
Mar 29, 2013
Thinking of switching my eating habits to match the paleo diet more. Wondering who around the Paddock has had any experience with it. Suggestions on tasty recipes. Most advice is helpfully (I do know who I'm asking for suggestions from)
Not sure about Paleo meals, but air biscuits complimemt the Paleo diet very well. 0 calories and you can eat'em all day long.

50% Fart
50% Atmosphere
Dude, Paleo is pretty wife and I follow it pretty strictly. Definitely have to change the oils you cook with and any condiments you might use. That said, for specific recipes, I would tell you to check out Pinterest.
Originally posted by Willy4UK:
Not sure about Paleo meals, but air biscuits complimemt the Paleo diet very well. 0 calories and you can eat'em all day long.

50% Fart
50% Atmosphere

OP, are you ready to stalk and kill your own wild game using only sticks and rocks? Are you prepared to forage for nuts and berries, sometimes for days on end? Are you willing to drink water from a puddle? If not then maybe the paleo diet isn't for you -- unless you're gonna puss out and go neo-paleo.

Remember: True paleo isn't a diet, it's a way of life.

Eat what you want. Take in more calories than you burn, gain fat. Take in less calories than you burn, lose fat.
Originally posted by Willy4UK:
Not sure about Paleo meals, but air biscuits complimemt the Paleo diet very well. 0 calories and you can eat'em all day long.

50% Fart
50% Atmosphere
After you kill your third human with a rock over a beaver pelt, the paleo thing gets easier. Finding good wood for the perfect bow is tricky. Don't use cedar (TRUST ME ON THIS!!!!!!!)
My brother has been on it for years. He's 73 and in perfect health except for a few minor aches and pains.
IMO it's similar to the Adkins diet, unfortunately Adkins died of heart disease :(
This thread should be merged with the Best Frozen Pizza thread

This post was edited on 3/1 5:02 PM by Deeeefense
Originally posted by Deeeefense:
My brother has been on it for years. He's 73 and in perfect health except for a few minor aches and pains.
IMO it's similar to the Adkins diet, unfortunately Adkins died of heart disease :(
It's spelled Atkins, and he died after slipping on ice and breaking his head.
Go for it, 100%. You will thank yourself later.

Been eating this way for years. Originally dropped 60 lbs in 6 months. Blood fat, cholesterol, and all major health indicators shifted to optimal levels in the same time while I was eating around a 1000 calories a day of good fat. Never felt better. It sounds intimidating and hard at first but really after the first month or two you get in a groove and its easy. Hunger was never an issue with me, I actually have to watch that I eat enough sometimes. I also do intermittent fasting when I feel like it.

I would recommend at first you research and plan out weekly meals that you like and stick to it, prep ahead of time to make it easier. Kind of like rations. Helps you get in a groove without feeling overwhelmed. Then once you are comfortable with how it works you can branch out. I did that because I didn't have a ton of free time and was working a lot. Helped me not be cooking 24/7 when I wasn't at work. Meat, veggies, seeds, nuts, fruit, and water. Pretty simple really.

Average day of something like:

Bacon, eggs, avocado, coffee for breakfast.

Paleo salad (w/tuna or chicken) or Almonds and tuna for lunch

Basic meat/veggie for dinner.

Throw tea in there and protein shakes and that covers most of it.
this paleo diet cracks me up. Nothing says neanderthal like a couple of paleo muffins in the morning
I bought an authentic stone muffin tin off of Amazon. Free shipping ftw.
Went paleo, Atkins, wheat belly a couple years ago.

Pro's: you feel great after the first few weeks, it's easier to sustain than most diets, pretty popular so easy to find food you can eat.

Con's: you feel like shit for the first 2 weeks, it's a very restrictive diet so pretty tough to maintain long term, most good foods have carbs or forbidden ingredients, booze and mainly beer.

But if you need to shed serious pounds for health concerns and don't want to just starve yourself it's the best diet I've used. I recommend researching the 3 main low carb diets to see what did you best. For example wheat belly restricted cheese, that's just not feasible to me. I'd give up sex before cheese.

Good luck.
Wheat Belly allowed for "occasional or limited" cheese, among other things. Nothing was "completely" off limits really except for Processed Wheat. I found it pretty easy to follow.

I did it pretty strictly, but still ate cheese whenever I felt like it...and dropped 20lbs with relative ease. That's the 'outline' I prefer to use. If I do it at about 70% with exercise, I feel great and keep the pounds off with minimal effort.

I'll never follow any diet to 100%, not have cheat days, give up booze/beer, there is no point in pretending.

If you don't do something you can realistically sustain, you'll end up worse than when you started sooner than later, TS.
Originally posted by anthonys735:
Went paleo, Atkins, wheat belly a couple years ago.

Pro's: you feel great after the first few weeks, it's easier to sustain than most diets, pretty popular so easy to find food you can eat.

Con's: you feel like shit for the first 2 weeks, it's a very restrictive diet so pretty tough to maintain long term, most good foods have carbs or forbidden ingredients, booze and mainly beer.

But if you need to shed serious pounds for health concerns and don't want to just starve yourself it's the best diet I've used. I recommend researching the 3 main low carb diets to see what did you best. For example wheat belly restricted cheese, that's just not feasible to me. I'd give up sex before cheese.

Good luck.
Did strict Atkins and lost 90 lbs about ten years ago. Still keeping it off. Yeah, you feel like ish for a couple of weeks while you are in the "transition" phase, or whatever the hell they call it. Did Mich Ultra for beer to cut down on carbs.