OT Bronny Junior diagnosed with heart defect

I’d be chilling in Ibiza. Could figure out plenty of things to fill my time if I were in his shoes.
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So you’re saying he should listen to you not the cardiologist then?
You act like this doctor knows it all. Kid will do what he wants to do. Bronny could definitely find a job in his dad’s endeavors. Not sure if I would ever suit up again. I have had a few episodes in my life not scared of dying. At his young age I might think hard about going in a different direction. Only God knows when his time is up.
You act like this doctor knows it all. Kid will do what he wants to do. Bronny could definitely find a job in his dad’s endeavors. Not sure if I would ever suit up again. I have had a few episodes in my life not scared of dying. At his young age I might think hard about going in a different direction. Only God knows when his time is up.
What congenital heart defect does the kid have?
Where did you all get your doctorates; Stanford or Brown? You know since you know better than his cardiologist.
No doctor here. Just a person that pushed his body past it limits and am paying for it every day for the past 40 years. I have had 6 knee surgeries, 13 hernia repairs and 2 major colon surgeries. I suffer from episodic ataxia from a mutated gene from too many concussions. If i could go back and do things over I would have stopped when my body said stop. That does not include 8 ankle breaks, 4 finger breaks and much more.

They guy is a millionaire son. I do not know if I would ever want my kid to push his body. When my youngest son (won a state wrestling title at 12 years old), is 8th grade travel team was undefeated in football and he was in a state championship as a freshman and on the depth chart in that game, he had 2 major concussions and now suffers from migraines and barely leaves the house at 25 years old.

I just am going off what I know. That is all.
No doctor here. Just a person that pushed his body past it limits and am paying for it every day for the past 40 years. I have had 6 knee surgeries, 13 hernia repairs and 2 major colon surgeries. I suffer from episodic ataxia from a mutated gene from too many concussions. If i could go back and do things over I would have stopped when my body said stop. That does not include 8 ankle breaks, 4 finger breaks and much more.

They guy is a millionaire son. I do not know if I would ever want my kid to push his body. When my youngest son (won a state wrestling title at 12 years old), is 8th grade travel team was undefeated in football and he was in a state championship as a freshman and on the depth chart in that game, he had 2 major concussions and now suffers from migraines and barely leaves the house at 25 years old.

I just am going off what I know. That is all.
How much do you know about cardiology? How much do you know about his particular ailment?
How much do you know about cardiology? How much do you know about his particular ailment?
What does that matter in my opinion? If I say I would rather he not play for his own sake do you honestly think it is going to make a difference?
Maybe you just want to make some point (i have no idea what) since it is my opinion and has nothing to do with you. It is on a message board so i get that but to continue to want to know if I am a doctor. Heck it has no and I mean on bearing on my opinion.
2. even if i were or am a doctor do you think I would have the right to judge or even medically give my view on him without ever looking at a chart or reading actual medical files associated. You must be trying to point out something, again not sure what since this is in fact my opinion. If you do not like my opinion then state you do not agree or care for it. Other than that what I am or what I do is none of your worry is it.
What does that matter in my opinion? If I say I would rather he not play for his own sake do you honestly think it is going to make a difference?
Maybe you just want to make some point (i have no idea what) since it is my opinion and has nothing to do with you. It is on a message board so i get that but to continue to want to know if I am a doctor. Heck it has no and I mean on bearing on my opinion.
2. even if i were or am a doctor do you think I would have the right to judge or even medically give my view on him without ever looking at a chart or reading actual medical files associated. You must be trying to point out something, again not sure what since this is in fact my opinion. If you do not like my opinion then state you do not agree or care for it. Other than that what I am or what I do is none of your worry is it.
But I did stay at a holiday inn, if that matters.
It’s not weird. You would have never had a cardiac work up if you hadn’t complained about palpitations which are not a common occurrence for kids. You’re basing what’s normal off of your own experiences which are not normal. Normal is to have a cardiac work up when you are 45-60 not 15-20.

