*** Official CatsIllustrrated Stupid Underdog Pick Contest - Week 11 ***

We had a lot of upsets but few of us picked them. We had 15 teams that were upset winners that none of us picked and only 3 teams that we did pick. I know I didn't pick one. 12 upsets were on the road. I know I tend toward picking home teams.

@GrandePdre, I have seven variations for "Miami (FL)" but "Miami, FL" isn't one of them. It can't be. I put all the strange spellings in a file where I separate the different ones with a "," because I "knew" that no one would use a comma in a team name. So I can't even represent your version in my file. Don't plan on changing it. Don't use a "," in the name. You could use "Miami FL,Miami Florida,Miami (Fla),Miami-Florida,Miami Fla,Miami (Fla.),Miami(FL)," and I could add more, just not one with a "," in it.
Underdog Winners - Week #11:

HAWAII : 18.5 points
Arizona State : 17.5 points
Southern Miss : 12.5 points
Northwestern : 12.5 points
Ball State : 10.5 points
East Carolina : 10.0 points
Sam Houston State : 8.5 points
New Mexico State : 5.5 points
NAVY : 4.5 points
Texas Tech : 4.0 points
Auburn : 3.0 points
Cincinnati : 2.5 points
Virginia Tech : 2.5 points
Appalachian State : 2.5 points
UCF : 2.0 points
SYRACUSE : 1.0 points
MARSHALL : 1.0 points
SAN JOSE STATE : 1.0 points

Correct Underdog Picks - Week #11:

NAVY: howercat

Texas Tech: ArtLaibsGhost

Auburn: Short-Dawg-69, mgp913

Nobody picked: HAWAII, Arizona State, Southern Miss, Northwestern, Ball State, East Carolina, Sam Houston State, New Mexico State, Cincinnati, Virginia Tech, Appalachian State, UCF, SYRACUSE, MARSHALL, SAN JOSE STATE

Stupid Underdog Picks Leader Board - Week #11:

53.0 : RedLotMudcat
50.0 : WalterTheHippo
45.0 : Hang_Time_2
44.5 : gblue5744
37.0 : BeardedKatFan
37.0 : secrules3
35.5 : catben
33.5 : kybloo92
33.0 : TOMCATS1990
32.5 : Chad Rock
31.5 : MAYHOO22
29.0 : jwcat30
28.5 : Short-Dawg-69
28.0 : stinger11723
25.0 : jsyeag
25.0 : Serenity Now!!!
24.5 : ILiveBlue-GoCats
23.5 : jameslee32
23.0 : RonRajon
22.0 : Nuke99m
22.0 : pumpedupcats
21.0 : UKfirst
20.5 : Cat4life_
20.5 : TuckyFB
20.0 : H-D cat
20.0 : warrior-cat
19.5 : bluecoon1
19.5 : ThreeHogNight
19.0 : M4CAT
18.5 : rockycard
18.5 : Roe07
18.0 : rivercatinfl
17.5 : Old_Red
16.5 : JSgorocks
15.5 : Littlefeller
15.0 : CGblue
14.5 : Big_Blue_1018
14.5 : docholiday51
14.0 : ArtLaibsGhost
14.0 : Caveman Catfan
14.0 : GrandePdre
14.0 : jimmy cowboy
13.5 : AVCat
13.5 : blue cincy
13.5 : Ken Cat
13.5 : LordEggForgotHisPassword
13.0 : pappy52
12.5 : PickSixKing
11.5 : Blueworld_3.0
10.5 : kywildcatsfannumber1
10.5 : LordEgg
10.5 : wildcatbd21
10.0 : Blueisbest
10.0 : howercat
9.5 : BigBlueBall
9.5 : RocknRollCats
9.0 : Bryguy
8.0 : Burgcatfan
8.0 : Uk##1
7.5 : blubud
7.5 : BlueInTheBoro
7.5 : maysvilleky
6.5 : *CatinIL*
6.5 : BurgLife
6.5 : Larry00
6.5 : mgp913
6.0 : btodd0224
6.0 : cat tat2
5.5 : BlueBallz
5.5 : lazydave841
4.0 : gamecockcat
3.5 : Catapult
2.5 : SWVA WildcatFan
1.5 : KyThunder55

Stupid Underdog Picks Multiple Winners - Week #11:

6 : MAYHOO22
5 : BeardedKatFan
5 : jwcat30
5 : RedLotMudcat
5 : WalterTheHippo
4 : gblue5744
4 : Hang_Time_2
4 : ILiveBlue-GoCats
4 : jameslee32
4 : JSgorocks
4 : kybloo92
4 : Nuke99m
3 : ArtLaibsGhost
3 : Big_Blue_1018
3 : bluecoon1
3 : Cat4life_
3 : catben
3 : Chad Rock
3 : jsyeag
3 : Littlefeller
3 : M4CAT
3 : Old_Red
3 : pumpedupcats
3 : rivercatinfl
3 : rockycard
3 : secrules3
3 : Short-Dawg-69
3 : ThreeHogNight
3 : TOMCATS1990
2 : Blueisbest
2 : Bryguy
2 : Caveman Catfan
2 : CGblue
2 : docholiday51
2 : GrandePdre
2 : H-D cat
2 : howercat
2 : jimmy cowboy
2 : Ken Cat
2 : mgp913
2 : pappy52
2 : PickSixKing
2 : Roe07
2 : RonRajon
2 : Serenity Now!!!
2 : stinger11723
2 : TuckyFB
2 : warrior-cat

Underdog Winners:

Week 1: 10
Week 2: 10
Week 3: 13
Week 4: 11
Week 5: 10
Week 6: 14
Week 7: 17
Week 8: 17
Week 9: 15
Week 10: 21
Week 11: 18

Season Average for Underdog Winners: 14.2

Correct Underdog Picks:

Week 1: 27
Week 2: 17
Week 3: 17
Week 4: 6
Week 5: 5
Week 6: 23
Week 7: 31
Week 8: 6
Week 9: 16
Week 10: 17
Week 11: 4

Season Average for Correct Picks: 15.4

Total Picks Made:

Week 1: 93
Week 2: 81
Week 3: 78
Week 4: 79
Week 5: 72
Week 6: 73
Week 7: 64
Week 8: 61
Week 9: 60
Week 10: 55
Week 11: 53

Season Average for Total Picks: 69.9
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Reactions: GrandePdre