On a scale of 1-10 how happy are you with college basketball?

How Happy are you with the direction of college basketball?

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Creed Bratton

May 31, 2018
Lex Town
With 1 being disgusted and 10 being as happy as you have ever been where do you stand? Based on the current model of one and done, the transfer rule, the number of kids who have quit on their teammates, oh I am sorry I meant "opted out" and the way officiating is going I am at 1 and that is being generous. What about you?
As apart of the old guard there are many things I don't like about today's game but i still watch games. I enjoyed this years NCAAT. Like the above poster said I don't like kids quitting on their team, I thought the officiating was better this tournament because certain officials were not there. The NCAA has walked away from enforcing any rules. In answer to the question I am about a 6.5 or 7. there are many things that need improving or addressing but the games are entertaining
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I voted 7 but I would probably have gone with a 4 if I thought about some of the things in the thread.

1. Diva refs, I should not even know the name of a referee in all of college basketball, I don’t know the name of 1 NFL, NBA, or CFB referee. I know the name of and genuinely dislike 3 college referees.

1b. Block/charge is ridiculous.
1c. Flopping penalties not being enforced.
1. College basketball sucks and is unwatchable outside of UK
This is where I am too. Maybe if I hadn’t been around to see the Golden age my standards wouldn’t be as high. And, college basketball was my favorite sport for decades. I NEVER worked on the first two days of the tournament. I’d request those days off at the first of every year. But, I’ve barely even cared the last 2-3 tournaments, outside of UK’s games, obviously.

I used to watch any & every game I’d come across on tv. Love the mid-major conference tournaments. I just loved the overall atmosphere of college basketball. But, now, between the best players leaving ASAP & the overall quality of the game getting worse by the year I’ve just lost so much interest that I really only watch UK & have little passion for the sport, anymore. Ten years ago this would’ve been incomprehensible for me. I didn’t think I’d ever have a shred of apathy toward college basketball. But, here we are. Lol.

I really hope somebody does SOMETHING to save the sport while they still can. Seems like the NBA is perfectly content with the status quo & would rather watch college basketball die than to make some concessions & work WITH the NCAA symbiotically to improve both sports. It worked just fine until a few years ago. It’s so shortsighted for the NBA to not see that it greatly benefits them if both sports are flourishing. I’m cautiously optimistic that the NIL might help some but I’m also not getting my hopes up.
ABSOLUTELY disgusted with it - pulled my season tickets. the entertainment value is lessening for me, the NCAA sucks, I hate the transfer rules creating free agency and this new "anything goes" mentality. Guys going pro who have absolutely no business going pro, when they are not even effective college players and the completed "me" attitude that permeates the whole industry. I do like watching the exceptional and improved athleticism but I think AAU has fostered a culture of bad basketball with little to no fundamentals .Guys cant hit a mid range jump shot, guard a pick and roll or understand how to move without the ball.. pitiful really. The G league getting more and more elite players... just really the whole thing. I stay around it because its a first love and I just love UK sports.... maybe I will change , and maybe its me that needs an attitude adjustment?
Gonna give them a chance to bounce back from covid but they was already on a downward spiral.
2 only because Emmert is still there and I need a way to lower my vote.

North Carolina walking from their massive cheating scandal and Duke continuing to get away with scandal after scandal including the current whitewashing of Zion's lavish cheating has soured me on the game. Cal would have 2-3 more National Championships if we had gotten the breaks and whistles Duke does.
ABSOLUTELY disgusted with it - pulled my season tickets. the entertainment value is lessening for me, the NCAA sucks, I hate the transfer rules creating free agency and this new "anything goes" mentality. Guys going pro who have absolutely no business going pro, when they are not even effective college players and the completed "me" attitude that permeates the whole industry. I do like watching the exceptional and improved athleticism but I think AAU has fostered a culture of bad basketball with little to no fundamentals .Guys cant hit a mid range jump shot, guard a pick and roll or understand how to move without the ball.. pitiful really. The G league getting more and more elite players... just really the whole thing. I stay around it because its a first love and I just love UK sports.... maybe I will change , and maybe its me that needs an attitude adjustment?
Damn. Tell us how you really feel.

The comment regarding midrange jumpers is extremely true. It’s a lost art and Ron Mercer was an artist with it.
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For all the reasons you listed plus unequal NCAA enforcement of just about everything plus monster defenses that pack the lane because the morons that be “helped” offenses by moving the arc so far back the distance itself defends that shot now.

