Thank you. Some people are unable to separate coaches from W/L records. Brooks seems to be a pretty good defensive coach, but man that offense was hard to watch. Make sure Perkins gets his 2 touches at the beginning of each half!
His overuse of Perkins in the playoffs was maddening. I remember in the Finals with the Heat EVERY time they took Perkins out and went with the smaller lineup with Ibaka at the 5 they went on a run and played much better, and EVERY time they put Perkins back in they fell apart. Yet Brooks kept insisting on playing Perkins most of the game anyways, it's like everybody in the world could see that Perkins was killing them except for the head coach.
They might have a championship now if they'd just played the lineup that ACTUALLY WORKED in that series more than the one that clearly didn't work. But the coach was just too rigid to change his rotation that way.