OT Have they cured Cancer?

Small sample size to demonstrate efficacy. But certainly a very strong signal. Note that what is a decent/good treatment for one cancer, often is not efficacious in other types.
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Sounds promising, but cancer is really a broad term covering about a zillion conditions.
No, I agree but if they have cracked the code so to speak they can possibly “tweak” (sorry no pun intended) this drug and help with other cancers now that they have the baseline ( again sorry for pun) established.
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That's funny. Of course they haven't, nor ever will. Cancer is a billion dollar business, so only treatments and not cures. If they wanted a cure so badly, they wouldn't have censored and even killed people that have actually discovered new ways to slow or even stop the disease.
Point taken and sadly it’s a valid one but maybe just maybe…..
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That's funny. Of course they haven't, nor ever will. Cancer is a billion dollar business, so only treatments and not cures. If they wanted a cure so badly, they wouldn't have censored and even killed people that have actually discovered new ways to slow or even stop the disease.

You forgot to mention chemtrails, and how birds were all killed by the deep state and replaced with robotic surveillance drones that look like birds.
Small sample size to demonstrate efficacy. But certainly a very strong signal. Note that what is a decent/good treatment for one cancer, often is not efficacious in other types.
That’s what makes it such a pain. You think you finally have a good treatment. And you go to try it on other cancers and it just does nothing.
That’s what makes it such a pain. You think you finally have a good treatment. And you go to try it on other cancers and it just does nothing.
Agreed but this is different. In all 14 rectal cancer patients the tumors totally disappeared, a 100% success rate!
You forgot to mention chemtrails, and how birds were all killed by the deep state and replaced with robotic surveillance drones that look like birds.
Not sure about all of that, but if you are not aware of the silencing of new discoveries being eliminated, then you're not paying attention.
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Agreed but this is different. In all 14 rectal cancer patients the tumors totally disappeared, a 100% success rate!

We will see. I’d love for it to be true. But there’s been several very promising treatments that don’t do anything to some of the “bigger” cancers (breast, lung, brain).
Not sure about all of that, but if you are not aware of the silencing of new discoveries being silenced, then you're not paying attention.

I’ll be sure to read up on it, thanks. If you could give me a few names of people that were killed because they had info on new treatments and/or cures, I’ll start there. TIA
Most promising is the method this treatment uses to attack cancer cells and weakens them so the body’s natural immune system can kill them. That should be translatable to lots of other types of cancer. Very smart to start with a small sample and build excitement and funding for larger trials and more research on similar cancers.
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That's funny. Of course they haven't, nor ever will. Cancer is a billion dollar business, so only treatments and not cures. If they wanted a cure so badly, they wouldn't have censored and even killed people that have actually discovered new ways to slow or even stop the disease.
Conspiracy, conspiracy, conspiracy. You probably thought Biden won illegally, COVID wasn’t real. What else? JFK still alive? Geesh
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Conspiracy, conspiracy, conspiracy. You probably thought Biden won illegally, COVID wasn’t real. What else? JFK still alive? Geesh
You do know that you can be charged with conspiracy in the court of law right? So yeah, it can be a real thing. I’m sure you’re one of those that would’ve labeled me a nut and a conspiracy theorist if I said 10 years ago that a lot of the worlds most rich and powerful are all in involved in a child sex trafficking ring. And then Epstein’s Client list would drop 10 years later proving that is indeed the case. Don’t be so quick to rush to the assumption that there aren’t shadows lurking among us or underestimate the shady business dealings that consume the underbelly of large and wealthy corporations.
You do know that you can be charged with conspiracy in the court of law right? So yeah, it can be a real thing. I’m sure you’re one of those that would’ve labeled me a nut and a conspiracy theorist if I said 10 years ago that a lot of the worlds most rich and powerful are all in involved in a child sex trafficking ring. And then Epstein’s Client list would drop 10 years later proving that is indeed the case. Don’t be so quick to rush to the assumption that there aren’t shadows lurking among us or underestimate the shady business dealings that consume the underbelly of large and wealthy corporations.

Yeah everyone who questions the motives of the govt or big pharma is labeled a conspiracy theorist to discredit them. It’s a brilliant move like those who take the moral high ground in an argument to ensure they have won no matter the facts.
CNN? Fake news. Let me know what Tucker Carlson and the Jewish Space Laser bitch have to say about it.
Yeah everyone who questions the motives of the govt or big pharma is labeled a conspiracy theorist to discredit them. It’s a brilliant move like those who take the moral high ground in an argument to ensure they have won no matter the facts.
What’s annoying about conspiracy theorists though is that they can’t tell you shit about the actual crazy true conspiracies that involved egregious human rights abuses. Every time I hear a conjecture filled tirade from some goof, I ask them about Cointelpro. 9 times out of 10 they look at me all confused. MOST conspiracy theorists are insecure about their intelligence and cling to bullshit to make themselves feel enlightened around people who are smarter and more successful than themselves.

