Was he drunk? Why would you do something like this? Is he THAT butthurt over UK beating IU 31-24 all-time?
Willis responds:
And then he goes even lower:
Willis responds:
And then he goes even lower:
Now that's NOT a surprise. LOLMy understanding is even many IU folks can't stand him
He's a big baby too. Last time IU beat us he was trolling UK nonstop. Any UK fan who knocked him got blocked.He's doing the same thing with pictures of other players too. From Duke and IU. Guy is a straight up POS. Actually, that might have been other people posting pics of other players in that Twitter thread. Not sure.
My understanding is even many IU folks can't stand him. Guy made his hay off one game that he did well against Jordan. Other than that, not much to hang his hat on. Especially coaching wise. He says his family motto is "sack up". Well he blocks people on Twitter like crazy. Maybe he should sack up.
this. he wasn't an assistant for no reason. and it didn't work out. and he should be thanking his lucky stars (or bob knight who knows) for his job at espn.Dakich is a smug bastard. And he's angry because as a coach he is a shit stain in IU history beyond his playing days
You must be a big meany UK fan.he's had me blocked for a while
ESPN should can him for this. They won't. UK should blackball him as best that they can. The first tweet was not good, but the second is unacceptable for a man who works in the business and calls games.
What would that prove? The guy is a penis from head to toe.