OT: My thoughts on this forum


Apr 15, 2014
I apologize in advance if this thread impurifies the sanctity of this board in and of itself... I had some thoughts today that I thought might be worth sharing. This is a tough forum if you know what I mean, especially if you are new. However, it is also the very best basketball forum on the entire internet, I may be biased and I could imagine a Lakers or Celts forum could outnumber us. Can't say I've ever been to an NBA forum, so I can't really speak much on that.

Here's the thing, I've been active on this board since 2010, my latest iteration "BigKari" has been active for a year and some months now. I had a couple different handles before, I can't remember them but I very rarely posted. I've always been primarily a reader. I've averaged about a post a day as "BigKari", but the last few months have seen a pretty significant uptick in my postings.

The reason I post more now is because in the 5 years I've been reading this board, I have learned SO MUCH about the game of basketball. In the past I didn't post much because I didn't have a whole heck of alot to contribute. I picked my spots wisely and definitely flew under the radar. I've had some controversial takes here of late and I've pissed a few people off, I received some "ignores", and you know, they may have been deserved. Along with posting more because I feel like most of my posts are good contributions and generally well received, some of the uptick has been attributed to it being the off season and I need my year round UK BBall fix, this board keeps me sane. Plus this off season has been fairly wild and entertaining, there has definitely been plenty of intrigue.

I've already gone on longer than I meant to and I'm hearing the "wrap up music" in my head, but I just wanted to say, even for its shortcomings and sometimes mild hostility, this board is absolutely amazing. If you are new(or old, no one is really excluded from the vitriol) to this board, you've probably been lambasted by a poster at some point, whether it was deserved or not. I'm here to say, stay around, its worth it. You may have heard people say, "Read more, post less", and it may come off as condescending, but its actually solid advice and you will learn tons.

That's really all I got for you folks. I put an "OT" on this and was up front about the content, so no one would be mislead in viewing this. I know that some of you don't care, and some of you may not care specifically because its coming from me. That's ok, I've been around long enough to understand how it goes.

Less than two months until BBM, I am so geared up for this season. Big things are ahead of us you guys, this is only just getting started. First 5 years (I know its been 6 years, meant what I said, we made history last season) were the foundation, we are about to eviscerate the rest of college basketball. They ain't seen nothin yet.

Everybody have a fantastic and safe Friday. Go Cats!
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Most of this forum is great just like most of our can base. However, because our can base is so large, it also means that we have more idiots than most. All fan based have idiots and logic tells us that the larger the can base, the more idiots you have. Same issue with this board. I was also around here and the premium board for a long time but mostly just reading until a few years ago decided to post more. I have learned who to respect and who doesn't deserve that respect. There are a lot of posters that I enjoy, even though we don't always agree on everything, it's the posters that can have a thoughtful, insightful, and intelligent conversation that keeps me coming back to this board. So, don't sweat the small stuff and the idiots on this board. Seems like some just wait to pounce on anybody that has an individual thought and want to call everyone a troll. Those guys are just idiots and I try to remind myself to consider the source.
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Most of this forum is great just like most of our can base. However, because our can base is so large, it also means that we have more idiots than most. All fan based have idiots and logic tells us that the larger the can base, the more idiots you have. Same issue with this board. I was also around here and the premium board for a long time but mostly just reading until a few years ago decided to post more. I have learned who to respect and who doesn't deserve that respect. There are a lot of posters that I enjoy, even though we don't always agree on everything, it's the posters that can have a thoughtful, insightful, and intelligent conversation that keeps me coming back to this board. So, don't sweat the small stuff and the idiots on this board. Seems like some just wait to pounce on anybody that has an individual thought and want to call everyone a troll. Those guys are just idiots and I try to remind myself to consider the source.

Can base? What the hell is a can base? I'm over here pouring out my heart and soul to this board, and THIS GUY just wants to talk about the base of a can. What gives? Read more, post less rookie, and try not to trip over your non-existant dictionary.

*total sarcasm*
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Can base? What the hell is a can base? I'm over here pouring out my heart and soul to this board, and THIS GUY just wants to talk about the base of a can. What gives? Read more, post less rookie, and try not to trip over your non-existant dictionary.

Dude, what did you expect, after using words like sanctity. I wouldn't even use a word like that.
I apologize in advance if this thread impurifies the sanctity of this board in and of itself... I had some thoughts today that I thought might be worth sharing. This is a tough forum if you know what I mean, especially if you are new. However, it is also the very best basketball forum on the entire internet, I may be biased and I could imagine a Lakers or Celts forum could outnumber us. Can't say I've ever been to an NBA forum, so I can't really speak much on that.

