Our Shot at the Citrus Bowl.


Oct 1, 2016
First off, we ain’t NY6 bound unless we beat U of L by 200, propelling is into the Top 10/11/12 final rankings. And that is damn near impossible, on many fronts.

Short of making the NY6, the TOP PRIZE is the Citrus, who has Cart Blanc choice from among all SEC teams after the NY6 have “eaten” the Top 2/3/4 SEC teams. And The Citrus can choose based upon it’s own criteria: but when we were chosen in 2018/19 we WERE the highest ranked SEC team not in the NY6 bowls. I think they typically choose the highest ranked, but don’t absolutely have to do so.

Matt Jones repeated a half-truth on his show, after the roundball game, saying we needed Bama and UGA “to both make the Play Offs.”

Not exactly: Bama could lose to UGA in the title game, drop to 7th nationally, and would be assured a NY6 bowl, by still being well within the Top 12. Should Bama lose to both Auburn and UGA, they could fall far enough to hit the Citrus, but I don’t see them losing to Auburn.

Other than UGA and Bama, the next likeliest NY6 team from the SEC is Ole Miss, who came into last Saturday ranked 12th, and “on the bubble” for NY6 participation. Should they beat the Flying Leaches in Starkville in the Egg Bowl, they should move up a slot or two (or three) and punch their 10-2 ticket for the NY6, and we should hope they do!! If they lose to MSU, they become a 9-3 team, and a heavy competitor with (hopefully) a 9-3 Kentucky team for the Citrus Bowl.

TAMU is the next likeliest competitor for the Citrus Slot. If they lose to LSU, in their final game, they finish 8-4, and we would surely leap frog them in the rankings.

The best that MSU and Arky can finish is 8-4, and I think a 9-3 Kentucky would get the Citrus nod over either of them.

So I would argue our PATH BACK TO THE CITRUS BOWL requires the following outcomes, more or less ranked in order of importance:

1. Cats Must Beat the Redbirds. Don’t beat them, and Charlotte and Nashville are in play.

2. Bama wins either or both the Auburn and Georgia games, and whether Top 4 or Top 8, get a NY6 game. If Bama losses to both Auburn and then Badly to UGA in the SEC title game, conceivably they drop to the Citrus Bowl level, such as they did in 2019.

3. Ole Miss beats MSU in the Egg Bowl, and at 10-2, achieve a final committee ranking of 9th, or so, keeping them in the NY6 bowl level.

4. TAMU drops their road finale to LSU in Baton Rouge, leaving their record 8-4, and giving LSU bowl eligibility at 6-6.

Citrus isn’t out-of-reach, but things have to line up for it to happen.
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First off, we ain’t NY6 bound unless we beat U of L by 200, propelling is into the Top 10/11/12 final rankings. And that is damn near impossible, on many fronts.

Short of making the NY6, the TOP PRIZE is the Citrus, who has Cart Blanc choice from among all SEC teams after the NY6 have “eaten” the Top 2/3/4 SEC teams. And The Citrus can choose based upon it’s own criteria: but when we were chosen in 2018/19 we WERE the highest ranked SEC team not in the NY6 bowls. I think they typically choose the highest ranked, but don’t absolutely have to do so.

Matt Jones repeated a half-truth on his show, after the roundball game, saying we needed Bama and UGA “to both make the Play Offs.”

Not exactly: Bama could lose to UGA in the title game, drop to 7th nationally, and would be assured a NY6 bowl, by still being well within the Top 12. Should Bama lose to both Auburn and UGA, they could fall far enough to hit the Citrus, but I don’t see them losing to Auburn.

Other than UGA and Bama, the next likeliest NY6 team from the SEC is Ole Miss, who came into last Saturday ranked 12th, and “on the bubble” for NY6 participation. Should they beat the Flying Leaches in Starkville in the Egg Bowl, they should move up a slot or two (or three) and punch their 10-2 ticket for the NY6, and we should hope they do!! If they lose to MSU, they become a 9-3 team, and a heavy competitor with (hopefully) a 9-3 Kentucky team for the Citrus Bowl.

TAMU is the next likeliest competitor for the Citrus Slot. If they lose to LSU, in their final game, they finish 8-4, and we would surely leap frog them in the rankings.

The best that MSU and Arky can finish is 8-4, and I think a 9-3 Kentucky would get the Citrus nod over either of them.

So I would argue our PATH BACK TO THE CITRUS BOWL requires the following outcomes, more or less ranked in order of importance:

1. Cats Must Beat the Redbirds. Don’t beat them, and Charlotte and Nashville are in play.

2. Bama wins either or both the Auburn and Georgia games, and whether Top 4 or Top 8, get a NY6 game. If Bama losses to both Auburn and then Badly to UGA in the SEC title game, conceivably they drop to the Citrus Bowl level, such as they did in 2019.