I’d be a lot less pissed about it if it hadn’t been the best sport on Earth throughout the 80’s and especially 90’s.
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3 at best
College basketball has little or no integrity. The NCAA is mainly responsible for this. Coaches and fans have added to this downward spiral as well.
Good old rival games have too many that has turned into pure hate. It's win or nothing.
The NBA and their greedy ways have played a big part in the decline of college basketball. The NCAA allowing all these transfers is beyond belief.
Then to add to all the BS, we have political activists posing as coaches, players.
Just play ball. Punish the cheaters. Tell the NBA to go F them selves.
I thought the NCAA tournament was awesome under the circumstances and the refs in the Final Four I wish they would call (or not call) like that in the SEC. Most fouls only were called if blatant and impacted the shooter or knocked someone significantly. So given the reality of Covid at the time, I would give the college basketball tournament a 8 or 9.

College basketball in general/overall, perhaps a 5 at best. The one and done as much as Cal might have embraced it for me was the first significant decline in overall quality. The new Transfer rules although it may benefit programs like Kentucky is stupid. I would hope at the least if a player decides to attend a program it has to be a two year committment unless the coaching staff changes and then sure let them transfer with no wait or penalty. The NBA would have to respect the committment as well. If a high school student wants to skip college fine, good luck. Otherwise, jumping around may ruin the game.

With the crowds likely back next season college basketball and other sports will be more exciting again. But, some of the new rules being proposed (other than allowing all the T.V. time outs combined with other time outs, waiting for refs to make a decision, and other delays) do not sound good.

I'll stick with a 5 right now and hope things get back on track in many ways next season.
Voted a 1 for the same reasons already listed. I'm really sceptical that it can be fixed, at this point. With the renewal of Emmert's contract it seems like the powers that be have given up. Letting the man who drove it in to the iceberg go down w/ the ship...
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Other than the tournament, I didn't watch a single game other than ours the last two years (and I only watched a couple of ours last year). I used to be a huge college basketball fan spanning at least 30 years, but it's not interesting to me at all anymore other than the tournament.
I voted a 3. If they actually clean up the flopping next year I would say a 4. After the FBI scandal and the proof and to still see Self and Wade on the sidelines and getting good players makes me sick. The NCAA knows of cheating and that it isn't a level playing field and they are letting it go on. It's hard to get behind that especially when you know Cal and Uk have to back off half the players they start out going for because of the sketchiness.

Plus make the refs have some kind of responsibility. Post-game press conferences or bring in instant replay challenges for the coaches. With kids starting to be so wish-washy the NCAA needs the college BB model to be strong and a great product. A lot of this stuff they could fix pretty simply, but they drag their feet and let things get worse. They want that money do a little F-ing work for it, dam! I have zero experience with running anything like the NCAA and all its BS but feel like I could step in and get college BB to a better state than it is right now in like 6 months. Most could.

These aren't hard fixes, at least a handful of the issues aren't. They need to get rid of the little turd Emertt and get someone who rules with an iron fist. Then shove that iron fist up Emertt's ass.
I had to say about a 5. There are still some teams that try to play a good well rounded game.

That said the NBA Players Union, the NCAA and the AAU are doing their best to destroy the game. Hot on their heels are state and federal efforts to introduce corruption into an amateur sport. Lastly the absolute ignorance and hypocrisy of some fans across the sport are infecting the game with bitterness and populist nonsense. I think the icing on this cake of corruption is the use of college as a stage for twisted political theater and racist messages.

I actually don’t care about names and likenesses, don’t care about one and done or transfers or whatever. Bottom line, outside of the tournament, the product is generally very bad. 51-54 games suck. Wildly inconsistent refs and ones with obvious agendas suck. Charges suck. Watching Gonzaga play East Butt State sucks. Watching conference rock fights sucks. Any given game in January generally sucks. If it wasn’t Kentucky, would you really watch it?
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I voted a 1 because the NCAA is a damn joke. Certain schools can cheat and nothing is ever done about it. Games are taking 2 and a half hours to play because of fouls and running to the monitor to look at replays. Now you can become a free agent and that will lead to more cheating.
I love college hoops ....... my favorite out of all sports , pro and college .

Use to be a solid 10 ....... I voted a 5.

Last season took its toll , the spineless NCAA holding cheats accountable ......OAD era .....the constant roster shuffle , now players switching teams .

Here’s to hoping the Cats get back on track this season and takes care of that concern ........ I can deal with the rest as long as the Cats are good 😜
i would give it a 10 if they would stop calling 50 fouls a game
And maybe do something about the charge\blocking calls or should I just say the charging calls, because they hardly ever call blocks anymore. It takes away so many potentially exciting plays at or near the rim. One of the many bad decisions made that are slowly ruining the game (if it hasn't already been ruined).
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1. NCAA is stuck with the one and done and now G-League stuff....there is an obvious talent/marquee factor of missing the days of Ewing and GTown vs. Mullins St Johns...or Larry Johnson and Runnin Rebs vs. Laettner and Dukies, etc...

