Ol' Roy and BoobyTickleMeElmo one and the same?

UNC is at the bottom of the ethics barrel , liars and entirely untrustworthy . I'm not talking ish , that's real.
"I've said I felt very comfortable for a very long time because we've been investigated by 73 people and all 12 disciples of the Lord, it feels like, and every one of them has said Roy Williams didn't know anything about this; he didn't do anything,'' Williams said Tuesday during an interview with and Yahoo! Sports.


Williams reiterated what he has long contended, that he had no knowledge that his athletes were taking paper classes. Even more, he repeated that when he took over at Carolina and noticed the preponderance of athletes clustered in the major and taking independent study courses that he spoke with his staff about changing it.


Five members of the 2005 national championship team were listed as African and Afro-American studies majors, taking classes that have since been revealed to be fraudulent.

Some have speculated that could mean the championship will be vacated, but Williams argued that despite the paper classes, his players were, in fact, eligible.

"Even if you give a guy four Fs in that spring semester, he's still eligible,'' he said. "We didn't have ineligible players. They took courses that the university offered.''

Roy Williams is a snake in the grass. Investigated by "all 12 disciples of the Lord"? Really Roy? Lying, cheating, hypocritical piece of shi*.
Five members of the 2005 national championship team were listed as African and Afro-American studies majors, taking classes that have since been revealed to be fraudulent.

Some have speculated that could mean the championship will be vacated, but Williams argued that despite the paper classes, his players were, in fact, eligible.

"Even if you give a guy four Fs in that spring semester, he's still eligible,'' he said. "We didn't have ineligible players. They took courses that the university offered.''

Except, some of those players were most likely taking fraudulent classes in the Fall too, numb-nuts.

Once read an article that told how many total fraudulent classes that team accounted for. I'll have to look for it.
Except, some of those players were taking fraudulent classes in the Fall too, numb-nuts.

I'm too lazy to look it up, but how many of those 5 players came back for the next season having taken fake classes in the spring? Typical deflect, deny talk. Obviously lawyer-coached and PR- firm prompted. Lying, cheating POS Roy.
I'm too lazy to look it up, but how many of those 5 players came back for the next season having taken fake classes in the spring? Typical deflect, deny talk. Obviously lawyer-coached and PR- firm prompted. Lying, cheating POS Roy.
The only ones worth a damn that returned were Noel and Terry. May, McCants, Williams, and Felton all bolted for the league.

Either way, this doesn't hinge on Spring '05. Guarandamntee you some of those guys took bogus classes that Fall. When this is all over and done with, I'm gonna lmao when somebody leaks those transcripts! That is coming.
The only ones worth a damn that returned were Noel and Terry. May, McCants, Williams, and Felton all bolted for the league.

Either way, this doesn't hinge on Spring '05. Guarandamntee you some of those guys took bogus classes that Fall. When this is all over and done with, I'm gonna lmao when somebody leaks those transcripts! That is coming.

The NCAA has seen the transcripts. If there was anything there then they would have alleged the team(s) played an ineligible player; you would have seen it in the NOA, it would have said player XXXX was ineligible after (date). I don't understand why this keeps getting overlooked. The COI rules on the allegations in the NOA, and if there's no allegation of using ineligible players then the COI doesn't all of a sudden say someone was ineligible.
The NCAA has seen the transcripts. If there was anything there then they would have alleged the team(s) played an ineligible player; you would have seen it in the NOA, it would have said player XXXX was ineligible after (date). I don't understand why this keeps getting overlooked. The COI rules on the allegations in the NOA, and if there's no allegation of using ineligible players then the COI doesn't all of a sudden say someone was ineligible.
UNC** redacted the NOA, so no, we may not have seen that information. It has already been shown that mbb, men's basketball, and basketball were redacted. They didn't even have to release the NOA, so why would they release a legit one, when all they've done so far is obfuscate the entire ordeal?

Also, an NCAA spokesperson said that academic impermissible benefits could result in ineligibility. so you may be eating an extra large one on that front.

You might end up as the 2nd person I've had to ignore if you keep posting a bunch of suck. Do better.
UNC** redacted the NOA, so no, we may not have seen that information. It has already been shown that mbb, men's basketball, and basketball were redacted. They didn't even have to release the NOA, so why would they release a legit one, when all they've done so far is obfuscate the entire ordeal?

Also, an NCAA spokesperson said that academic impermissible benefits could result in ineligibility. so you may be eating an extra large one on that front.

You might end up as the 2nd person I've had to ignore if you keep posting a bunch of suck. Do better.

