out of gas on the argument mobile:

1. "I don't worry about things I can't control."
2. "I'm not a miserable person who runs the program and players down. That only hurts recruiting and this is why people look down on our program."
3. "Do we really want to go back to the Billy Clyde days?"
4. "UK has only won 8 titles in the last 120 years (the math is always fuzzy on this one, but also always fuzzily favorable to fans that forget the tournament has only been around since 1939)."
5. "At least we aren't Indiana."

We've napalmed all of these arguments over the years. Soundly in fact.

You using one of the most worn out, dilapidated, Wal-Mart-level bargain bin arguments out there says a lot about your ability to counter argue.
Thing is it’s not just the 1-5 record.

It’s the no longer dominating SEC
It’s the early embarrassing exits lately .
No deep runs lately .

If we didn’t have those going along with the 1-5 then 1-5 wouldn’t be as big of a deal .

Cal's defenders always remind us that he "builds toward March"; but when you lose to Kansas State (twice), Auburn, St. Peter's, and go 9-16 in an additional year during that stretch, what exactly are we building toward?
Seriously? You think being 1-5 is ok against these teams, and are trying to change the subject to AFTER the game? Stop thinking about how the fans are going to react in your hypothetical situation and look at the real pitiful record.
There is a large group of fans that blames the other fans for the failures of calipari.
2017 KU loss 65-61
2018 Duke loss 118-84
2019 Michigan St win 69-62
2020 Kansas loss 65-62
2021 Duke loss 79-71
2022 Michigan State loss 86-77

Stop saying this doesn't matter. 1 and 5 in last 6 is an embarrassment. I think if you lose 4 straight you should be kicked out.
Funny thing is the one time we won in that period we then lost to Evansville at home just a few days later.

This has been a bad week for UK basketball every year for quite some time now. Hopefully this year ends that streak.
How about just win, and people will shut up? If we lose to Kansas, we need to just find an easier Classic to start playing moving forward.

People acting like it's an indictment of the program if we lose without 3 players, all big men, are being disingenuous and you know it.
Anything can happen, but UK beating KU with this current roster would be shocking.

I don't expect the big guys to ever play. That will lead to another bad season imo.