Paddock Safe Space

I'm melting........

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MAN, Dang Dudes you all needed this....intervention...
I am at my wits end, literally speaking. I suffer from constant anxiety. I breathe in really heavy, hard breaths that make shrill like noises. I swallow in loud gulps. This is partly due to the idiot who lives next door to me who also does not give me peace of mind.

The moment I turn in bed, let one rip from my ass, move my body from one place to another, he laughs and laughs like there's no tomorrow. I don't know what their problem is, they seem to be constantly listening to what I do, laughing with haughty indignation.

Although we are separated by a huge wall, that doesn't mean I cannot hear them laughing like jackasses, and they laugh even louder when the ventilation system comes on, thinking that I won't be able to hear them.

Those good for nothing jerks. They are so sick in their heads. I cannot seem to have peace of mind. I can sense his looming presence near my bedroom wall, laughing away. I don't know what to do.

Just recently, my mother and I were having a conversation, and she happened to state her age. Just after she finished stating it, I heard him utter the word "damn".

Also, when I'm up they seem to be up, too. When I go upstairs to watch T.V., I can hear him laughing away like a jackass. When I go downstairs to watch T.V., they come down, too.

I don't give a hoot about their worthless lives. Why are they always interfering in mine? I just want peace. Is that so hard to get? I can hear them everyday, those evil, snickering, berating monkeys. I hope and pray for God to give me the opportunity to make it big, because when I do I am leaving this place for good.

A home is supposed to be a place of refuge. I can't even communicate with my own family because these idiots think it's their business. This life is a living hell for me. When I move, I will never look back. Ever!
That would put a well-diggers balls at 68
I'm not gonna make him turn his head and cough to find out, so I'll take your word for it.

Who were they? Let's kill them.
No joke, this safe space culture scares the shit out of me. Instead of being an adult and meeting conflicting ideas and controversy head on, these bitchnuts hold it in and go home and cry about it in their safe space. Scares the living hell out of me that type of behavior will lead to someone snapping and going Sandy Hook and Virginia Tech on people.
I'm sick of not having a safe space where I can express my love for death. So many pro-living people keep using lifeism to suppress me. Even using fake news to silence.

Still believe you founded best gore. I know it's you.
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i know someone who has a man loft that may be available for meetings. everyone could congregate and cry together. i mean, because it's a loft. if it were in the basement or somewhere anywhere else it could be considered a man cave. and that would be too gender sensitive and oppressive. but it's a loft. so i think we are good.
Early Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Why do you come in here and force your religious agenda on everyone. Maybe I don't want to have a Merry Christmas dammit!!! I cannot believe someone could be so intolerant of other people and not take into consideration their personal religous beliefs. OMG you guys, I am literally shaking.

What kind of freaking safe place doesn't even provide coloring books and crayons? I am so distraught right now that I need my anxiety duck billed platypus.
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Guys, I was just beaten and stabbed and had racial slurs spray painted on my face. OMG, I'm literally shaking. Can you believe how awful people are who disagree with me?

Thank the concept of a higher deity that I'm safe in here.
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I still consider the can as an acceptable "safe space. My dump, my reading material, my flick of the fan switch to create the combo noise filter and smell reducer--allowing me to express my feelings of groans and stress of pushing a peanut schooner out of my ass--all the while solving world problems.

Eff any of you who disagree.
I am at my wits end, literally speaking. I suffer from constant anxiety. I breathe in really heavy, hard breaths that make shrill like noises. I swallow in loud gulps. This is partly due to the idiot who lives next door to me who also does not give me peace of mind.

The moment I turn in bed, let one rip from my ass, move my body from one place to another, he laughs and laughs like there's no tomorrow. I don't know what their problem is, they seem to be constantly listening to what I do, laughing with haughty indignation.

Although we are separated by a huge wall, that doesn't mean I cannot hear them laughing like jackasses, and they laugh even louder when the ventilation system comes on, thinking that I won't be able to hear them.

Those good for nothing jerks. They are so sick in their heads. I cannot seem to have peace of mind. I can sense his looming presence near my bedroom wall, laughing away. I don't know what to do.

Just recently, my mother and I were having a conversation, and she happened to state her age. Just after she finished stating it, I heard him utter the word "damn".

Also, when I'm up they seem to be up, too. When I go upstairs to watch T.V., I can hear him laughing away like a jackass. When I go downstairs to watch T.V., they come down, too.

I don't give a hoot about their worthless lives. Why are they always interfering in mine? I just want peace. Is that so hard to get? I can hear them everyday, those evil, snickering, berating monkeys. I hope and pray for God to give me the opportunity to make it big, because when I do I am leaving this place for good.

A home is supposed to be a place of refuge. I can't even communicate with my own family because these idiots think it's their business. This life is a living hell for me. When I move, I will never look back. Ever!
I have a similar situation I can hear my downstairs neighbors conspiring against me. When I am in bed trying to fall asleep I can hear their muffled voices through my pillow, and as I strain to make sense of the words, they become clearer.

