I didn't say redneck or hillbilly. That doesn't bother me anyway. Hell, I'm a UK fan and a contractor. I love rednecks, blue collar, hillbillies. What bothers me, and I knew it existed because I see the posts on facebook suggestions, is the mercenaries showing up for a weekend tourney to play with a team they've never met for 8-10u. Especially for podunk meaningless destination tournaments. That's just really weird. Doing that every single weekend in the FALL!! If I had to repeat that experience again this weekend in Branson... f*ck off.
Yeah, that part was mostly directed at uko’s comment about travel ball culture. He was implying it’s full of the blue collar nice guys. Which there are plenty of those, but it’s not the main stereotype I see.

And I agree, the 10u weekend mercenaries are odd. But I’ve done some of that w my oldest this fall bc he can’t get enough. But there’s a difference in doing with a 10yr old and a high schooler imo
I will never, ever, ever understand the disgusting leadership vacuum that occurs after these national emergencies. There's 100 people dead, with hundreds more missing in the flooding across Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, etc. And, without the slightest bit of irony, our country just sent $17 billion this weekend to Israel and Ukraine in order to kill more people in war. Not to Americans in America, but for war.

If you were, say, running for President, wouldn't you be insanely popular if you just got on a camera and said "I think we messed up. Vote for me and I'm taking every single penny that would go overseas, and I'm sending all those tens of billions of dollars to Americans. In America. To rebuild America. And I'm bringing our troops home to help, so that instead of guarding sand 5,000 miles away, they're coming home to help YOU."

PTI (pti) for President.
Of GYERO regulars, UKO is the only person I'd want running things less than PTI.


I'm taking a Hundo Cat / wcc split ticket if it is up to me.
Also a half billion to Taiwan.

IDK why Israel needs any money from us. They seem to do just fine on their own. And of who does get US taxpayer monies, at least they are providing service to the rest of the world and at quite a bargain.
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Yeah, that part was mostly directed at uko’s comment about travel ball culture. He was implying it’s full of the blue collar nice guys. Which there are plenty of those, but it’s not the main stereotype I see.

And I agree, the 10u weekend mercenaries are odd. But I’ve done some of that w my oldest this fall bc he can’t get enough. But there’s a difference in doing with a 10yr old and a high schooler imo
Of course things are different when they're the age to specialize and are a legit talent. But at 8-10... it's very weird.

Our kids were waaaay more interested in go karts and the pool. As they should be.
The dad wearing the two snap Starter shorts as he rakes the infield and paints the chalk batters box/foul line is always a stable, happy-go-lucky chap.

The precision is “for the kids”.

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