I’m a bit of a rarity on here, a fan of both UK and UL, the Cards since the 80s and the Cats since the 90s. Seen a lot of great teams both ways, especially the Championship teams of 1980 and 1996. But some of my most beloved teams were not necessarily the most successful. The Unforgettables, and the 2003 and 2011 Cats, the 2005 Cards. I loved Crum, Pitino and Smith, but was never a fan of Calipari. Not that I didn’t enjoy the early success, but I tired very quickly of the OADs. I enjoy watching the players progress from year to year. I’m hoping the Portal doesn’t completely result in just a different form of total replacement every year. Most of all, I love that the focus of the team is once again success on the court instead of success on Draft Day. I’ve enjoyed this season more than any since 2011 because of that and the repeated response to adversity in the form of all the injuries. Thank You Mark Pope, regardless of the final outcome from this point forward, this team will join the list of my most beloved.