But to the issues they can control a bit.
2. Scoring is down to many games in 50/60s...and it's a complete rock fight. Too many fouls, no flow to games, etc...
3. Charge/Block rules are miserable. Dudes are just dying to run up under a guy trying to make an athletic play and draw offensive fouls. Flopping is an all time high IMO
4. Stopping games to check monitor on elbows, hard fouls, etc... is just insane. Keep the game flowing and "player safety" is just another planet bad idea.
5. How LSU, Zona, Auburn, UNC, etc...are on wire taps and no sanctions for years is just NCAA incompetence. There is no sense of 'law and order" in NCAA. You cna't believe in a game where the playing field is so off base.
No matter for me, I won’t stop watching. College basketball will always be my preferred choice right next to college football. I’d rather be watching UK hoops and gridiron than be watching the ridiculous sh;) on any news or media show.
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Refs suck and make it unwatchable. Players no long give two shits about the team they play for. Political BS is driving a wedge between the fans. I have all but stopped watching all sports in fact.
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Refs suck and make it unwatchable. Players no long give two shits about the team they play for. Political BS is driving a wedge between the fans. I have all but stopped watching all sports in fact.
That makes it tough on ya when making comments during in-game live blogs.

it’s still fun if you just try to put those things past you. If anything, watch a UK game at a pub with a beer, your favorite pizza, and your crew. How does the saying go, a bad fishing is still better than ......
College basketball today is in the worst state I've ever seen it in, for all the reasons you mentioned. So I voted for 1. That said, even though I am utterly disgusted with the state of modern college basketball, I still can't ever totally stop following it or watching it. I watch fewer games now than I ever have, but I still catch a few here and there. I try to watch or listen to as many UK games as possible. I keep up with recruiting. I always want UK to do well.

But my current passion for the game isn't even a tenth of what it was 20 years ago. There was a time when I tried to watch every game between top 25 opponents. I got absolutely pumped for the start of basketball season. The pre-season tournaments I'd watch all through Feast Week. Now? I honestly prefer college football to college basketball. It is college football that I follow religiously now. Instead of getting super excited for November to arrive, now the beginning of September is what causes a stir in me. The passion for basketball just isn't there like it once was. But even so, I still want UK to be the best it can be, even if this era of college basketball blows major chode.
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1 is if it wasn't even played. So I voted 2.

College ball is a disaster compared to 15-30 years ago
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Nobody here is below a 6 of you wouldn’t be on a message board talking about it. I agree it’s on a downward trend but I don’t know how you stop it. Money talks and BS walks and the NCAA is swallowing all the money. There will never be any continuity until that equation is solved. Until then it’s a revolving door and the talent pool will continue to dwindle making the game less esthetically pleasing. I really think it would be best for both the NBA and NCAA to go to an out of high school or 2 year model. It just makes too much sense. Unfortunately, I think the NBA wants these kids in the G LEAGUE instead of college.
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Also I agree that the officiating equation in the NCAA has to be resolved. The level of officiating and in particular the block/ Charge is an epidemic. The lack of flow from personnel turnover and officiating is egregious.
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College basketball today is in the worst state I've ever seen it in, for all the reasons you mentioned. So I voted for 1. That said, even though I am utterly disgusted with the state of modern college basketball, I still can't ever totally stop following it or watching it. I watch fewer games now than I ever have, but I still catch a few here and there. I try to watch or listen to as many UK games as possible. I keep up with recruiting. I always want UK to do well.

But my current passion for the game isn't even a tenth of what it was 20 years ago. There was a time when I tried to watch every game between top 25 opponents. I got absolutely pumped for the start of basketball season. The pre-season tournaments I'd watch all through Feast Week. Now? I honestly prefer college football to college basketball. The passion for basketball just isn't there like it once was. But even so, I still want UK to be the best it can be, even if this era of college basketball blows chode.
33 voted 1 out of about 90 or about a 1/3. That’s somewhat tragic. I think for those who witnessed 70’s, 80’s, and on into the 90’s, the low scores are most prevalent since we honestly can make some legit comparisons.

What I hate most is those confounding and over killing stats thrown around as if it’s trying to enable us to determine which team or player is good. PPP, OBP, GPS, +/-, PERS, and PMS shows up in write-ups, articles, box scores and somehow dictates a narrative about a player or team. If you’re a fan and you know the game just from watching you state it. But trying having a conversation with Tommy Calculas or Kenny Keyboard and it’s insane.