I can distinctly hear four different people discussing various aspects of my daily activities and some sort of vague plan they have for correcting my behavior they referred to as "the project."

I really don't know what to think of this anymore. I've started paying very close attention to customers and coworkers and passersby on the street, trying to figure out if I am under some kind of surveillance. This has continued for a few weeks. Every night, they are having another meeting about me downstairs, strangely at precisely the time I go to bed, which tends to vary within a few hours. They had also have progressed from discussing my activities to detailed observations and opinions about my beliefs. I suspect that my family and friends must be in collusion with them. I've started being very evasive with them and deliberately feeding them misinformation, which I can hear discussed at subsequent meetings - so now I am sure that they are all conspiring against me.

The conspirators have began making comments that they know I am listening and what they should do about it. So I've started sleeping with a machete by my bed.
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My advice. Buy a shit ton of stock in safe space tonight. Tomorrow it's gonna skyrocket.
I have a similar situation I can hear my downstairs neighbors conspiring against me. When I am in bed trying to fall asleep I can hear their muffled voices through my pillow, and as I strain to make sense of the words, they became clearer.

I distinctly hear four different people discussing various aspects of my daily activities and some sort of vague plan they have for correcting my behavior they referred to as "the project."

I really don't know what to think of this at. I've started paying very close attention to customers and coworkers and passersby on the street, trying to figure out if I am under some kind of surveillance. This has continued for a few weeks. Every night, they are having another meeting about me downstairs, strangely at precisely the time I go to bed, which tends to vary within a few hours. They had also have progressed from discussing my activities to detailed observations and opinions about my beliefs. I suspect that my family and friends must be in collusion with them. I've started being very evasive with them and deliberately feeding them misinformation, which I can hear discussed at subsequent meetings - so now I am sure that they are all conspiring against me.

Now the conspirators have began making comments that they know I am listening and what they should do about it. So I've began sleeping with a machete by my bed and leaping out of bed at the slightest creaking noise several times a night to investigate.

I have been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. My mom told me she had thought something was wrong with me when I was in high school but she didn't know what it was. I had gradual onset schizophrenia but a bad LSD trip is what triggered my psychosis. I had smoked pot daily, drank every weekend and occasionally took acid.

I got a job as a dishwasher in a local restaurant. I moved out of my parents apartment but after the bad acid trip I moved back in my with my parents and eventually started seeing a therapist. The amazing thing was how I took this in stride. This was my normal for me. The drugs probably contributed to my decline, but anyway after weekly therapy a psychiatrist from the clinic I was going to reccomended to my parents to put me in a psych ward.

My therapist who was this nice, cheery young woman cried when this happend; I had put on a good face with her and she had no idea I was this bad off. In the hospital I decompensated and I was psychotic without literally no relief from symptoms for even a minute.

My disease took the form of feeling I was going to go crazy at any moment. In my case this meant I was afraid I would go stark, screaming mad and lose control and not be aware of anything around me and totally disappear into my own world and have no grip on reality.

I spent my time by myself at this psych ward fighting to not go crazy. I was always on edge, I was always scared, and I could not relax and my thoughts raced constantly until my brain felt like oatmeal. This place didn't believe in medication but I got kicked out of there and I was put in a locked psychiatric hospital where I was put on a massive dose of one of the older anti-psychotics.

I was eventually released to a residential treatment home in a rich college town. I got addicted to crack and powder cocaine which contributed to three things : I lost another job, I lost my housing and I ended back in a psych ward.

I have since been released and moved back in with my parents, lived the addict life; clubbing, parties, spending lots of time getting drugs in the town which became the town with the highest murder rate, which I'm now hoping will conceal my inevitable crimes because the urges are getting stronger and stronger. I'm not sure I can control it any longer. I fear my neighbors' days are numbered.
I have been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. My mom told me she had thought something was wrong with me when I was in high school but she didn't know what it was. I had gradual onset schizophrenia but a bad LSD trip is what triggered my psychosis. I had smoked pot daily, drank every weekend and occasionally took acid.

I got a job as a dishwasher in a local restaurant. I moved out of my parents apartment but after the bad acid trip I moved back in my with my parents and eventually started seeing a therapist. The amazing thing was how I took this in stride. This was my normal for me. The drugs probably contributed to my decline, but anyway after weekly therapy a psychiatrist from the clinic I was going to reccomended to my parents to put me in a psych ward.

My therapist who was this nice, cheery young woman cried when this happend; I had put on a good face with her and she had no idea I was this bad off. In the hospital I decompensated and I was psychotic without literally no relief from symptoms for even a minute.

