Dontworryboutit23 All-American Jan 4, 2022 28,569 45,581 113 Yesterday at 12:56 AM #1,161 We never make shit easy man, never. We always gotta make the damn game 10 times harder then it needs to be Reactions: gharding07 and Worf88
We never make shit easy man, never. We always gotta make the damn game 10 times harder then it needs to be
M megablue All-American Oct 2, 2012 12,376 11,780 113 Yesterday at 12:56 AM #1,162 Chandler and Williams both walked before Carr was fouled.
*CatinIL* All-American Jan 2, 2003 24,309 38,816 113 Area 52 Yesterday at 12:56 AM #1,163 If that's not flagrant that's bullshit! Reactions: kywildcat41035
U ukfan117 Sophomore Apr 20, 2009 1,140 1,670 113 Yesterday at 12:56 AM #1,164 That's a thug play. **** you Oklahoma Reactions: BMR_1987, Midway Cat and kywildcat41035
kywildcat41035 All-American Jan 10, 2015 16,912 27,339 113 45 Yesterday at 12:56 AM #1,165 Damn that’s a flagrant foul like I haven’t ever seen it!!!
adam512003 Sophomore Mar 28, 2006 1,005 418 83 Collierville, TN Yesterday at 12:57 AM #1,166 OU is bitch made Reactions: Midway Cat, BMR_1987 and kywildcat41035
sefus12 Senior Dec 22, 2007 5,925 13,592 113 Yesterday at 12:57 AM #1,167 This Fears kid must have dirt on everyone single person in the SEC front office.
yes_takeaside All-SEC Feb 17, 2021 7,466 13,590 113 Yesterday at 12:57 AM #1,170 Amari trying to lose it
F fredmanthecatfan All-American Apr 23, 2002 17,452 3,084 113 Yesterday at 12:57 AM #1,171 That should be a flagrant. Reactions: NociHTTP
BlueWorldOrder74 All-American Oct 9, 2015 12,251 30,892 113 Lexington Yesterday at 12:57 AM #1,172 **** THESE BITCH ASS ****ERS!!! Refs did their job trying to get the spread. Reactions: BMR_1987
bbncal02 All-American Nov 14, 2017 42,337 60,905 113 Hopkinsville Yesterday at 12:57 AM #1,173 Ogelsby should be out of a damn job. Reactions: Worf88 and TriCountyCat
Bkocats All-American Jan 2, 2011 31,152 68,629 113 Yesterday at 12:57 AM #1,174 That better be flagrant
G GoNoles111 Junior Dec 31, 2007 2,063 3,001 113 Yesterday at 12:57 AM #1,175 Get Dykes off our games F this dude Reactions: BMR_1987
C crawfords corner All-American Jul 9, 2004 44,672 36,506 113 Yesterday at 12:57 AM #1,176 How tf is that not excessive Reactions: BMR_1987, ManitouDan and Worf88
U UKSanders All-SEC Jan 1, 2003 8,387 8,315 113 Yesterday at 12:57 AM #1,177 Wague is such a punk Reactions: Worf88
Dead Cat Bounce Junior Jan 8, 2003 2,406 3,945 113 Yesterday at 12:57 AM #1,178 How the fuxk is that not excessive. Reactions: ManitouDan
P Pulaski Cat Fan All-American Feb 14, 2007 14,425 21,506 113 Somerset, Kentucky Yesterday at 12:57 AM #1,179 Amari Williams needs to get his head out of his ass.
Roe07 All-American Dec 16, 2007 13,994 10,502 113 40 Bluegrass State Yesterday at 12:57 AM #1,180 Dirty punks Reactions: BMR_1987
yes_takeaside All-SEC Feb 17, 2021 7,466 13,590 113 Yesterday at 12:57 AM #1,181 Continuation call was BS Reactions: Worf88 and Midway Cat
the nail at the foul line All-American Feb 9, 2011 49,411 91,682 113 Yesterday at 12:57 AM #1,182 Flagrant 2
NociHTTP All-SEC Mar 8, 2023 9,257 14,822 113 Yesterday at 12:57 AM #1,184 F1 that mofo. God, I can't stand Oklahoma. Reactions: CatFanInIlliniLand and BMR_1987
shaudyshaud All-American Apr 2, 2011 10,474 23,208 113 Greenville, SC Yesterday at 12:57 AM #1,185 Carr make your free throws
gharding07 All-SEC Jan 23, 2020 7,768 9,301 113 NODAK Yesterday at 12:57 AM #1,186 THROW HIS ASS OUT Reactions: BMR_1987
Demarcus Kidd-Miller Junior Oct 5, 2012 2,577 1,052 113 Yesterday at 12:57 AM #1,188 Please hit your FTs Carr. Reactions: Farsight
F Farsight Senior Nov 27, 2011 4,309 5,501 113 Yesterday at 12:57 AM #1,189 SHIT ASS REFS THEY WANT It WITHIN 6. THEY WANT MONEY. Its clear. If you can't see you're brainwashed. Reactions: kywildcat41035
SHIT ASS REFS THEY WANT It WITHIN 6. THEY WANT MONEY. Its clear. If you can't see you're brainwashed.
BlueRunner11 All-American Mar 26, 2011 11,496 35,241 113 KY, currently in CA Yesterday at 12:57 AM #1,190 BS Reactions: kywildcat41035
Bkocats All-American Jan 2, 2011 31,152 68,629 113 Yesterday at 12:58 AM #1,191 Are you kidding me Reactions: kywildcat41035
CUJO_1970 All-SEC Sep 9, 2013 8,674 16,656 113 EARNED NOT GIVEN Yesterday at 12:58 AM #1,192 Absolute BULLSHIT Reactions: kywildcat41035
Dontworryboutit23 All-American Jan 4, 2022 28,569 45,581 113 Yesterday at 12:58 AM #1,193 lol common foul Reactions: kywildcat41035
G0 B1G BLUE Sep 27, 2008 290 450 63 Yesterday at 12:58 AM #1,194 Lolol lawd have mercy Reactions: kywildcat41035
ala_kat2 All-American Jan 4, 2003 10,211 9,066 113 Louisville, KY Yesterday at 12:58 AM #1,195 BS call! It was flagrant! Reactions: Farsight and kywildcat41035
SemperFiCat All-American Mar 2, 2009 13,913 27,544 113 Central Indy Yesterday at 12:58 AM #1,196 When this ends with a fight, there's why. Reactions: ManitouDan, kywildcat41035 and Farsight
kywildcat41035 All-American Jan 10, 2015 16,912 27,339 113 45 Yesterday at 12:58 AM #1,197 Common foul my mother ****ing ass! Reactions: ManitouDan and Farsight
U UKSanders All-SEC Jan 1, 2003 8,387 8,315 113 Yesterday at 12:58 AM #1,198 The initial play on the ball was fine, but the continued physicality to throw Carr to the floor is flagrant Reactions: kywildcat41035
The initial play on the ball was fine, but the continued physicality to throw Carr to the floor is flagrant
TheWyldKat Senior Mar 13, 2016 5,290 4,675 113 Yesterday at 12:58 AM #1,199 The most terrible refs ever Reactions: kywildcat41035
fisherscatfan Senior Dec 21, 2001 5,195 11,536 113 Yesterday at 12:58 AM #1,200 That was a F1 . Reactions: kywildcat41035