You mean Dan Kane speculated 'MBB' was erased mid-sentence of an email that was irrelevant or at worst mundane. Are you saying UNC altered the NOA and left out allegations? Short of that then you'd have seen something along the lines of 'player XXXX was ineligible...', where XXXX is the redacted name of the player.
You mean Dan Kane speculated 'MBB' was erased mid-sentence of an email that was irrelevant or at worst mundane. Are you saying UNC altered the NOA and left out allegations? Short of that then you'd have seen something along the lines of 'player XXXX was ineligible...', where XXXX is the redacted name of the player.
Are you saying they didn't? It is 100% fact that they redacted something that would NOT have violated FERPA. Do you disagree with that? Why would they redact something that wouldn't violate privacy laws? I can think of a couple reasons. Quit being obtuse.
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Are you saying they didn't?

Also, it is 100% fact that they redacted something that would NOT have violated FERPA. Do you disagree?

I know we will easily find out once the COI rule and that report is released. UNC won't be able to hide any penalties, so they would be dumb to leave out allegations and probably breaking laws (considering they said they simply followed FERPA).
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Answer the question ... did they redact something that would NOT have violated FERPA? If Yes, then why would they do that?

Spare me the legalities. They've already committed Pell Grant Fraud. Over redacting is small potatoes to that bunch of criminals.
Answer the question ... did they redact something that would NOT have violated FERPA? If Yes, then why would they do that?

Spare me the legalities. They've already committed Pell Grant Fraud. Over redacting is small potatoes to that bunch of criminals.

Once again, we don't know, Dan Kane said they could have while UNC said they simply followed FERPA. However, you're suggesting they altered the NOA and not simply redacted it, for redactions are obvious and easy to spot (just look for the whiteout). You're saying they rewrote it and left out violations. Don't forget, everyone and their brother reported on the five violations, it would be beyond dumb to present that knowing that in 5 months the COI would rule on more.
I didn't say they altered it. I said they redacted innocuous information.

Perhaps they're trying to convince the general public that MBB wasn't as heavily implicated as WBB or Football, so when the COI crushes MBB, the public outrage will be more harsh???
I didn't say they altered it. I said they redacted innocuous information.

Perhaps they're trying to convince the general public that MBB wasn't as heavily implicated as WBB or Football, so when the COI crushes MBB, the public outrage will be more harsh???

Are you not saying they left out violations pertaining to ineligible mbb players? If not, then do you agree that the NCAA has not found any players ineligible during their investigation?
The NCAA will not make that determination. The COI will ultimately decide that. As it stands, the NCAA is saying that UNC gave student athletes impermissible benefits. The NCAA says that could affect eligibility. The COI has a lot of latitude in how they want to rule on that. At least that's my understanding.

Yes, I believe they did remove stuff that wasn't "sensitive" in nature, or redacted it if you will. In fact, the Kane article proves this. As far as altering, like, changing the content. I don't believe that to be the case. Let's not get too hung up on technicalities here. Redacting is technically, altering. Yes UNC "altered" the NOA when they redacted it. But for the purposes of this conversation, I am saying they over redacted, and didn't change the content. Are you saying they didn't over redact? Based on Kane's article, I think it's pretty cut & dry. It wasn't a proper name that was redacted, and that is easy to conceive based on the context of the sentence. No FERPA violation, so why did they redact innocuous information?

Bob, if you had to fill in the blanks below, what would you put there? Oh, and apparently the NCAA found this to be relevant, considering it's in the NOA. This directly implicates MBB, Wayne Walden, and Roy Williams.

“Jenn, for many years, (redacted) was very separate from the Academic Center. Burgess McSwain whom I’m sure you have heard of, kept it that way because Coach Smith wanted it that way. He wanted the (redacted) boys to remain separate and not get lumped in the ‘athlete label’ that I’m sure you have witnessed, often works against them. After Burgess got sick, Coach Williams came, Wayne came, they put (redacted) in the middle of the Academic Center…”

I mean, what the hell could they be talking about? The paragraph has listed Dean Smith (MBB coach), Burgess McSwain (academic adviser to MBB team), Roy Williams (MBB coach), and Wayne Walden (academic adviser to MBB team). Don't you have to assume they're referring to, I don't know, MEN'S FREAKING BASKETBALL!!!
The 2005 cheat MBB team took 35 bogus classes that academic year, but Roy thinks it's OK because 26 of them were during the spring semester.

Must be nice not having to go to class or do school work so you can concentrate on winning a championship. If this isn't illegal benefits, I don't know what is! All those other schools players who took legit courses were idiots.
If men's basketball isn't being charged with any violations why was every member of the coaching staff interviewed by the NCAA and why are those transcripts included in the FI's of the NOA? Why did UNC choose to not take possession of the transcripts and release them like they did the emails?
Are you not saying they left out violations pertaining to ineligible mbb players? If not, then do you agree that the NCAA has not found any players ineligible during their investigation?

