OT. Ads on mobile now?

It's also embedded in the first post of every thread. I stopped going to KSR because of all the ads, I'll do the same here. Idgaf.
Yea, the KSR sit is completely out of control with ads. I spend half of my time on there closing out the ads and it's just not worth it, especially in the offseason.
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Seems to be gone now. I did not change any settings. Strange.
Same here, not seeing those ads so far this morning. Thank goodness. If they continued, I would also consider not coming to the board any more. Just too much waste of time having to constantly click those ads off in order to read what we really come here for.
Looks like there’s some new ad-lite upgrade you can add for a price. Seems like a money grab to me. Never had that problem here. However, the main board is filled with pop-up ads.
You’d think that for all the money I pay to post on this board it would be ad free.
I know what you mean but when you're trying to read posts on a little phone screen it gets pretty tiring to have to keep clicking tiny little x's in order to read the thread posts. Not the same as the ads off to the side of a big computer or laptop screen. I think that's the complaint.
Pretty shitty to do. Takes up a chunk of the screen and can confirm that it's caused a few UI issues with my Samsung S23, along with messing up my Spotify playback if I browse this site while listening to music.

These ads aren't even designed to get users to click because it gets their attention. It's a form of clickjacking where users accidentally click on the ad while trying to do something else on the website.
Pretty shitty to do. Takes up a chunk of the screen and can confirm that it's caused a few UI issues with my Samsung S23, along with messing up my Spotify playback if I browse this site while listening to music.

These ads aren't even designed to get users to click because it gets their attention. It's a form of clickjacking where users accidentally click on the ad while trying to do something else on the website.
Yes it is shitty to do. I’ve also had the page reload several times after they implemented the new ads. Screen just goes white, takes me back to the top of the page, and deletes anything I had typed in the post section.

It did it while I typed this post. Yeah, I’m done posting on mobile. Will still read but far less than what I used too.

Good job Rivals team!
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