And nobody is getting what I was saying. If you are a billionaire parent, why would you not take the precautions and pay for the full work up when it only takes like 2 hours of a day. I would
And nobody is getting what I was saying. If you are a billionaire parent, why would you not take the precautions and pay for the full work up when it only takes like 2 hours of a day. I would
It still requires authorization. If a doctor will not sign off on it, you can't just have the test done. If a doctor nor a patient suspects anything is wrong, running a test is medically unnecessary. Insurance won't cover it, and even for the insanely rich, that can be costly.
You guys that are saying he should just hang it up and never play again simply don’t know anything about what you’re talking about, period. You don’t even know what the defect is.

Let’s say it’s Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome (WPWS). WPW could potentially (but rarely) cause cardiac arrest. It’s also highly possible he could have this congenital heart defect and it never be caught during a routine physical. Very likely even.

Now, let’s walk down that path. It’s WPW. Once it’s identified, it’s actually very easy to eliminate. The electro cardiologist can go in through the groin and easily identify and ablate the pathway that is the defect. It’s a very easy and quick procedure and once they zap the pathway, it’s gone. Done. No more WPW. He could easily go back out and play again with no effects.

But the experts here on Rupp’s Rafters know better, I’m sure.
So he should listen to you then not the best cardiologist in the world?
Boy you are something else.

He should listen to his doctor. But also consider what just happened to him.

But it's still his life.

And if I were him, I would take it easy for a bit. That's all I'm saying. Don't feel pressured to jump right back into it. He doesn't necessarily have to hang it up per se, but it's also ok if he wanted to.
Boy you are something else.

He should listen to his doctor. But also consider what just happened to him.

But it's still his life.

And if I were him, I would take it easy for a bit. That's all I'm saying. Don't feel pressured to jump right back into it. He doesn't necessarily have to hang it up per se, but it's also ok if he wanted to.
So why do you feel the need to express an opinion on something you know nothing about? It’s ok to not have an opinion on everything. You know that right? It’s ok to just leave it to the experts.
What does that matter in my opinion? If I say I would rather he not play for his own sake do you honestly think it is going to make a difference?
Maybe you just want to make some point (i have no idea what) since it is my opinion and has nothing to do with you. It is on a message board so i get that but to continue to want to know if I am a doctor. Heck it has no and I mean on bearing on my opinion.
2. even if i were or am a doctor do you think I would have the right to judge or even medically give my view on him without ever looking at a chart or reading actual medical files associated. You must be trying to point out something, again not sure what since this is in fact my opinion. If you do not like my opinion then state you do not agree or care for it. Other than that what I am or what I do is none of your worry is it.
It matters because if you don’t know what his ailment is and even if you did, you don’t k ow what it means then your opinion is by definition an ignorant opinion. I’m just saying maybe stay quiet instead of saying something ignorant.
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It matters because if you don’t know what his ailment is and even if you did, you don’t k ow what it means then your opinion is by definition an ignorant opinion. I’m just saying maybe stay quiet instead of saying something ignorant.
Wow, must be nice to live up high like you do to know peoples opinions on a UK Fan board. Man I bet God himself consults with you to make sure he is correct. You are a complete idiot. I tell you what anytime you would like to meet to discuss things lets do so. Maybe if we sit down to talk we might find out more about one another. You see number one, I believe everyone is entitled to an opinion. Must be nice that you take the time to read a post and then feel that you are above me to down talk to me. Two I have enough manners to listen to others instead of doing what it is that you are doing. Three again this is a forum (by meaning it is to discuss things and all opinions should have the chance to be heard).

Life experiences add up to more than book knowledge, that does not come from me but learned folk. You see if I see something, say a person on the street breaking into a car, I have a few choices, one do nothing, two call the cops, three go stop them, four pray for them, five record them and put them all over the internet. Who are you to choose which one is correct, GOD? Just a quick example of how you come off with your post.
Tubby Fan 78, can we have opinions on Religion without a theology degree, can we have opinions on politics without a political science degree. Heck i guess we cannot 2nd guess a coach because I have never coached at the college or pro level. I mean where would it end. Seriously where do you draw the line. Someone posted post illness, at least I did not use postmortem the events that was posted by an article or by others. Since Hippa laws a journalists cannot get records and so I am sure they would have to start out by posting an opinion. Come off your holier than now attitude about someones opinion about someone elses opinion on someone none of us has met.
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He's in the care of doctors at the Mayo Clinic and Cedars-Sinai, two of the best hospitals in the world.