3. Ole Miss beats MSU in the Egg Bowl, and at 10-2, achieve a final committee ranking of 9th, or so, keeping them in the NY6 bowl level.

4. TAMU drops their road finale to LSU in Baton Rouge, leaving their record 8-4, and giving LSU bowl eligibility at 6-6.

Citrus isn’t out-of-reach, but things have to line up for it to happen.
TAMU also might well get ny6 bowl, if they beat lsu. I could see a couple of teams in front of them dropping games, (mich st, etc.) Plus conference championships knocking some down.
The Citrus is a nice but I much prefer the Outback Bowl. It is a much better stadium and Tampa is a lot more fun than Orlando, IMO. Plus you are very close to the Gulf.

I am going to be there and enjoy if we are fortunate to get either one
Same here, mainly because of Free room and Board with my Brother-in-law in Clearwater, and we will be down there for Christmas anyway.
I'm all in on the Outback also. Probably because we played in the Citrus a few years ago. Been a long time since the Outback. Like others, I just want a different opponent.
First off, we ain’t NY6 bound unless we beat U of L by 200, propelling is into the Top 10/11/12 final rankings. And that is damn near impossible, on many fronts.

Short of making the NY6, the TOP PRIZE is the Citrus, who has Cart Blanc choice from among all SEC teams after the NY6 have “eaten” the Top 2/3/4 SEC teams. And The Citrus can choose based upon it’s own criteria: but when we were chosen in 2018/19 we WERE the highest ranked SEC team not in the NY6 bowls. I think they typically choose the highest ranked, but don’t absolutely have to do so.

Matt Jones repeated a half-truth on his show, after the roundball game, saying we needed Bama and UGA “to both make the Play Offs.”

Not exactly: Bama could lose to UGA in the title game, drop to 7th nationally, and would be assured a NY6 bowl, by still being well within the Top 12. Should Bama lose to both Auburn and UGA, they could fall far enough to hit the Citrus, but I don’t see them losing to Auburn.

Other than UGA and Bama, the next likeliest NY6 team from the SEC is Ole Miss, who came into last Saturday ranked 12th, and “on the bubble” for NY6 participation. Should they beat the Flying Leaches in Starkville in the Egg Bowl, they should move up a slot or two (or three) and punch their 10-2 ticket for the NY6, and we should hope they do!! If they lose to MSU, they become a 9-3 team, and a heavy competitor with (hopefully) a 9-3 Kentucky team for the Citrus Bowl.

TAMU is the next likeliest competitor for the Citrus Slot. If they lose to LSU, in their final game, they finish 8-4, and we would surely leap frog them in the rankings.

The best that MSU and Arky can finish is 8-4, and I think a 9-3 Kentucky would get the Citrus nod over either of them.

So I would argue our PATH BACK TO THE CITRUS BOWL requires the following outcomes, more or less ranked in order of importance:

1. Cats Must Beat the Redbirds. Don’t beat them, and Charlotte and Nashville are in play.

2. Bama wins either or both the Auburn and Georgia games, and whether Top 4 or Top 8, get a NY6 game. If Bama losses to both Auburn and then Badly to UGA in the SEC title game, conceivably they drop to the Citrus Bowl level, such as they did in 2019.

3. Ole Miss beats MSU in the Egg Bowl, and at 10-2, achieve a final committee ranking of 9th, or so, keeping them in the NY6 bowl level.

4. TAMU drops their road finale to LSU in Baton Rouge, leaving their record 8-4, and giving LSU bowl eligibility at 6-6.

Citrus isn’t out-of-reach, but things have to line up for it to happen.
UKs loss to Tennessee screwed the pooch IMHO.
First off, we ain’t NY6 bound unless we beat U of L by 200, propelling is into the Top 10/11/12 final rankings. And that is damn near impossible, on many fronts.

Short of making the NY6, the TOP PRIZE is the Citrus, who has Cart Blanc choice from among all SEC teams after the NY6 have “eaten” the Top 2/3/4 SEC teams. And The Citrus can choose based upon it’s own criteria: but when we were chosen in 2018/19 we WERE the highest ranked SEC team not in the NY6 bowls. I think they typically choose the highest ranked, but don’t absolutely have to do so.

Matt Jones repeated a half-truth on his show, after the roundball game, saying we needed Bama and UGA “to both make the Play Offs.”

Not exactly: Bama could lose to UGA in the title game, drop to 7th nationally, and would be assured a NY6 bowl, by still being well within the Top 12. Should Bama lose to both Auburn and UGA, they could fall far enough to hit the Citrus, but I don’t see them losing to Auburn.

