America is basically the only wealthy, developed country that hasn’t contained the virus. Wonder why that is?
Because it is an election year !
Thanks for the stats and that’s exactly the point. Arizona needs watching, so they are watching it. No need to shut down Wyoming because Arizona’s numbers are up.
In my opinion, this should have always been the path. Take great care to protect the most vulnerable communities. Allow for normal spread among communities that aren’t at particular risk of serious illness or death. Keep an eye on hotspots and commit resources to those areas as needed.
Scalpel. Not a machete.
It's almost as if no one in our government had any plan to contain this virus. We aren't containing it now, just watching it spread.Thanks for the stats and that’s exactly the point. Arizona needs watching, so they are watching it. No need to shut down Wyoming because Arizona’s numbers are up.
In my opinion, this should have always been the path. Take great care to protect the most vulnerable communities. Allow for normal spread among communities that aren’t at particular risk of serious illness or death. Keep an eye on hotspots and commit resources to those areas as needed.
Scalpel. Not a machete.
Then explain why the % of positives is increasing relative to before there was increased testingIt's definitely more testing causing the "spike". Sadly, the media mob will put sports in jeopardy. Just sick to my stomach thinking about a fall without football and a winter without basketball.
Then explain why the % of positives is increasing relative to before there was increased testing
That’s not how this works. If you’re being dismissive of facts then you need to show why the facts are wrong.I just read through some of your recent posts. It seems you think you know everything and are smarter than us peasants here, so you explain it big guy.
I’ve given my facts. Show me the”facts” of your statement.That’s not how this works. If you’re being dismissive of facts then you need to show why the facts are wrong.
You keep talking about herd immunity, but there are zero epidemiologists who are saying this will actually work as we don't have a vaccine and we don't have a large enough of the population exposed to the virus (70% of our population or 200+ million people).
We clearly have documented cases of individuals becoming infected for a second time.
We are a society know so very little about COVID, yet you keep harping on this point like you actually know something, which I am going to go out on a limb here and say you don't know jack about herd immunity and how it is achieved.
Here's some promising news that @CatsFanGG24 posted today.
This from an article from the 20th...I had been wondering how older people were doing against the virus after all the talk from Italy and Pittsburgh about the virus being much weaker than they’d seen before:
“Coronavirus has downgraded from a "tiger to a wild cat" and could die out on its own without a vaccine, an infectious diseases specialist has claimed.
Prof Matteo Bassetti, head of the infectious diseases clinic at the Policlinico San Martino hospital in Italy, told The Telegraph that Covid-19 has been losing its virulence in the last month and patients who would have previously died are now recovering.”
You keep talking about herd immunity, but there are zero epidemiologists who are saying this will actually work as we don't have a vaccine and we don't have a large enough of the population exposed to the virus (70% of our population or 200+ million people).
We clearly have documented cases of individuals becoming infected for a second time.
We are a society know so very little about COVID, yet you keep harping on this point like you actually know something, which I am going to go out on a limb here and say you don't know jack about herd immunity and how it is achieved.
Aike is a pretty decent statistician, you might want to listen when he has something to say. And yes, herd immunity is a REALLY big deal. Even if there is a reinfection rate, there is little doubt that some measure of immunity is involved in a large percentage of the recovered population. It that was not true, you’d have 10’s of 1000’s of reinfected cases to back your claim. You do not.
The science specifically on Corona is pretty immature, but it’s not our first rodeo with viruses in general. There is no magic here. Both sides of the political spectrum are WRONG on their extreme responses. The ‘nuke’ did its job. The idiots that thought it was a non-issue were just that. It is, in fact, time for a scalpel not more daisy cutters. Some communities will have to react. Sports will need a plan when they do. ,
A statistician does not make for an epidemiologist...not sure where you are going with that, but whatever.
Yes, herd immunity is huge, but once again, we don't have a vaccine and waiting until about 70%+ of our population to get Covid is going to take a real long time.
We agree, the science around Covid is immature...further bolstering my argument that said poster has no idea what he is talking about when it comes to herd immunity...but yeah, he might be good with numbers.
