Ol' Roy and BoobyTickleMeElmo one and the same?

In the coming weeks and months, we'll see more and more typical UNC fans admit to negligence and fraud in a way university leaders never will.

The questions then become do they also believe this was done to gain an athletic advantage for a period of 2+ decades? If so, do these actions deserve the most strict punishment? I would venture to say the vast majority of them will never go as far as proposing housecleaning, titles vacated or postseason bans. Quite typically iow.

My opinion hasn't wavered that a toothless NCAA will never again bite the hand that feeds it billion$. The announcement for their silly Carolina probations likely happen on a Friday before a national holiday. But that's just me.

Do I think kids took no show classes? Yes.

It's not as black and white as you want it to be. If I'm driving my car and I wreck and kill someone, I didn't murder them. Even if I was being negligent by texting or fiddling with the radio when the accident happened. I would have killed someone, but that wasn't my intent. And while I would be very sorry for the life I took because of my negligence and I would accept some penalty for my accident, I would not voluntarily ask for the electric chair. And it appears that's what you want from UNC.

Let me get this straight, so intent is all the difference? When your negligence results in mashing some five year old kid's brains all over the windshield and the steering wheel guts the pregnant mother, you'll accept some penalty cause you feel bad? Good god, what an analogy to offer. Most assuredly, you are a North Carolina fan. Totally devoid of ethics and despicable.

I have to disagree with your analogy though. Roy feels no remorse. He's just fine so long as no brains got on him, I guess. Guess that's the attitude you get when you've been investigated by the 12.

There you go folks. One UNC fan feels bad. His university makes a sham of academic ethics. Sports programs devoid of integrity. He's ashamed and will accept a scolding and slap on the wrist. The UNC Poster Fan!
I find it interesting that KBF destroys Gunslinger with clear and concise logic and fact. JPScott destroyed Bobby with clear concise logic and fact.

When UK fans do find a way to post on THR, how do they respond? Mike and Heelbent change their posts!! Seriously, they don't debate with facts. They change the post to say what they want it to say!!

And, if that isn't funny enough, when PJ was denied eligiblity to play, Mike edited his own posts to avoid the embarrassement of saying PJ would be cleared and that PP and RR would be in meltdown mode![roll]
They don't want the discussion there because none of them are competent enough to debate it. They know they're guilty, but it's easier to hide from it than it is to confront it. That's why the cowards change the posts and ban anyone who brings it up. Ignorance is bliss.
It's amazing how far Roy Williams has fallen in a 5 year period. This has really damaged the guy.

Isn't it crazy? "no knowledge that his athletes were taking paper classes."

He had no knowledge his players were not real students. That is Roy Williams, a man that has been connected to UNC for generations, saying he had no knowledge his players weren't real f'ing students.

UNC fan denial aside, that's alarming every time I think about it. Good God North Carolina, it threatens everything higher education stands for. Roy's claim is almost, almost, as alarming as what really happened. Simply not knowing should be a fireable offense.

The thing that gets me (beyond Roy's constant flip-flopping between 'they keep close tabs on their player's academics' to 'they have no idea what classes they take or what work they are assigned') is that over the past decade he's been paid handsomely (as have many other UNC administrators) for the supposed academic success of UNC's athletes.

What is the total amount of bonuses he's received in direct relation to 'academic success' of his players ? I wouldn't be surprised if it's up past $1million by now. And yet many in the media (John Saunders, Jay Bilas etc.) still give him a free pass ?

To me either Roy should acknowledge that he was complicit in the fraud and voluntarily step down or he should admit that he was negligent in keeping up with his player's academic progress and should return these monies he was awarded. Currently he's trying to play both sides, which I don't think is a tenable position in the long run.

BTW if UNC continues to stonewall, at the very least one of the NCAA's punishments should be for these guys to return these ill-gotten monies.
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Do I think kids took no show classes? Yes.

It's not as black and white as you want it to be. If I'm driving my car and I wreck and kill someone, I didn't murder them. Even if I was being negligent by texting or fiddling with the radio when the accident happened. I would have killed someone, but that wasn't my intent. And while I would be very sorry for the life I took because of my negligence and I would accept some penalty for my accident, I would not voluntarily ask for the electric chair. And it appears that's what you want from UNC.
You read that redacted email I posted didn't you? Ya know, the one that heavily implicates MBB and RW! Enough with the charade. Be a man. Own it.
I heard your side of the argument and it doesn't change my opinion. I still disagree. Thank you.

slinger, you are a hero on THR now. I do worry about your grey matter being affected like HeelBent said his got by coming over here. Also tell HeelBent he is still an asswipe as is Mike. They are both too afraid to face posters with a reason to ban posters there for wjhat they say here, and even change posts as a reason to ban.
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"I'm indifferent to female basketball. I actually refused to coach it last year because I couldn't care less about it. However, I have 20,000 post on the WNBA boards."

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I have been very forthright in my motives. I'm here to watch all of y'all's blood vessels pop when you're screaming about what cheaters we are. I'm here to chuckle about how much you care and then chuckle more when you try to act like it's because of all those poor kids who were cheated out of an education and not because of your taking a sports rivalry too seriously. I'm here because of boredom, message board addiction, and to share my charming personality with the good people of Kentucky.

I hope that clears that up. And congratulations on spelling "cesspool" correctly. You're a leg up on your buddy above.

Isn't it incredible to actually come to a board that has respectable people running it? Where you are allowed to come over here, with your disease, and spout your useless lies?

UNC is the laughing stock of sports. I'm sure glad you don't care, because if you did, you might have to find a school to root for that isn't a bunch of racist cheaters.

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I think Roy's academic bonuses are hush money bonuses in reality . Coach and let our system take care of academics , if we get caught then we'll tell you what to say .
Isn't it incredible to actually come to a board that has respectable people running it? Where you are allowed to come over here, with your disease, and spout your useless lies?

UNC is the laughing stock of sports. I'm sure glad you don't care, because if you did, you might have to find a school to root for that isn't a bunch of racist cheaters.

