Do I think kids took no show classes? Yes.
It's not as black and white as you want it to be. If I'm driving my car and I wreck and kill someone, I didn't murder them. Even if I was being negligent by texting or fiddling with the radio when the accident happened. I would have killed someone, but that wasn't my intent. And while I would be very sorry for the life I took because of my negligence and I would accept some penalty for my accident, I would not voluntarily ask for the electric chair. And it appears that's what you want from UNC.
It's amazing how far Roy Williams has fallen in a 5 year period. This has really damaged the guy.
Isn't it crazy? "no knowledge that his athletes were taking paper classes."
He had no knowledge his players were not real students. That is Roy Williams, a man that has been connected to UNC for generations, saying he had no knowledge his players weren't real f'ing students.
UNC fan denial aside, that's alarming every time I think about it. Good God North Carolina, it threatens everything higher education stands for. Roy's claim is almost, almost, as alarming as what really happened. Simply not knowing should be a fireable offense.
You read that redacted email I posted didn't you? Ya know, the one that heavily implicates MBB and RW! Enough with the charade. Be a man. Own it.No.
Do I think kids took no show classes? Yes.
It's not as black and white as you want it to be. If I'm driving my car and I wreck and kill someone, I didn't murder them. Even if I was being negligent by texting or fiddling with the radio when the accident happened. I would have killed someone, but that wasn't my intent. And while I would be very sorry for the life I took because of my negligence and I would accept some penalty for my accident, I would not voluntarily ask for the electric chair. And it appears that's what you want from UNC.
I heard your side of the argument and it doesn't change my opinion. I still disagree. Thank you.
I have been very forthright in my motives. I'm here to watch all of y'all's blood vessels pop when you're screaming about what cheaters we are. I'm here to chuckle about how much you care and then chuckle more when you try to act like it's because of all those poor kids who were cheated out of an education and not because of your taking a sports rivalry too seriously. I'm here because of boredom, message board addiction, and to share my charming personality with the good people of Kentucky.
I hope that clears that up. And congratulations on spelling "cesspool" correctly. You're a leg up on your buddy above.
Isn't it incredible to actually come to a board that has respectable people running it? Where you are allowed to come over here, with your disease, and spout your useless lies?
UNC is the laughing stock of sports. I'm sure glad you don't care, because if you did, you might have to find a school to root for that isn't a bunch of racist cheaters.