People making excuses for this "kid" amuse me. If this guy has any common sense, he knows that you are not supposed to fly these things in NFZ. One should know that hospital helipads and a packed stadium would be off-limits; this is mere common sense. He made the choice; he should have to suffer the consequences. If he is not a first year law student, one can deduct that he is at least 23; he is old enough to know better, and is responsible for his actions. People do stupid things all of the time, but they have to suffer the consequences. "Young and stupid" does not excuse you, or exempt you from the impending consequences. No excuses. If this is his first infraction, a fine/community service, with a one-semester suspension is sufficient. I think that probation is too light. People get kicked out for less than that. I guess if you have the money to pay, then, why not keep them in? If he would have injured someone, this would have been far worse. I also believe in far stiffer penalties for repeat offenders. In this case, one more similar offense should carry a small jail sentence (<30 days), since he clearly would not have learned the lesson the first time, in addition to dismissal. I find many people to be factually smart (aka "book smart"), but have an IQ of 20 when concerning common sense.