On the other hand, if I had millions of dollars, I don't know if I'd risk going down in history as a classic example of "There's no such thing as a sure bet" regardless of how small the chances of disaster were.
I will say this about doctors. They believe they are right and the rest of us should just take them at their work. When medical science is not factual at it core.
My experiences with doctors: When my father was 49 he had tons of pain in his right leg, went to the doctors (Lexington Local)(will not name said doctor) and they told him it was arthritis. Now the doctor knew my father for many years as a patient and our family as a friend of the family. My dad explained the pain as someone taking 2 screwdrivers and prying his leg apart at the bone. This went on for about 6 months, in august of that year, then decided to do some actual scans on my father, his right leg bone looked like swiss cheese and he had the fastest kind of a lung and bone cancer you could have (early 80s). His birthday was in October, he died on my brothers birthday Nov of that year. Me personally, when i was 22 years old was diagnosed with a colon infection. Antibiotics and in pain for 3 months and it ended up being Diverticulitis (doctor stated at that time he is too young and that was a misdiagonsis). I kept on and about 10 years later I almost died from my colorn exploding (Jan 4th 2001). I had a colostomy, lost 18 inches of colon, had the colostomy reversed 4 months later and was out of work for almost a year. I sat at home and watched all of Sept 11 2001 world trade event still unable to do much work. I spent and lost everything with the mayo clinic on my episodic ataxia issue. Was in Jacksonville florida for a while spending days on end at doctors offices at the clinc, taking tests, $100,000.00 later and still no diagnosis. UC in Cincinnati Helped them 2 years later get the diagnosis.

I could care less about a doctors opinion now. I listen to my own body. I use my common sense more and I stay in tune with my body. I have not had a soda pop since 2007, i have not had anything but water since 2018 (as far as fluid intake). I eat green vegies and protein and stay away from most breads. I make my own protein bites and snacks and feel better now than I did at 30. I deal with Ataxia on an hourly basis and continue to work a full time job (which doctors said I should not). Am i health (not by medical standards), but I feel better than i have in many years.

I might die tonight and if so, so be it. I will die happy. I will never trust a doctor again. Heck I work for too many doctors to trust them. We are nothing more than a $ symbol. We are now maintenance checks (like a car).

That is what i have to say about that.
I will say this about doctors. They believe they are right and the rest of us should just take them at their work. When medical science is not factual at it core.
My experiences with doctors: When my father was 49 he had tons of pain in his right leg, went to the doctors (Lexington Local)(will not name said doctor) and they told him it was arthritis. Now the doctor knew my father for many years as a patient and our family as a friend of the family. My dad explained the pain as someone taking 2 screwdrivers and prying his leg apart at the bone. This went on for about 6 months, in august of that year, then decided to do some actual scans on my father, his right leg bone looked like swiss cheese and he had the fastest kind of a lung and bone cancer you could have (early 80s). His birthday was in October, he died on my brothers birthday Nov of that year. Me personally, when i was 22 years old was diagnosed with a colon infection. Antibiotics and in pain for 3 months and it ended up being Diverticulitis (doctor stated at that time he is too young and that was a misdiagonsis). I kept on and about 10 years later I almost died from my colorn exploding (Jan 4th 2001). I had a colostomy, lost 18 inches of colon, had the colostomy reversed 4 months later and was out of work for almost a year. I sat at home and watched all of Sept 11 2001 world trade event still unable to do much work. I spent and lost everything with the mayo clinic on my episodic ataxia issue. Was in Jacksonville florida for a while spending days on end at doctors offices at the clinc, taking tests, $100,000.00 later and still no diagnosis. UC in Cincinnati Helped them 2 years later get the diagnosis.

I could care less about a doctors opinion now. I listen to my own body. I use my common sense more and I stay in tune with my body. I have not had a soda pop since 2007, i have not had anything but water since 2018 (as far as fluid intake). I eat green vegies and protein and stay away from most breads. I make my own protein bites and snacks and feel better now than I did at 30. I deal with Ataxia on an hourly basis and continue to work a full time job (which doctors said I should not). Am i health (not by medical standards), but I feel better than i have in many years.

