Why is this guy a 'kid' to too many? Why is every time people want sympathy for the perpetrator, they try to make him a 'kid' or a 'child'? Michael Brown and Treyvon Martin come to mind. This MAN (who has to be a minimum of 22 years old) was flying a remote control 'helicopter' over a crowded football stadium for his amusement. He was clearly irresponsible, and either so stupid that he was not aware of the dangers to others, or he didn't just didn't give a damn. IMHO, the former makes it a misdemeanor, and the latter makes it a willful felony.
So if this MAN was so stupid, and deserves a misdemeanor charge, why is he in law school at UK? Family pulled strings? My money says the Kentucky Bar gives this guy more hell than the University or the good ole boy penal system ever does. Though most Americans don't believe it, poor judgement is a big deal to Bar Associations in approving admissions. I also know a guy who was prohibited from admission in Kentucky because he was in a car where another guy had a joint in his pocket. The Florida Bar stalled my admission for 7 months, after I passed the exam, because I couldn't provide a street address of a summer job I worked in Indiana 25 years earlier. I am certain that this copter moron knows the stringent bar rules. He is in for a world of crap from them.