My disease took the form of feeling I was going to go crazy at any moment. In my case this meant I was afraid I would go stark, screaming mad and lose control and not be aware of anything around me and totally disappear into my own world and have no grip on reality.

I spent my time by myself at this psych ward fighting to not go crazy. I was always on edge, I was always scared, and I could not relax and my thoughts raced constantly until my brain felt like oatmeal. This place didn't believe in medication but I got kicked out of there and I was put in a locked psychiatric hospital where I was put on a massive dose of one of the older anti-psychotics.

I was eventually released to a residential treatment home in a rich college town. I got addicted to crack and powder cocaine which contributed to three things : I lost another job, I lost my housing and I ended back in a psych ward.

I have since been released and moved back in with my parents, lived the addict life; clubbing, parties, spending lots of time getting drugs in the town which became the town with the highest murder rate, which I'm now hoping will conceal my inevitable crimes because the urges are getting stronger and stronger. I'm not sure I can control it any longer. I fear my neighbors' days are numbered.
I wrote this poem for you.

Blast Off To Insanity

They say I am mad
That I am evil
And creepy
That my genes are corrupted
And my brain is deformed
That my actions are freaky
That my behavior is not the norm

They then ask me the question
“Sir why are you this way?”
I tell them as such:
“A genetic predispisation
An environment unsound
The reasons for madness
Don’t matter to me
For I believe
In the world
Of impossibility”

Wacko Schizo
Psycho and nuts
Call me whatever
I don’t mind
For I can escape
To a strange world
And leave you behind.

I’ve seen places from hell
with fires and flames
Of torture and madness
It’s name is taboo
Psychosis, psychosis
Does it scare you?

Madness, Madness
A self destruct button
That I pressed
Years ago
To blast off on a mission
To a planet
Where the aliens are free
To play with
My memories

Here things are different
Many say they are strange
Here it’s the “normals”
That are deranged
If you want to be different
If you want to be free
From logic and reason
Then come and meet me
On this strange planet called
I wrote this poem for you.

Blast Off To Insanity

They say I am mad
That I am evil
And creepy
That my genes are corrupted
And my brain is deformed
That my actions are freaky
That my behavior is not the norm

They then ask me the question
“Sir why are you this way?”
I tell them as such:
“A genetic predispisation
An environment unsound
The reasons for madness
Don’t matter to me
For I believe
In the world
Of impossibility”

Wacko Schizo
Psycho and nuts
Call me whatever
I don’t mind
For I can escape
To a strange world
And leave you behind.

I’ve seen places from hell
with fires and flames
Of torture and madness
It’s name is taboo
Psychosis, psychosis
Does it scare you?

Madness, Madness
A self destruct button
That I pressed
Years ago
To blast off on a mission
To a planet
Where the aliens are free
To play with
My memories

Here things are different
Many say they are strange
Here it’s the “normals”
That are deranged
If you want to be different
If you want to be free
From logic and reason
Then come and meet me
On this strange planet called
You think it's funny? Trying to make fun of me, are you? Just wait, jackass. After the neighbors, you're next.
Can you hear me getting closer?

I would like to apologize. Logically, I know I'm a decent person. I help little old ladies across the street, I donate to charity, and when I get the urge to push my mom down a flight of stairs, I don't act on it.

In fact, so far I have managed to not act on my violent impulses. But just like the neighbors, the demons have become convinced that you're a terrible person, so terrible that I must take the suffering they inflict upon me out on you.

I'm viciously fighting with these demons, trying to convince them to spare your life. I'm contemplating plugging my thoughts and symptoms into Google, searching for results that will appease them for your sake, but I'm hesitant and I fear doing so will only result in the FBI knocking on my door with a Hannibal Lecter mask. I'm trying, I truly am, but if it's between you and me, there is no hope for you.
I would like to apologize. Logically, I know I'm a decent person. I help little old ladies across the street, I donate to charity, and when I get the urge to push my mom down a flight of stairs, I don't act on it.

In fact, so far I have managed to not act on my violent impulses. But just like the neighbors, the demons have become convinced that you're a terrible person, so terrible that I must take the suffering they inflict upon me out on you.

I'm viciously fighting with these demons, trying to convince them to spare your life. I'm contemplating plugging my thoughts and symptoms into Google, searching for results that will appease them for your sake, but I'm hesitant and I fear doing so will only result in the FBI knocking on my door with a Hannibal Lecter mask. I'm trying, I truly am, but if it's between you and me, there is no hope for you.
I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to the guy next to you
I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to the guy next to you

He's dead. I've already butchered him. These urges are uncontrollable now. My deepest regret is now they are so strong I'm certain the guy next to me, the neighbors and you will not be enough to satisfy them.

I want you to look around the room you're in. What's the most dangerous thing you see? Unless you're in a militia compound, it's probably a letter opener, a pen, or some undercooked chicken. Whatever it is, my lust for blood has become so strong, I'm going to kill my entire family with it.