OT: Today I Learned the Memphis Tigers


Apr 12, 2010
once called the 6th largest pyramid in the world their home. How the hell does this escape me? Was it during some of the Tubby Years where, with counseling, I have all but erased a ten year period of hoops. Either way, it looks like a sweet venue. Any first hand accounts of the place?
Absolutely! It was called "The Tomb of Doom" and I thought it was a cool venue! Unfortunately, it was built before the suites were "all the rage" and there was no way to add them later. Of course, this was all before the Grizzlies called Memphis their home. Once they came to town, a deal was $truck to build Fedex Forum and, as part of the deal, U of M had to play their game$ in the Forum. This left The Pyramid with no tenant. On a side note…the new Bass Pro Shop is REALLY cool!
The house that Sidney Schlinker built. Good for sports, sucked for concerts.
I saw both Phish, and the Grateful Dead there in the mid 90's so it's been around we'll over 20 years since I went, and it wasnt new when I went there, but yeah it's an awesome venue, even though it's in a very rough part of town!
I made several trips to it as it was being built. My company sold the audio/visual equipment for it, so I had a vendor pass where I could go anytime to check the process of construction, work with engineering, etc. Was never there for a game so don't know what it was like with a full house, but it was a neat building. Have wondered over the years since the other arena in town was built, what they use the Pyramid for now.
Went to three or four games there.

First two rounds in '95 NCAA tournament were held there as well.
I heard it was going to be the countrys largest Bass Pro Shop....not sure what happened to that plan.
I heard it was going to be the countrys largest Bass Pro Shop....not sure what happened to that plan.
It is. It's a spectacle to see. Look at online pics. Fish tanks and so much stuff to see. The elevator is cool
That is quite amazing. I'll make it a point to stop by next time I'm down that way for sure.
once called the 6th largest pyramid in the world their home. How the hell does this escape me? Was it during some of the Tubby Years where, with counseling, I have all but erased a ten year period of hoops. Either way, it looks like a sweet venue. Any first hand accounts of the place?
Somebody else likes reddit? /r/thethingsigetexcitedabout...fml
It was during the Pitino years when the Pyramid opened. Ole Miss actually used it for at least one of their UK home games. I was there when Ole Miss hosted UK in 1994. I remember being so pissed off at Riddick for his lack of effort during that game. Personally, I didn't think much of the Pyramid for basketball purposes, particularly because the lower level wasn't on much of a slope at all. The angle of view allowed you to see half the basketball floor and half of the head sitting in front of you. Saw Van Halen there in early 90s.
once called the 6th largest pyramid in the world their home. How the hell does this escape me? Was it during some of the Tubby Years where, with counseling, I have all but erased a ten year period of hoops. Either way, it looks like a sweet venue. Any first hand accounts of the place?
Just curious as to how young you are to not know this already? Not a diss just wondering.
We're getting old my brother.
Crazy to think the pyramid was opened in the 90s. It was Closed and Memphis sports college and pro started playing in forum in early 2000s. Kinda weird you would build such an elaborate venue and close it shortly after
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Crazy to think the pyramid was opened in the 90s. It was Closed and Memphis sports college and pro started playing in forum in early 2000s. Kinda weird you would build such an elaborate venue and close it shortly after

Just staying in typical liberal democrat fashion. Build and let rot.
If you think that's cool, check out the original.


But seriously, Cats won there in 94 SEC tournament.

I watched Mike Tyson's last KO there in 02. That was also where the Grizzlies played upon arrival in Memphis.