Here's the thing, I've been active on this board since 2010, my latest iteration "BigKari" has been active for a year and some months now. I had a couple different handles before, I can't remember them but I very rarely posted. I've always been primarily a reader. I've averaged about a post a day as "BigKari", but the last few months have seen a pretty significant uptick in my postings.

The reason I post more now is because in the 5 years I've been reading this board, I have learned SO MUCH about the game of basketball. In the past I didn't post much because I didn't have a whole heck of alot to contribute. I picked my spots wisely and definitely flew under the radar. I've had some controversial takes here of late and I've pissed a few people off, I received some "ignores", and you know, they may have been deserved. Along with posting more because I feel like most of my posts are good contributions and generally well received, some of the uptick has been attributed to it being the off season and I need my year round UK BBall fix, this board keeps me sane. Plus this off season has been fairly wild and entertaining, there has definitely been plenty of intrigue.

I've already gone on longer than I meant to and I'm hearing the "wrap up music" in my head, but I just wanted to say, even for its shortcomings and sometimes mild hostility, this board is absolutely amazing. If you are new to this board, you've probably been lambasted by a poster at some point, whether it was deserved or not. I'm here to say, stay around, its worth it. You may have heard people say, "Read more, post less", and it may come off as condescending, but its actually solid advice and you will learn tons.

That's really all I got for you folks. I put an "OT" on this and was up front about the content, so no one would be mislead in viewing this. I know that some of you don't care, and some of you may not care specifically because its coming from me. That's ok, I've been around long enough to understand how it goes.

Less than two months until BBM, I am so geared up for this season. Big things are ahead of us you guys, this is only just getting started. First 5 years (I know its been 6 years, meant what I said, we made history last season) were the foundation, we are about to eviscerate the rest of college basketball. They ain't seen nothin yet.

Everybody have a fantastic and safe Friday. Go Cats!
Didn't read the OP, as the post was way too long. I only can assume it was an essay on why he is sorry he is not a better poster as he started off with "I apologize" but no way to know for sure.
I've been on this site or the sites leading to it's current incarnation for years and years (UK sites for 17-18 years), but I almost never post. While I enjoy much of what this site and the fans offer on a near daily basis, it's just not worth it most of the time. I see more of a " don't let the one good apple spoil the bunch" attitude with many threads.

All I can say is don't let our can base get to you!
I decided to read it, and it was actually a good post. That is rare on this board at times.

I appreciate that UKWildcats#8. I figured many of the dedicated posters on this board would appreciate the post. Also, I hope it does not come off as me thinking my thoughts are more important than anyone elses. I believe if you take the time to read the post in its entirety you will see my how much I genuinely love this board. This was my tribute I guess you could say. I do like to hear myself "talk" I will admit that too.
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I apologize in advance if this thread impurifies the sanctity of this board in and of itself... I had some thoughts today that I thought might be worth sharing. This is a tough forum if you know what I mean, especially if you are new. However, it is also the very best basketball forum on the entire internet, I may be biased and I could imagine a Lakers or Celts forum could outnumber us. Can't say I've ever been to an NBA forum, so I can't really speak much on that.

Here's the thing, I've been active on this board since 2010, my latest iteration "BigKari" has been active for a year and some months now. I had a couple different handles before, I can't remember them but I very rarely posted. I've always been primarily a reader. I've averaged about a post a day as "BigKari", but the last few months have seen a pretty significant uptick in my postings.

The reason I post more now is because in the 5 years I've been reading this board, I have learned SO MUCH about the game of basketball. In the past I didn't post much because I didn't have a whole heck of alot to contribute. I picked my spots wisely and definitely flew under the radar. I've had some controversial takes here of late and I've pissed a few people off, I received some "ignores", and you know, they may have been deserved. Along with posting more because I feel like most of my posts are good contributions and generally well received, some of the uptick has been attributed to it being the off season and I need my year round UK BBall fix, this board keeps me sane. Plus this off season has been fairly wild and entertaining, there has definitely been plenty of intrigue.

I've already gone on longer than I meant to and I'm hearing the "wrap up music" in my head, but I just wanted to say, even for its shortcomings and sometimes mild hostility, this board is absolutely amazing. If you are new(or old, no one is really excluded from the vitriol) to this board, you've probably been lambasted by a poster at some point, whether it was deserved or not. I'm here to say, stay around, its worth it. You may have heard people say, "Read more, post less", and it may come off as condescending, but its actually solid advice and you will learn tons.