I might die tonight and if so, so be it. I will die happy. I will never trust a doctor again. Heck I work for too many doctors to trust them. We are nothing more than a $ symbol. We are now maintenance checks (like a car).

That is what i have to say about that.
Hang tuff Blue sorry to hear about your dad. When we all have things happen to us you start to realize we are just passing thru this life. Enjoy ever day. Prayers for your health to hold up.
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He's in the care of doctors at the Mayo Clinic and Cedars-Sinai, two of the best hospitals in the world.

On the other hand, if I had millions of dollars, I don't know if I'd risk going down in history as a classic example of "There's no such thing as a sure bet" regardless of how small the chances of disaster were.
This. This right here. That’s all I’m saying. But apparently that’s now expressing a medical diagnosis.
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So why do you feel the need to express an opinion on something you know nothing about? It’s ok to not have an opinion on everything. You know that right? It’s ok to just leave it to the experts.

Theres a big difference between expressing an opinion that some one should take it easy and not push it and “Hey you should try this medication” or “Hey, that doctor is a quack and you shouldn’t listen to him”. The former is all I said he should think about while you’re trying to put words in my mouth with the latter. Which I don’t appreciate.

Never claimed to be a doctor but I will pretty much guarantee that rest is highly recommended after going through such an ordeal.

And if you don’t like my posts feel free to pass right on by. In the meantime, I’ll keep engaging in conversation on topics I like.
And nobody is getting what I was saying. If you are a billionaire parent, why would you not take the precautions and pay for the full work up when it only takes like 2 hours of a day. I would

I get what you’re saying but I guarantee nobody does these kind of work ups without some source of concern. Especially on kids that show no signs of concern.
And nobody is getting what I was saying. If you are a billionaire parent, why would you not take the precautions and pay for the full work up when it only takes like 2 hours of a day. I would

As a filthy rich parent myself, I had all my children have colonoscopies at 8, just because I could. I also had them take batteries of tests for hours and days on end, including getting excruciating painful spinal taps done to make sure they didn’t have a condition. This is a duty of the rich - to make sure they don’t suffer like the poors.
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I will say this about doctors. They believe they are right and the rest of us should just take them at their work. When medical science is not factual at it core.
My experiences with doctors: When my father was 49 he had tons of pain in his right leg, went to the doctors (Lexington Local)(will not name said doctor) and they told him it was arthritis. Now the doctor knew my father for many years as a patient and our family as a friend of the family. My dad explained the pain as someone taking 2 screwdrivers and prying his leg apart at the bone. This went on for about 6 months, in august of that year, then decided to do some actual scans on my father, his right leg bone looked like swiss cheese and he had the fastest kind of a lung and bone cancer you could have (early 80s). His birthday was in October, he died on my brothers birthday Nov of that year. Me personally, when i was 22 years old was diagnosed with a colon infection. Antibiotics and in pain for 3 months and it ended up being Diverticulitis (doctor stated at that time he is too young and that was a misdiagonsis). I kept on and about 10 years later I almost died from my colorn exploding (Jan 4th 2001). I had a colostomy, lost 18 inches of colon, had the colostomy reversed 4 months later and was out of work for almost a year. I sat at home and watched all of Sept 11 2001 world trade event still unable to do much work. I spent and lost everything with the mayo clinic on my episodic ataxia issue. Was in Jacksonville florida for a while spending days on end at doctors offices at the clinc, taking tests, $100,000.00 later and still no diagnosis. UC in Cincinnati Helped them 2 years later get the diagnosis.

I could care less about a doctors opinion now. I listen to my own body. I use my common sense more and I stay in tune with my body. I have not had a soda pop since 2007, i have not had anything but water since 2018 (as far as fluid intake). I eat green vegies and protein and stay away from most breads. I make my own protein bites and snacks and feel better now than I did at 30. I deal with Ataxia on an hourly basis and continue to work a full time job (which doctors said I should not). Am i health (not by medical standards), but I feel better than i have in many years.