Me? I’m an Occam’s Razor type of guy. A realist all the way. I’ll tell you what though, it was funny back when the Louisville prostitution scandal was brewing. Casual and non fans thought I was a lunatic when I was talking about the UL athletic program sanctioning a prostitution ring to influence the recruitment of underage athletes. Now that was juicy stuff.
What’s annoying about conspiracy theorists though is that they can’t tell you shit about the actual crazy true conspiracies that involved egregious human rights abuses. Every time I hear a conjecture filled tirade from some goof, I ask them about Cointelpro. 9 times out of 10 they look at me all confused. MOST conspiracy theorists are insecure about their intelligence and cling to bullshit to make themselves feel enlightened around people who are smarter and more successful than themselves.

Me? I’m an Occam’s Razor type of guy. A realist all the way. I’ll tell you what though, it was funny back when the Louisville prostitution scandal was brewing. Casual and non fans thought I was a lunatic when I was talking about the UL athletic program sanctioning a prostitution ring to influence the recruitment of underage athletes. Now that was juicy stuff.
This 100%
“MOST conspiracy theorists are insecure about their intelligence and cling to bullshit to make themselves feel enlightened around people who are smarter and more successful than themselves”
David Noakes, Wilhelm Reich and Dr. Sam Chachoua to name a few.

Holy shit, dude! So I read a few things about these guys. Two of them are still alive, btw. Reich died in prison back in the 50s. From what I can tell they all failed to prove any of their claims, were all ostracized by their peers, and two were charged with various crimes. In fact Noakes pled guilty to manufacturing and selling fake medicinal products and was sentenced to 4 years.

Hilarious reading. Thanks.
That's funny. Of course they haven't, nor ever will. Cancer is a billion dollar business, so only treatments and not cures. If they wanted a cure so badly, they wouldn't have censored and even killed people that have actually discovered new ways to slow or even stop the disease.
Ding ding ding, if they do have a cure it will cost so much only the most elite will get it and as you said, lifetime treatment is much much more profitable.
That's funny. Of course they haven't, nor ever will. Cancer is a billion dollar business, so only treatments and not cures. If they wanted a cure so badly, they wouldn't have censored and even killed people that have actually discovered new ways to slow or even stop the disease.

I love that in the last two years pharma companies were able to make hundreds of billions for a vaccine with diminishing and questionable effectiveness but you don’t think they’d figure out how to monetize the cure for cancer 😂 As if you couldn’t charge more for a cure than chemo and radiation
That's funny. Of course they haven't, nor ever will. Cancer is a billion dollar business, so only treatments and not cures. If they wanted a cure so badly, they wouldn't have censored and even killed people that have actually discovered new ways to slow or even stop the disease.
I sometimes get skeptical about exactly what you’re saying but I try not to go there. I’m not blind but I still have hope that this horrendously cruel disease will be beat some day. I know too many people in this field that feel a cure will be found …. someday. Sure hope so.
Holy shit, dude! So I read a few things about these guys. Two of them are still alive, btw. Reich died in prison back in the 50s. From what I can tell they all failed to prove any of their claims, were all ostracized by their peers, and two were charged with various crimes. In fact Noakes pled guilty to manufacturing and selling fake medicinal products and was sentenced to 4 years.

Hilarious reading. Thanks.
Let me guess, you got your information from a CNN article? Lmao
Conspiracy, conspiracy, conspiracy. You probably thought Biden won illegally, COVID wasn’t real. What else? JFK still alive? Geesh
Of course they've figured a cure,, wont release it because of more $$$$ to be made from treating and let people die than cure.. Vid is real and was man made to let lose to the masses.. Gobament was in on JFKs death.. And of course **** Brandon won illegally.. No way that many retards voted him in..
As soon as I saw the thread title, I just KNEW this would be full of conspiracy theory nuts who don't know the first damned thing about biology or chemistry or medicine, but somehow just KNOW that there are cures being suppressed.

Their insistence that there is this god-like class of superhuman Illuminati that controls everything behind the scenes is fascinating.
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Of course they've figured a cure,, wont release it because of more $$$$ to be made from treating and let people die than cure.. Vid is real and was man made to let lose to the masses.. Gobament was in on JFKs death.. And of course **** Brandon won illegally.. No way that many retards voted him in..