I question some beat/network writer’s abilities. Many of them don’t want to say much negative (especially rookies.) I understand not backing the bus over rookies during preseason, but there’s no doubt they jump on the bandwagon of who they will/will not write negative things about. One negative article will cause an avalanche with the other writers following behind them.
Read 2 articles over Bfast and listened to 10 mins of sports radio while driving. A second national outlet called last night a mediocre performance. Sports radio was much more negative.
I don’t want to see any man fail when it comes to professional. But, running QBs will not win many NFL football games unless they have better than average accuracy. Harbaugh deserves credit for building an offense around Lamar’s strengths. They utilize the TE and midrange passing game to fit Lamar. Now, he’s developed other parts of his passing game. I don’t think Indy will be patient with AR. Nor do I think they have a strong team around him.