Thanks for the stats and that’s exactly the point. Arizona needs watching, so they are watching it. No need to shut down Wyoming because Arizona’s numbers are up.
In my opinion, this should have always been the path. Take great care to protect the most vulnerable communities. Allow for normal spread among communities that aren’t at particular risk of serious illness or death. Keep an eye on hotspots and commit resources to those areas as needed.
Scalpel. Not a machete.
This was tried in Sweden and it was a flop. Their death rate way higher than neighboring countries. And the director of health apologized to the Swedish people for his error in not starting a lockdown like everyone else.
I wouldn’t call it a flop. I’d say they didn’t do as good a job as they should have of protecting their most vulnerable populations.
67% of Sweden’s Covid deaths have been age 80+. 89% have been age 70+.
I think they got it right in allowing their society to continue to operate. They probably should have moved much more quickly to install new safety protocols at nursing homes.
I wouldn’t call it a flop. I’d say they didn’t do as good a job as they should have of protecting their most vulnerable populations.
67% of Sweden’s Covid deaths have been age 80+. 89% have been age 70+.
I think they got it right in allowing their society to continue to operate. They probably should have moved much more quickly to install new safety protocols at nursing homes.
i remember when everyone freaked out about "death panels". fast forward 8 years and now they are the most popular thing going.
Do you happen to know what their ratio of intensive care bed to population might be? They did march to a bit different drummer than the rest of Europe. I’ve never seen a good rationale to explain their initial reasoning. One thing that struck me is perhaps a bit more robust intensive care infrastructure.
Do you happen to know what their ratio of intensive care bed to population might be? They did march to a bit different drummer than the rest of Europe. I’ve never seen a good rationale to explain their initial reasoning. One thing that struck me is perhaps a bit more robust intensive care infrastructure.
I find it interesting that so many feel it’s a non-issue because it’s mainly affecting the elderly.
I think a lot of people would be in favor of a Logan’s Run type society where we kill off everyone when they reach a certain age so we won’t be “burdened” by the elderly.
It would solve our Social Security issue.
I find it interesting that so many feel it’s a non-issue because it’s mainly affecting the elderly.
I think a lot of people would be in favor of a Logan’s Run type society where we kill off everyone when they reach a certain age so we won’t be “burdened” by the elderly.
I can’t speak for everyone, but I think that shutting down our whole society because of a virus that primarily effects the elderly has been a mistake.
Doesn’t mean I don’t care about the elderly. Means I think we would have been in better position to focus on the elderly if the rest of society were not simultaneously crippled.
I'm not finding that people think it's a non-issue because it's mainly affecting the elderly.
What I am finding is that many people believe that it would be much more reasonable to isolate the elderly, while others continue to work, so they can continue to provide for their families, etc.
The majority of Americans over the age of 60 are already retired, and have less of a financial need to be out each day.
If it is possible to shut everyone down (as has been tried over the last three months), it is actually easier to shut down a smaller population (those over the age of 60), while asking those who must come into contact with those over this age to take extra precautions to reduce their own likelihood of infection, and spread of the disease.
I see your point, but I think we saved lives by slowing it down and allowing the health care system to prepare and get ahead of it.
That’s my personal opinion. We were between a rock and a hard place in March and April and that was the only viable solution.
Now we are in much better shape. We have a better understanding of the virus. We have more equipment ready. We have a better handle on what treatments work and which ones don’t work.
But, I didn’t lose my job, so it’s easy for me to say they did the right thing.
I would say that the data in March pointed to the same conclusions I’m drawing today, but because there was less data there was less clarity.
Even as the situation has become more clear over time, a great deal of fear mongering has continued.
I’m not opposed to making emergency decisions out of an abundance of caution. If we think a hurricane is coming, we might shut down. If it misses us, we immediately open back up. If it hits us, we clean up and try to get back to business as usual.
Covid is being used as a pretext to make fundamental changes to society that I find unnecessary. What may have begun as an abundance of caution for some has morphed into something substantially different, imo.