That's really all I got for you folks. I put an "OT" on this and was up front about the content, so no one would be mislead in viewing this. I know that some of you don't care, and some of you may not care specifically because its coming from me. That's ok, I've been around long enough to understand how it goes.

Less than two months until BBM, I am so geared up for this season. Big things are ahead of us you guys, this is only just getting started. First 5 years (I know its been 6 years, meant what I said, we made history last season) were the foundation, we are about to eviscerate the rest of college basketball. They ain't seen nothin yet.

Everybody have a fantastic and safe Friday. Go Cats!
can i get this in paperback?
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Nice post. I look at it like this, nothing anyone says on here is going to keep me from sleeping like a baby tonight. Sticks and stones, you know the rest......
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I apologize in advance if this thread impurifies the sanctity of this board in and of itself... I had some thoughts today that I thought might be worth sharing. This is a tough forum if you know what I mean, especially if you are new. However, it is also the very best basketball forum on the entire internet, I may be biased and I could imagine a Lakers or Celts forum could outnumber us. Can't say I've ever been to an NBA forum, so I can't really speak much on that.

Here's the thing, I've been active on this board since 2010, my latest iteration "BigKari" has been active for a year and some months now. I had a couple different handles before, I can't remember them but I very rarely posted. I've always been primarily a reader. I've averaged about a post a day as "BigKari", but the last few months have seen a pretty significant uptick in my postings.

The reason I post more now is because in the 5 years I've been reading this board, I have learned SO MUCH about the game of basketball. In the past I didn't post much because I didn't have a whole heck of alot to contribute. I picked my spots wisely and definitely flew under the radar. I've had some controversial takes here of late and I've pissed a few people off, I received some "ignores", and you know, they may have been deserved. Along with posting more because I feel like most of my posts are good contributions and generally well received, some of the uptick has been attributed to it being the off season and I need my year round UK BBall fix, this board keeps me sane. Plus this off season has been fairly wild and entertaining, there has definitely been plenty of intrigue.

I've already gone on longer than I meant to and I'm hearing the "wrap up music" in my head, but I just wanted to say, even for its shortcomings and sometimes mild hostility, this board is absolutely amazing. If you are new(or old, no one is really excluded from the vitriol) to this board, you've probably been lambasted by a poster at some point, whether it was deserved or not. I'm here to say, stay around, its worth it. You may have heard people say, "Read more, post less", and it may come off as condescending, but its actually solid advice and you will learn tons.

That's really all I got for you folks. I put an "OT" on this and was up front about the content, so no one would be mislead in viewing this. I know that some of you don't care, and some of you may not care specifically because its coming from me. That's ok, I've been around long enough to understand how it goes.

Less than two months until BBM, I am so geared up for this season. Big things are ahead of us you guys, this is only just getting started. First 5 years (I know its been 6 years, meant what I said, we made history last season) were the foundation, we are about to eviscerate the rest of college basketball. They ain't seen nothin yet.

Everybody have a fantastic and safe Friday. Go Cats!

Nice post. I look at it like this, nothing anyone says on here is going to keep me from sleeping like a baby tonight. Sticks and stones, you know the rest......

Consider yourself lucky. I don't think it's related to this board, but I have this weird sleeping pattern going on, where despite being dog tired every night I alternate between no sleep at all one night and like a coma the next night. I don't know if its a disorder or what but its not cool. Thankfully tonight is coma night.
Thanks OP! You are good in my book. I know I've been quite testy with one poster recently but he deserves it. He is a UNC troll. Other than posters like that, most are pretty good.

I am laughing at some of the posts. The humor on this board is second to none.
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I like this place because there's always talk about college basketball going on. Much more so than you see in most other online forums at this time of the year. Plus in general, I've always had good convos with Kentucky fans over the years (including here of late) and it offers a different and unique perspective from the Duke angle I'm obviously more used to. Being a visitor/fan of another team, my simple advice is to be careful of what you post and to be respectful and you're treated fine here even if most people here hate the team you pull for lol.
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I like this place because there's always talk about college basketball going on. Much more so than you see in most other online forums at this time of the year. Plus in general, I've always had good convos with Kentucky fans over the years (including here of late) and it offers a different and unique perspective from the Duke angle I'm obviously more used to. Being a visitor/fan of another team, my simple advice is to be careful of what you post and to be respectful and you're treated fine here even if most people here hate the team you pull for lol.

