Bring this thing on home. Sweet Sixteen ? It's been awhile. Nice to be back.
Really impressive to possibly reach sweet 16 without Kerr and JaxsonI freaking love this team! They did exactly what they had to do today. Who says Mark Pope can’t win tournament games? Where you at now?
They aren’t lying. It will be hard. Don’t think they meant it as a dig. Just be incredibly happy with what we’ve done.Ahhahahahahah. Announcers all talking about how hard it’s gonna be to beat Tennessee three times almost as immediate as we put the game away. Eff those guys man.
For real they are hitting ridiculous ass shots nowJUST DIE YOU ORANGE BASTARDS
And nice and close to home. Should be plenty of UK fans thereBring this thing on home. Sweet Sixteen ? It's been awhile. Nice to be back.
No excuses for Mark Pope baby! He’s a national Champion. What a pass right there.Pope had no team. No staff.
Injuries all year long, 2 took out a started and our back up PG.
Sweet 16 first time in 6 years regardless lol
Could Kobe be a Klay Thompson type?Kobe looks like he’s auditioning for the NBA. I hope he makes it
It was a complete dig. They could talk about this game, but they immediately found something negative to make a talking point out of for us.They aren’t lying. It will be hard. Don’t think they meant it as a dig. Just be incredibly happy with what we’ve done.