Other than UGA and Bama, the next likeliest NY6 team from the SEC is Ole Miss, who came into last Saturday ranked 12th, and “on the bubble” for NY6 participation. Should they beat the Flying Leaches in Starkville in the Egg Bowl, they should move up a slot or two (or three) and punch their 10-2 ticket for the NY6, and we should hope they do!! If they lose to MSU, they become a 9-3 team, and a heavy competitor with (hopefully) a 9-3 Kentucky team for the Citrus Bowl.

TAMU is the next likeliest competitor for the Citrus Slot. If they lose to LSU, in their final game, they finish 8-4, and we would surely leap frog them in the rankings.

The best that MSU and Arky can finish is 8-4, and I think a 9-3 Kentucky would get the Citrus nod over either of them.

So I would argue our PATH BACK TO THE CITRUS BOWL requires the following outcomes, more or less ranked in order of importance:

1. Cats Must Beat the Redbirds. Don’t beat them, and Charlotte and Nashville are in play.

2. Bama wins either or both the Auburn and Georgia games, and whether Top 4 or Top 8, get a NY6 game. If Bama losses to both Auburn and then Badly to UGA in the SEC title game, conceivably they drop to the Citrus Bowl level, such as they did in 2019.

3. Ole Miss beats MSU in the Egg Bowl, and at 10-2, achieve a final committee ranking of 9th, or so, keeping them in the NY6 bowl level.

4. TAMU drops their road finale to LSU in Baton Rouge, leaving their record 8-4, and giving LSU bowl eligibility at 6-6.

Citrus isn’t out-of-reach, but things have to line up for it to happen.
Damn Hack thats some fancy cipherin!
First off, we ain’t NY6 bound unless we beat U of L by 200, propelling is into the Top 10/11/12 final rankings. And that is damn near impossible, on many fronts.

Short of making the NY6, the TOP PRIZE is the Citrus, who has Cart Blanc choice from among all SEC teams after the NY6 have “eaten” the Top 2/3/4 SEC teams. And The Citrus can choose based upon it’s own criteria: but when we were chosen in 2018/19 we WERE the highest ranked SEC team not in the NY6 bowls. I think they typically choose the highest ranked, but don’t absolutely have to do so.

Matt Jones repeated a half-truth on his show, after the roundball game, saying we needed Bama and UGA “to both make the Play Offs.”

Not exactly: Bama could lose to UGA in the title game, drop to 7th nationally, and would be assured a NY6 bowl, by still being well within the Top 12. Should Bama lose to both Auburn and UGA, they could fall far enough to hit the Citrus, but I don’t see them losing to Auburn.

Other than UGA and Bama, the next likeliest NY6 team from the SEC is Ole Miss, who came into last Saturday ranked 12th, and “on the bubble” for NY6 participation. Should they beat the Flying Leaches in Starkville in the Egg Bowl, they should move up a slot or two (or three) and punch their 10-2 ticket for the NY6, and we should hope they do!! If they lose to MSU, they become a 9-3 team, and a heavy competitor with (hopefully) a 9-3 Kentucky team for the Citrus Bowl.

TAMU is the next likeliest competitor for the Citrus Slot. If they lose to LSU, in their final game, they finish 8-4, and we would surely leap frog them in the rankings.

The best that MSU and Arky can finish is 8-4, and I think a 9-3 Kentucky would get the Citrus nod over either of them.

So I would argue our PATH BACK TO THE CITRUS BOWL requires the following outcomes, more or less ranked in order of importance:

1. Cats Must Beat the Redbirds. Don’t beat them, and Charlotte and Nashville are in play.

2. Bama wins either or both the Auburn and Georgia games, and whether Top 4 or Top 8, get a NY6 game. If Bama losses to both Auburn and then Badly to UGA in the SEC title game, conceivably they drop to the Citrus Bowl level, such as they did in 2019.

3. Ole Miss beats MSU in the Egg Bowl, and at 10-2, achieve a final committee ranking of 9th, or so, keeping them in the NY6 bowl level.

4. TAMU drops their road finale to LSU in Baton Rouge, leaving their record 8-4, and giving LSU bowl eligibility at 6-6.

Citrus isn’t out-of-reach, but things have to line up for it to happen.
Good analysis, except for one assumption- "if they lose to LSU, in their final game, they finish 8-4, and we would surely leapfrog them in the rankings". Given where they're at now, and where UK is now, that's not likely. The hope is the Citrus prioritizes 5-3 being better than 4-4 in conference, over poll or committee rankings.
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The hope is the Citrus prioritizes 5-3 being better than 4-4 in conference, over poll or committee rankings.
And the Citrus has the final say, and can use any criteria they want to.

I know A @ M travels well, but our crowd at the Citrus in 2019 I estimated at 32,000 (plus).

Not quite a sell out, but I think we did our half.
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First off, we ain’t NY6 bound unless we beat U of L by 200, propelling is into the Top 10/11/12 final rankings. And that is damn near impossible, on many fronts.

