Oscar Combs tweet today about Cal and I assume Matt Jones

I appreciate all the ppl on this board who stuck up for the Big O Oscar Combs while others are just looking for someone to bash. It's ashamed and cringe as hell when some supposed to be UK fans get on someone's ass like Oscar Combs just simply for tweeting . Oscar Combs is pretty much Cawood Ledford without the great speaking voice. If I'm not mistaken I'm pretty sure Oscar was the only writer who traveled with the team back in his Cats Pause days.

He may talk funny, but he sure could write well enough to get a front row seat at the game every night, a seat on the plane and lived a great life while making some nice money doing it. He was educated enough to do his job well. He's one of those old school guys who "keeps it real" and just tells it like it's supposed to be. Without agenda or bias.

We are all gonna get old or die early so why be an ass to the elderly. Oscar is comfortable being himself anyways and
that's why I love him. He never seemed too worried about what everyone else thought of him. He's the official Guru of Kentucky Basketball! TCP was genius and he was the internet and the Jon Scott before the days of internet that's how alot of the most true blue fans got news for UK basketball all year round.

This stuff with fans happened with guys as Kyle Macy, Jeff Sheppard who loved UK basketball and won championships, but shared their views on some shit and get called old or bitter when someone just asking them questions about a subject in most cases and then they catch hell from fans if it's not popular at the moment or disagree with it, BUT, Then fans turn around and start agreeing 5 yrs later when Cals not as cool. Oscar tweeted his but he's entitled to his opinion.

Oscar Combs is the only other non player or non coach who belongs in the real Rafters of Rupp for all his work over the years. Get on Rexs ass if you wanna get on someone. Oscar is still on top of shit in his retirement yrs. I still remember Oscar once when UK PA guy tried to announce the attendance at a game for 18,000 or 20,000 to not make it look so bad publicly and Oscar was on camera saying the word he got was the real attendance that night was like 12,000 😂. He threw em right under the bus. Now I don't remember the actual numbers or the game but if you dig you could find it. So hell yeah... I love Oscar Combs and all Oscars that wore blue and white.
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When Oscar was the man at TCP back in the late 80s he started sending a young John Calipari copies of the magazine every month after he found out that Cal was fascinated by UK basketball. I always thought that was a pretty cool story.
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'You don't know Kentucky basketball unless you're at least almost 40 years old' is a pretty weird take to have
No it’s not. If all you know is Cal one and done…no loyalty to UK by his players, no commitment to program, no interest in winning championships but players that are totally focused on “me” and a coach that’s top priority is not on winning for UK, than there is no way in the world you could appreciate the history, accomplishments, traditions, The program and what it means to millions and how what it has turned into is so depressing.
My only issue with Oscar Combs is that I was given the impression (albeit from others) he didn’t care for UK Football. I heard he thought it was a waste.
No it’s not. If all you know is Cal one and done…no loyalty to UK by his players, no commitment to program, no interest in winning championships but players that are totally focused on “me” and a coach that’s top priority is not on winning for UK, than there is no way in the world you could appreciate the history, accomplishments, traditions, The program and what it means to millions and how what it has turned into is so depressing.
like someone a few days ago saying "I don't get all the focus on Rick Pitino"
I appreciate all the ppl on this board who stuck up for the Big O Oscar Combs while others are just looking for someone to bash. It's ashamed and cringe as hell when some supposed to be UK fans get on someone's ass like Oscar Combs just simply for tweeting . Oscar Combs is pretty much Cawood Ledford without the great speaking voice. If I'm not mistaken I'm pretty sure Oscar was the only writer who traveled with the team back in his Cats Pause days.

He may talk funny, but he sure could write well enough to get a front row seat at the game every night, a seat on the plane and lived a great life while making some nice money doing it. He was educated enough to do his job well. He's one of those old school guys who "keeps it real" and just tells it like it's supposed to be. Without agenda or bias.

We are all gonna get old or die early so why be an ass to the elderly. Oscar is comfortable being himself anyways and
that's why I love him. He never seemed too worried about what everyone else thought of him. He's the official Guru of Kentucky Basketball! TCP was genius and he was the internet and the Jon Scott before the days of internet that's how alot of the most true blue fans got news for UK basketball all year round.

This stuff with fans happened with guys as Kyle Macy, Jeff Sheppard who loved UK basketball and won championships, but shared their views on some shit and get called old or bitter when someone just asking them questions about a subject in most cases and then they catch hell from fans if it's not popular at the moment or disagree with it, BUT, Then fans turn around and start agreeing 5 yrs later when Cals not as cool. Oscar tweeted his but he's entitled to his opinion.

Oscar Combs is the only other non player or non coach who belongs in the real Rafters of Rupp for all his work over the years. Get on Rexs ass if you wanna get on someone. Oscar is still on top of shit in his retirement yrs. I still remember Oscar once when UK PA guy tried to announce the attendance at a game for 18,000 or 20,000 to not make it look so bad publicly and Oscar was on camera saying the word he got was the real attendance that night was like 12,000 😂. He threw em right under the bus. Now I don't remember the actual numbers or the game but if you dig you could find it. So hell yeah... I love Oscar Combs and all Oscars that wore blue and white.
During the 90 through 93 seasons I got to go into the media room. Long story but I was a camera person for a small now defunct sports paper called metro sports limited. Cawood was in there, and Oscar and CM Newton and Conley and all the media guys, Rob Bromley etc. Now that I am much older I would have conversed with any of them, but being young and timid I spoke when I was spoken too. I did watch alot how they all interacted with one another. Oscar is as genuine and nice as he always seemed on the radio. I dont think I ever spoke directly to him. I remember Bromley and Tom Hammond spending quite abit of time in front of a mirror and with hair spray. They wouldnt really speak to anyone, but everyone else in there was extremely nice.
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I doubt we make the final four in the SEC tournament

There is no way we make the Final Four if we run the same offense.
Actually, with the current roster that offense might be the best chance. It's not a true dribble drive which has kick outs for 3s, but if you don't have a couple of good 3pt. shooters then maybe the drive or lob version Calipari has used is better than a true dribble drive.
Matt jones has said nothing wrong. You may not like to hear it, but he’s speaking facts. He has also stated many times he thinks Cal can and hopes he does change. I see no reason he would have to leave regardless of what happens with Cal. I’m not even really a fan of KSR but the things he says are right