I might die tonight and if so, so be it. I will die happy. I will never trust a doctor again. Heck I work for too many doctors to trust them. We are nothing more than a $ symbol. We are now maintenance checks (like a car).

That is what i have to say about that.

The irony of your story is that without a doctors care, you would have passed on January 4th 2001. It sounds like you and your family suffer from lots of rare congenital health issues, so I can’t imagine the frustration from that, hope you’re past most of it.
Tubby Fan 78, can we have opinions on Religion without a theology degree, can we have opinions on politics without a political science degree. Heck i guess we cannot 2nd guess a coach because I have never coached at the college or pro level. I mean where would it end. Seriously where do you draw the line. Someone posted post illness, at least I did not use postmortem the events that was posted by an article or by others. Since Hippa laws a journalists cannot get records and so I am sure they would have to start out by posting an opinion. Come off your holier than now attitude about someones opinion about someone elses opinion on someone none of us has met.
Cardiology is not an opinion. It's science. Religion and politics are not scientific in nature, nor is coaching. It's not holier than thou, it's pointing out what's wrong with this world right now. Everyone has to have an opinion on everything Then argue and fight about it. Even if they are ignorant about it.
The irony of your story is that without a doctors care, you would have passed on January 4th 2001. It sounds like you and your family suffer from lots of rare congenital health issues, so I can’t imagine the frustration from that, hope you’re past most of it.
Yeah, If I were born 50 years earlier, I would have been one of the "He died in his 20s". lol
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Cardiology is not an opinion. It's science. Religion and politics are not scientific in nature, nor is coaching. It's not holier than thou, it's pointing out what's wrong with this world right now. Everyone has to have an opinion on everything Then argue and fight about it. Even if they are ignorant about it.
But see we can still have a conversation about issues that bear no fruit to the actual event. You and I both know in the end he (Bronny) will do what he wants. All I am saying is as a parent (with my past experiences) and with LeBron (being financially set for 10 lifetimes) would rather see my son excel at a non sports job the rest of his life and have a long and healthy life. Heck there are extremely healthy people that pass away every day from cardiac events. Why play russian roulette?
But see we can still have a conversation about issues that bear no fruit to the actual event. You and I both know in the end he (Bronny) will do what he wants. All I am saying is as a parent (with my past experiences) and with LeBron (being financially set for 10 lifetimes) would rather see my son excel at a non sports job the rest of his life and have a long and healthy life. Heck there are extremely healthy people that pass away every day from cardiac events. Why play russian roulette?
And to add to that. We can all do better at every aspect of being a part of humanity. Heck if we were all doing our part to make this world better we would not be wrapped in sports at all or even own a PC. We would have our feet to the ground and our energy towards things that actually matter like pollution, hunger, crime and so forth. We would be in a much better place if we took our energy that we spend on sports and internet and put it towards actually making a difference in just one persons life above what we may or may not already do to help today.
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And to add to that. We can all do better at every aspect of being a part of humanity. Heck if we were all doing our part to make this world better we would not be wrapped in sports at all or even own a PC. We would have our feet to the ground and our energy towards things that actually matter like pollution, hunger, crime and so forth. We would be in a much better place if we took our energy that we spend on sports and internet and put it towards actually making a difference in just one persons life above what we may or may not already do to help today.

I wish this were true. It would require that everyone agree on the paths to solutions and not just the problems. It’s not possible.

Your statement also doesn’t allow for our fandom to be a part of our humanity which doesn’t make sense.
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But see we can still have a conversation about issues that bear no fruit to the actual event. You and I both know in the end he (Bronny) will do what he wants. All I am saying is as a parent (with my past experiences) and with LeBron (being financially set for 10 lifetimes) would rather see my son excel at a non sports job the rest of his life and have a long and healthy life. Heck there are extremely healthy people that pass away every day from cardiac events. Why play russian roulette?
You don’t know anything about it. It’s ok, I don’t either, the difference is why would anyone ever take your opinions seriously when it’s obvious you will have opinions that are based on nothing. Then defend your opinions based on nothing. No one can ever take anything you say seriously.
You don’t know anything about it. It’s ok, I don’t either, the difference is why would anyone ever take your opinions seriously when it’s obvious you will have opinions that are based on nothing. Then defend your opinions based on nothing. No one can ever take anything you say seriously.
Oh I see this is an experts board. Only allowing conversations on what we are experts at. OK. Got you.