Bobby, its easy to see what is going down. unc was the jewel of the eastern seaboard before this went down. They cheated but the educational institutions rulling over this and the ncaa know that driving them into the ground with penalties that are deserving would not be well for college world nor the ncaa body. They did it to schools in the past that were really unfair so they are trying to make things right now by letting unc walk with a smack on the wrist. I could name the schools right now that will be VERY upset when they see how little unc is punished but if I was them, I would file suit against the ncaa just for showing their favoritism. lol
The NCAA has seen the transcripts. If there was anything there then they would have alleged the team(s) played an ineligible player; you would have seen it in the NOA, it would have said player XXXX was ineligible after (date). I don't understand why this keeps getting overlooked. The COI rules on the allegations in the NOA, and if there's no allegation of using ineligible players then the COI doesn't all of a sudden say someone was ineligible.
By your reasoning there isn't 1 player in any sport that will be ruled ineligible. The NOA specifically mentions women's basketball, men's basketball and football as the primary beneficiaries of the bogus classes but no player was charged in any of those sports.
I said long ago Bobby was Roy.........there's no doubt in my mind now.

As clueless with the facts and as clueless with formulating the case.

UNC is nothing but a fraud for covering and denying til the end.
@BobbyG_tickle_swerv , use your infinite wisdom to fill in the blanks for us.

“Jenn, for many years, (redacted) was very separate from the Academic Center. Burgess McSwain whom I’m sure you have heard of, kept it that way because Coach Smith wanted it that way. He wanted the (redacted) boys to remain separate and not get lumped in the ‘athlete label’ that I’m sure you have witnessed, often works against them. After Burgess got sick, Coach Williams came, Wayne came, they put (redacted) in the middle of the Academic Center…”
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Bob, use your infinite wisdom and fill in the blanks.

“Jenn, for many years, (redacted) was very separate from the Academic Center. Burgess McSwain whom I’m sure you have heard of, kept it that way because Coach Smith wanted it that way. He wanted the (redacted) boys to remain separate and not get lumped in the ‘athlete label’ that I’m sure you have witnessed, often works against them. After Burgess got sick, Coach Williams came, Wayne came, they put (redacted) in the middle of the Academic Center…”


I wonder why we never see RevHeels on this board any longer telling us how ethical Dean was or how cheating could NOT happen at UNC? C'mon Gary, time to show up and explain.
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What ol' Roy doesn't understand is this:

The Spring semester in college starts in early January. That means it's only about halfway through the college basketball season. Further, the NCAA Tournament is in mid March to early April, and guess what, the Spring semester doesn't end until early or mid May.

So, if the players took bogus classes in the Spring semester, they are every bit as ineligible as if they took them in the Fall semester. Perhaps even more so. Ol' Roy continues to prove himself to be an idiot. Dementia, perhaps?
Why is it that on UNC's board we cannot debate or question anything even in the slightest without being banned and yet this assclown BobbyG gets to run his crap over here non-stop?
Why is it that on UNC's board we cannot debate or question anything even in the slightest without being banned and yet this assclown BobbyG gets to run his crap over here non-stop?
I am glad the mods here are not chickenshits like heelbent and mikeirbyusa. Plus, bob poses no real threat. Just see above for an example. I asked him a simple question and he can't respond, because the answer only further incriminates the sissy blues.
Bless your hearts my Kentucky friends, I do wish you PEACE.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bless your hearts my Kentucky friends, I do wish you PEACE.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Tar Heels aren't going anywhere but down the toilet.
The Tar Heels aren't going anywhere but down the toilet.
I don't think your response is as bad my friend, but taken into the fact how great your history has been in college basketball, I wouldn't had thought you would react this way about another school.
I don't think your response is as bad my friend, but taken into the fact how great your history has been in college basketball, I wouldn't had thought you would react this way about another school.
Sorry you can't handle the truth my great pal.
Bless your hearts my Kentucky friends, I do wish you PEACE.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
With your obvious bent toward smarmy how do you feel about a school using young minority athletes for athletic glory but not providing them an education?
With your obvious bent toward smarmy how do you feel about a school using young minority athletes for athletic glory but not providing them an education?
My friend, what ever happens to UNC will just happen and life will go on one way or the other. As much as I love UNC, my life will continue. The health and welfare of the ones I love are more important than any win or loss in college sports. 30 years ago I probably would not had made a statement like that. I use to beat my chess with the best of them, but I have learned their are more important things going on in life than college sports.

I wish you PEACE to my friend....
My friend, what ever happens to UNC will just happen and life will go on one way or the other. As much as I love UNC, my life will continue. The health and welfare of the ones I love are more important than any win or loss in college sports. 30 years ago I probably would not had made a statement like that. I use to beat my chess with the best of them, but I have learned their are more important things going on in life than college sports.

I wish you PEACE to my friend....
Why are you on a college basketball site? Shouldn't you be on a mountain in Tibet meditating? I think you illustrate that some UNC*** fans are entering the last stage of grief: acceptance.
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