There are always going to be fans on here that bash other fans simply because they're not UK fans. On the flip side, there are always rival fans who come simply to run their trap and troll simply to argue anything. Then their are those rival fans who do actually come here to converse about college bball. Those are the ones that I will talk with all day long cause you're right, sometimes it's good to hear things from a different perspective or to hear tidbits on what other fan bases are hearing it talking about. I'll talk with those fans all day long but I have little patients for the rivals who come simply to start trouble and run their mouth. Our mods are VERY lenient compared to other boards and everyone knows it, so idiots come and take advantage of our leniency over here. Those rivals get called out real quick and when blood gets in the water, watch out cause it's open season on trolls.

Ps. Please excuse my phones crazy auto correct. It has a mind of its own and I guess it's never heard the word base, so it inserts case. Lol.

Here's the thing, I've been active on this board since 2010, my latest iteration "BigKari" has been active for a year and some months now. I had a couple different handles before, I can't remember them but I very rarely posted. I've always been primarily a reader. I've averaged about a post a day as "BigKari", but the last few months have seen a pretty significant uptick in my postings.

The reason I post more now is because in the 5 years I've been reading this board, I have learned SO MUCH about the game of basketball. In the past I didn't post much because I didn't have a whole heck of alot to contribute. I Go Cats![/QUOTE]

I have read your posts since 2010 and I can't actually tell that you have gotten any more bball intelligent... :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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Here's the thing, I've been active on this board since 2010, my latest iteration "BigKari" has been active for a year and some months now. I had a couple different handles before, I can't remember them but I very rarely posted. I've always been primarily a reader. I've averaged about a post a day as "BigKari", but the last few months have seen a pretty significant uptick in my postings.

The reason I post more now is because in the 5 years I've been reading this board, I have learned SO MUCH about the game of basketball. In the past I didn't post much because I didn't have a whole heck of alot to contribute. I Go Cats!

I have read your posts since 2010 and I can't actually tell that you have gotten any more bball intelligent... :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I've been on this board for almost 10 years and the one thing I've learned is that there's absolutely NOTHING that you can post that won't get a smart ass reply from SOMEONE.

The majority of the posters are great but even some of the good ones will attack you at times.

I just choose my words carefully and always remind myself that it's just a message board.

People will make remarks on here that they wouldn't say directly to someone standing in front of them.

I never post anything that I wouldn't say directly to someones face.
Good post OP - and yes, I read it all :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I, too, have a learned a lot reading this board. I read for probably two years before joining in on the fun. Can't say my basketball intelligence has increased at all, but I did learn how to spot a troll and all the nicknames for various other fanbases.

This is a good board - the best, really. And yes, we do have an absurdly large number of idiots, but that's what happens when you have the largest fanbase.
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I've been on this board for almost 10 years and the one thing I've learned is that there's absolutely NOTHING that you can post that won't get a smart ass reply from SOMEONE.

The majority of the posters are great but even some of the good ones will attack you at times.

I just choose my words carefully and always remind myself that it's just a message board.

People will make remarks on here that they wouldn't say directly to someone standing in front of them.

I never post anything that I wouldn't say directly to someones face.

Definite Troll

Good post OP - and yes, I read it all :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I, too, have a learned a lot reading this board. I read for probably two years before joining in on the fun. Can't say my basketball intelligence has increased at all, but I did learn how to spot a troll and all the nicknames for various other fanbases.

This is a good board - the best, really. And yes, we do have an absurdly large number of idiots, but that's what happens when you have the largest fanbase.

Hey!!! I resemble that. I mean resent....nvm.[pfftt]
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Here's the thing, I've been active on this board since 2010, my latest iteration "BigKari" has been active for a year and some months now. I had a couple different handles before, I can't remember them but I very rarely posted. I've always been primarily a reader. I've averaged about a post a day as "BigKari", but the last few months have seen a pretty significant uptick in my postings.

The reason I post more now is because in the 5 years I've been reading this board, I have learned SO MUCH about the game of basketball. In the past I didn't post much because I didn't have a whole heck of alot to contribute. I Go Cats!

I have read your posts since 2010 and I can't actually tell that you have gotten any more bball intelligent... :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:[/QUOTE]

Impossible. Nobody, including myself, knows what name(s) I used on here 2010-2013.
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Good posts, OP.

Most folks here high in knowledge and basic human courtesies toward one another.