OT: Wow, Scottie Pippen called Phil Jackson, racist

Here's my thing- unless Pippen experienced racism in some personal way from Phil Jackson, all he is doing here is assuming that had to be the reason for the decision for Kukoc to take that shot. It should be pointed out that there are many factors that go into such a decision. Kukoc and Pippen were similar shooters for their careers, so I don't think that's a good argument. But for clutch shooting, Kukoc may have been the better option. Also, I can't remember the game in question, but who has the hot hand would factor in as well. And sometimes a coach just has a gut feeling or instinct in the huddle. Bottom line- you can't just assume racism, even if that is clearly THE thing to assume in 2021.
The word is thrown araound so easily nowadays. It's a conversation ender when you do that. Pippen thought he was on the same level as Jordan and how dare Phil not call the play for him.
Weak and lame to go that route. Just further erodes his character and makes
him look foolish.
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Here's my thing- unless Pippen experienced racism in some personal way from Phil Jackson, all he is doing here is assuming that had to be the reason for the decision for Kukoc to take that shot. It should be pointed out that there are many factors that go into such a decision. Kukoc and Pippen were similar shooters for their careers, so I don't think that's a good argument. But for clutch shooting, Kukoc may have been the better option. Also, I can't remember the game in question, but who has the hot hand would factor in as well. And sometimes a coach just has a gut feeling or instinct in the huddle. Bottom line- you can't just assume racism, even if that is clearly THE thing to assume in 2021.

I just can't imagine, a coach like Phil Jackson, who has coached black players leading up to that game, with the playoffs on the line... thinking with racism-first, as to who should have the last shot.

Do we really think, in the heat of the moment, some underlying racism came into play?

Crazy times we're living in.
Well, I would agree with that to a point. He is certainly entitled to his opinion, and if he really believes Phil is a racist, then that's his opinion. But if you're going to slam the man who helped coach you to 6 titles, I would say you should have some clear evidence this is true in order for me to believe. "Sure, I'll go along with that" is not the way to out someone as a racist when it's never even been suggested before. Have you heard the man use racial slurs? Have you witnessed the man being a racist? Show me something, tell me something. "He wouldn't let me take the last shot" is not evidence of racism.
Scotty just has it turned around. Scotty himself is the one that is racist.
I heard Bart Scott yesterday on his ESPN radio show (but it sounded like Riddick), get called out by a caller who asked why it was OK for him to say that "light-skinned NBA players are soft", and how that's acceptable to say in 2021. Bart Scott, SOMEHOW, spun it to be that it was just a locker room joke, and that it's fine. Then ended the call.

WHAT?! Seriously?! How do you still have a job after that? How are you allowed to say that light-skinned ANYTHING is lesser than something else? I mean, imagine saying black coaches are inferior because they're dark-skinned and not as smart as white coaches? Could you even get that sentence off before you were escorted out the door?

No idea how Bart Scott isn't in deep shit over that..
I heard Bart Scott yesterday on his ESPN radio show (but it sounded like Riddick), get called out by a caller who asked why it was OK for him to say that "light-skinned NBA players are soft", and how that's acceptable to say in 2021. Bart Scott, SOMEHOW, spun it to be that it was just a locker room joke, and that it's fine. Then ended the call.

WHAT?! Seriously?! How do you still have a job after that? How are you allowed to say that light-skinned ANYTHING is lesser than something else? I mean, imagine saying black coaches are inferior because they're dark-skinned and not as smart as white coaches? Could you even get that sentence off before you were escorted out the door?

No idea how Bart Scott isn't in deep shit over that..
Two sets of rules. One for blacks, and one for others. Because they say a black guy can't be racist. That's what we're told.
I just can't imagine, a coach like Phil Jackson, who has coached black players leading up to that game, with the playoffs on the line... thinking with racism-first, as to who should have the last shot.

Do we really think, in the heat of the moment, some underlying racism came into play?

Crazy times we're living in.
Yeah, that damned racist Jackson. Letting that whitey Jordan shoot all those shots. Just because of that pure Arian blood flowing in his veins. Jackson was such a bigot.
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Didn’t Kukoc make that shot with like 2 seconds on the clock for the win?? Sounds like Phil made the right call to me.
Jackson coaches you to six titles, and now, decades later, you publicly accuse him of being a racist without giving any substance to the allegation?

Goes to show you that perhaps the worst sin is ingratitude. Pippen should be ashamed of himself and everyone who cares at all about real racism should call him out.