Short of making the NY6, the TOP PRIZE is the Citrus, who has Cart Blanc choice from among all SEC teams after the NY6 have “eaten” the Top 2/3/4 SEC teams. And The Citrus can choose based upon it’s own criteria: but when we were chosen in 2018/19 we WERE the highest ranked SEC team not in the NY6 bowls. I think they typically choose the highest ranked, but don’t absolutely have to do so.

Matt Jones repeated a half-truth on his show, after the roundball game, saying we needed Bama and UGA “to both make the Play Offs.”

Not exactly: Bama could lose to UGA in the title game, drop to 7th nationally, and would be assured a NY6 bowl, by still being well within the Top 12. Should Bama lose to both Auburn and UGA, they could fall far enough to hit the Citrus, but I don’t see them losing to Auburn.

Other than UGA and Bama, the next likeliest NY6 team from the SEC is Ole Miss, who came into last Saturday ranked 12th, and “on the bubble” for NY6 participation. Should they beat the Flying Leaches in Starkville in the Egg Bowl, they should move up a slot or two (or three) and punch their 10-2 ticket for the NY6, and we should hope they do!! If they lose to MSU, they become a 9-3 team, and a heavy competitor with (hopefully) a 9-3 Kentucky team for the Citrus Bowl.

TAMU is the next likeliest competitor for the Citrus Slot. If they lose to LSU, in their final game, they finish 8-4, and we would surely leap frog them in the rankings.

The best that MSU and Arky can finish is 8-4, and I think a 9-3 Kentucky would get the Citrus nod over either of them.

So I would argue our PATH BACK TO THE CITRUS BOWL requires the following outcomes, more or less ranked in order of importance:

1. Cats Must Beat the Redbirds. Don’t beat them, and Charlotte and Nashville are in play.

2. Bama wins either or both the Auburn and Georgia games, and whether Top 4 or Top 8, get a NY6 game. If Bama losses to both Auburn and then Badly to UGA in the SEC title game, conceivably they drop to the Citrus Bowl level, such as they did in 2019.

3. Ole Miss beats MSU in the Egg Bowl, and at 10-2, achieve a final committee ranking of 9th, or so, keeping them in the NY6 bowl level.

4. TAMU drops their road finale to LSU in Baton Rouge, leaving their record 8-4, and giving LSU bowl eligibility at 6-6.

Citrus isn’t out-of-reach, but things have to line up for it to happen.

Great summary. THe only thing missing here, IMO, is that A&M has a good shot at the NY6. They're favored by a TD in Baton Rouge and ranked 16. They could easily rise to the top 12 and get a NY 6 slot. Interesting that I think PSU will beat MSU which would drop MSU out of the NY6 and down to the citrus or outback. Also, keep an eye on wisconsin and Iowa and minny as those teams are jostling for slots in citrus, outback, and music.
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Great summary. THe only thing missing here, IMO, is that A&M has a good shot at the NY6. They're favored by a TD in Baton Rouge and ranked 16. They could easily rise to the top 12 and get a NY 6 slot. Interesting that I think PSU will beat MSU which would drop MSU out of the NY6 and down to the citrus or outback. Also, keep an eye on wisconsin and Iowa and minny as those teams are jostling for slots in citrus, outback, and music.
You give A&M a better shot than I do. First it will likely take a top 11, possibly 10 ranking to get a NY6 bowl this year. The ACC champ is guaranteed a NY6 bowl and I don't see either Pitt or WF in the top 12. Also if Utah beats Oregon (again) they get the Rose bowl but would not likely gain the top 12 either. Each of these guaranteed arrangement bumps the top 12 to 11 to 10.
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I think the Dawgs will take the Rebs out in the Egg Bowl. The Pirate has things rolling in Starkvegas. Either way it should be a fun game!
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Bama, Miss, aTm, & Ky win out then Bama to playoffs, Miss to Sugar, aTm to Peach, Ky to Citrus. There you go!
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I just don't see A&M making into the top 11 to make NY6 bowl.
Yeah, not likely.

Essentially, what should be the SEC’s 4th/5th “slot” will be an entirely subjective decision by the Citrus. And I would guess they take the highest ranked team.

When it comes to the group of six bowls, thereafter, we should be no lower than Outback . . . and haven’t played in that game in 23 years, but have done Gator, MCB and Charlotte in the last 5 years.

UT had an equivalent SEC record to ours in 2019 but beat us head-to-head, and insisted they get the Gator “above” the Charlotte Bowl.

If A & M beats LSU, going 5-3, but not advancing in the rankings enough, they’ll likely get Citrus, but Barnhart will have a great argument that we deserve the 5th/6th slot, typically the Outback Bowl, if we finish 5-3/9-3.
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