Pat Sajak to Retire as ‘Wheel of Fortune’ Host

Thank you, Mr. Sajak. Wheel of Fortune's an American icon. My grandparents watched it pretty much every night from its start to their ends, and I've got a lot of great memories of enjoying it (and Jeopardy!) with them. My grandpa would yell at game show contestants like they could hear him, and my grandmother would always chastise him for it. Great memories. XD

With the way technology's progressing, before long, we might have a computer-generated Pat Sajak, Vanna White, Alex Trebek, Bob Barker, and so on that are indistinguishable from the real deals, from their appearances and voices to their interactions with the contestants. One day.
OMFG! Seriously, I can't take this any longer. Pretty soon, we'll watch little more than the Dating Game. Sad.

Adios, Pat.

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Was reading earlier today that The Wheel tapes just 4 days (6 episodes a day) each month. And Pat makes $14 million a year. $14 million for 48 days’ work. Not bad.

Even crazier is that The Wheel is not his biggest source of income. He makes more than that annually by licensing his image on slot machines in casinos all over the world. He’s raking in some real nice cash.
Not sure if this is controversial but price is right has been awful with drew / jeopardy stinks without Alex / hopefully wheel doesn’t keep the trend and just ends it’s run with pat and vanna.
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Reports are Pat made about 15 mil per year and Vanna made about 3 mil. She is a decade younger than Pat. My grandfather in the 90s watched the show every night. He usually said, “We gotta watch Vanna.” Reports are Vanna wants a raise.
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Not sure if this is controversial but price is right has been awful with drew / jeopardy stinks without Alex / hopefully wheel doesn’t keep the trend and just ends it’s run with pat and vanna.
Drew seems so uncomfortable on there. MYbe it’s just me.
Reports are Pat made about 15 mil per year and Vanna made about 3 mil. She is a decade younger than Pat. My grandfather in the 90s watched the show every night. He usually said, “We gotta watch Vanna.” Reports are Vanna wants a raise.

And will probably get it.
And will probably get it.
I'd say they will not renew her contract (it's up in 2024) and have 2 new people working the show. She got that job to be eye candy and she's a little to old for that type of role now. Unless they promote her to the host but then they probably would hire a dude to turn letters. Don't think that will work. Ryan Seacrest is a frontrunner supposedly. I hope to God it isn't Whoopi Goldberg who has lobbied for the job.
I always thought Vanna was just fine and assumed she could suck the chrome off a tailpipe to get that gig
I like Wheel but damn, I would record every night if his daughter was on there. Just being honest guys.
I'd say they will not renew her contract (it's up in 2024) and have 2 new people working the show. She got that job to be eye candy and she's a little to old for that type of role now. Unless they promote her to the host but then they probably would hire a dude to turn letters. Don't think that will work. Ryan Seacrest is a frontrunner supposedly. I hope to God it isn't Whoopi Goldberg who has lobbied for the job.
No Samuel L Jackson = no care for me...
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Show needs to be put out to pasture with or without salty sajak. At *best* needs to be put on daytime television. Just a terrible show.
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Not sure if this is controversial but price is right has been awful with drew / jeopardy stinks without Alex / hopefully wheel doesn’t keep the trend and just ends it’s run with pat and vanna.
I recently watched Price w/Carey for the first time... it was awful... and I like Drew Carey as a comedian.
I literally had no idea anyone watched these shows any more. Sometimes when I visit the folks we’ll watch a little jeopardy on occasion but definitely not weekly or nightly.

Grab a book gang. 😉
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