Lets talk about IT world / Lets talk VOIP world / lets Talk Religion / Lets talk parenthood / lets talk mountain life / lets talk only about what we are expert in. SO i am guessing you will only discuss things and have an opinion on subjects that you are an expert.
I wish this were true. It would require that everyone agree on the paths to solutions and not just the problems. It’s not possible.

Your statement also doesn’t allow for our fandom to be a part of our humanity which doesn’t make sense.
No my statement implies that in a world where we are all trying to help resolve actual problems that there is no time for athletics at all. That we would evolve past that and actually care more about each other than we do sports. I am not there. YOu are not there but it would be nice. I love UK athletics / I love college football and basketball and spend far too much time watching, discussing and enjoying.
You don’t know anything about it. It’s ok, I don’t either, the difference is why would anyone ever take your opinions seriously when it’s obvious you will have opinions that are based on nothing. Then defend your opinions based on nothing. No one can ever take anything you say seriously.
Good grief man. It isn't that serious.
So, those that got the vaccine never got ANY information on it? Funny, when I got mine I got several pieces of paper with potential side effects.

I'm not arguing this as it's been debated ad nauseum (emphasis on nausea) for three years. The Covid vaccine rollout was not remotely perfect and of course Big Pharma got their cut. I'm neither D or R. But if we act like we have any leadership anymore, we're kidding ourselves. The mega rich own this country and that's never ever going to change.
Really? I got no such paperwork or verbal info when I got the Covid vaccine. I got a card showing which vaccine I got and the date. Ditto for my family. There was no standardization for the vaccinations and that was one of many problems surrounding it.
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Oh I see this is an experts board. Only allowing conversations on what we are experts at. OK. Got you.

Lets talk about IT world / Lets talk VOIP world / lets Talk Religion / Lets talk parenthood / lets talk mountain life / lets talk only about what we are expert in. SO i am guessing you will only discuss things and have an opinion on subjects that you are an expert.
This is a sports board not a cardiology board. Sports are full of opinions, cardiology is full of science. The problem is you can’t see the difference. And, I’d be willing to bet you seen a lot more sports games to form opinions than you have read books on cardiology. I firmly believe you can form a half way intelligent opinion on basketball. You can’t on cardiology because you are ignorant about it. Like I said, it’s OK, I am too. And, like I said, there’s no reason anyone should ever take your opinion serious again.
This is a sports board not a cardiology board. Sports are full of opinions, cardiology is full of science. The problem is you can’t see the difference. And, I’d be willing to bet you seen a lot more sports games to form opinions than you have read books on cardiology. I firmly believe you can form a half way intelligent opinion on basketball. You can’t on cardiology because you are ignorant about it. Like I said, it’s OK, I am too. And, like I said, there’s no reason anyone should ever take your opinion serious again.
Sorry to disappoint everyone in this thread (that evidently should not be a thread),(that I did not start), but did place an opinion (again on a sports message board). And now I have offended with my opinion a fellow UK supporter. My greatest apologies to have done such a thing. Your high and mighty I will just start watching your every post and maybe return the favor one day. No I do not have enough time on my hands to worry any further with what you have to say or think. Have a blessed life and if you ever want to meet to discuss life experiences as part of forming opinions then by all means lets do so. We can discuss opinions on many world events, medical and social happenings, UAP, Ghosts, GOD, Politics and so forth. We do not need to boar people here with that.
No my statement implies that in a world where we are all trying to help resolve actual problems that there is no time for athletics at all. That we would evolve past that and actually care more about each other than we do sports. I am not there. YOu are not there but it would be nice. I love UK athletics / I love college football and basketball and spend far too much time watching, discussing and enjoying.

It doesn’t matter if you, me or any other individual is there. You would need everyone collectively to agree on problems, solutions and priorities and that makes it impossible and unrealistic. Assuming this is reefer induced.
I hate it for anybody, especially a young kid just starting out. Those around him and his family know the risk, Living would be my priority.
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