*** Official CatsIllustrated Stupid Underdog Pick Contest - Week 4 ***

Unless there has been a massive line change, Florida Atlantic shouldn't be an underdog.
I didn't archive the web page when I made the odds so there is no way to check. They've made those types of errors before. Since I don't know all of the teams, there is no way I am going to double check and catch everything. Sure looks like they may have had it flipped when I made the odds originally. Nothing I can do about it now.
This is going to be interesting, but first things first.


Next week's game is going to work with different rules because of changes brought about by the new board format. I just realized that people can delete their posts without it showing up at all in the final version. That means I can't keep people from cheating by picking an early game, deleting their post when that team doesn't win and moving on to another game. Sooo, the final cut off for making a pick in the contest will have to be the first game kickoff. Any picks after that will be too late. I'll probably drop the Thursday or earlier games.

Now back to this week. uk_num_1, you picked Utah and that's great but you picked at 2:32 pm and I had the kickoff at 12:00. If you can prove that it really did kick off after 2:30 pm, I'll give you the points. It was pointed out that the odds on Florida Atlantic looked backwards and were, indeed, opposite of what they ended up. All I can say is that I am pretty confident that I have all the bugs wrung out of the code that reads the odds so the odds that were listed when I grabbed the odds probably were listed wrong. They've made that mistake before and I didn't catch it. All I can do is give those were savvy enough to recognize it credit. Maxwell41, you also picked Utah, but you picked Ball State first and didn't tell me that you wanted to override your first pick so you get your first pick. Sorry...

Underdog Winners - Week #4:

Utah : 14.0 points
DUKE : 9.5 points
Akron : 8.5 points
EAST CAROLINA : 8.0 points
Florida Atlantic : 7.5 points
Mississippi State : 3.0 points
Army : 2.5 points
Nevada : 2.0 points

Correct Underdog Picks - Week #4:

Utah: kyfan606, THE_OAK, Greasy Creak Mafia, jsyeag, PokerCat67

DUKE: ukwazoo, dvillecatfan, *CatinIL*, Blue Strype, catben, Free_Salato_Blue

EAST CAROLINA: BigBadBlueDaddy, OldBlueNuts

Florida Atlantic: ram1955, bigbluemist, warrior_SW, On_track_4_8, AsianPICat, Gabewcat, DubyaT

Nobody picked: Akron, Mississippi State, Army, Nevada

Stupid Underdog Picks Leader Board - Week #4:

28.0 : kyfan606
26.5 : Greasy Creak Mafia
26.5 : THE_OAK
22.5 : Gabewcat
21.5 : PokerCat67

21.0 : Hang_Time_2
19.5 : BigBlueFan1963
19.5 : Serenity Now!!!
16.5 : crosbycatfan3745
15.0 : ram1955
14.5 : BigBadBlueDaddy

14.0 : calicat21
14.0 : docholiday51
14.0 : jsyeag
14.0 : warrior_SW

13.5 : OSOK
12.5 : jimmy cowboy
12.5 : Larry00
12.5 : WildOnKnoxville
12.0 : bigbluemist
12.0 : DubyaT

12.0 : gamecockcat
12.0 : straykat
10.5 : SWVA WildcatFan
10.0 : maysvilleky
9.5 : *CatinIL*
9.5 : Blue Strype
9.5 : catben
9.5 : dvillecatfan
9.5 : Free_Salato_Blue
9.5 : ukwazoo

8.5 : KyMaster
8.0 : OldBlueNuts
7.5 : AsianPICat

7.5 : Blueisbest
7.5 : BoulderCat
7.5 : Deeeefense
7.5 : Faithful Blue in the 812
7.5 : GoB!gBlue
7.5 : GoBigBlue37
7.5 : On_track_4_8
7.5 : pappy52
7.5 : RS73CAT
7.5 : specialkd24
7.5 : stinger11723
7.5 : TotesMcGotes
7.5 : ukcatsfan2
7.5 : UKMKG
7.5 : UK_num_1
7.5 : warrior-cat
7.5 : zac_limanni
7.0 : no_neutrality
6.5 : 13space82
6.5 : bigblue7609
6.5 : LordEgg
6.5 : rockhound24
6.0 : jte123
6.0 : Littlefeller
3.5 : Brother Cat
2.5 : JBHolmesfan
1.0 : ashlandcatfan600
1.0 : IamnotRalph
1.0 : RocknRollCats
1.0 : TTU/UK fan

Stupid Underdog Picks Multiple Winners - Week #4:

3 : Gabewcat
3 : Hang_Time_2
3 : kyfan606
3 : ram1955
2 : BigBadBlueDaddy

2 : BigBlueFan1963
2 : bigbluemist
2 : calicat21
2 : docholiday51
2 : DubyaT
2 : gamecockcat
2 : Greasy Creak Mafia
2 : KyMaster
2 : Littlefeller
2 : maysvilleky
2 : OSOK
2 : PokerCat67
2 : Serenity Now!!!
2 : SWVA WildcatFan
2 : warrior_SW

Underdog Winners:

Week 1: 7
Week 2: 13
Week 3: 7
Week 4: 8

Season Average for Underdog Winners: 8.8

Correct Underdog Picks:

Week 1: 24
Week 2: 37
Week 3: 10
Week 4: 20

Season Average for Correct Picks: 22.8

Total Picks Made:

Week 1: 96
Week 2: 75
Week 3: 76
Week 4: 70

Season Average for Total Picks: 79.3

Welcome New SUP Winners - Week #4:

jsyeag, ukwazoo, dvillecatfan, *CatinIL*, Blue Strype, catben, Free_Salato_Blue, OldBlueNuts, On_track_4_8, AsianPICat

Overall Stupid Underdog Picks Winners

2000: this is when Mtcatfan thinks the game started, but winner is not known
2001: did not keep record of who won
2002: did not keep record of who won
2003: SixToeJoe - most correct picks winners not tracked
2004: ThreeHogNight - most correct picks winners not tracked
2005: Hang_Time_2 with 53.5 points - 5 tied for most correct picks at 6, Hang_Time_2 was one of them
2006: JBnTN with 57 points- JBnTN had 8 correct picks which was most correct picks
2007: TaylorsvilleMike with 71.5 points - 5 tied for most correct picks at 7, TaylorsvilleMike was one of them
2008: bigbluemist with 67 points - bigbluemist & CatinSA tied for most correct picks at 9
2009: buckster1 with 95.5 points - buckster1 with 8 correct picks
2010: Hang_Time_2 won with 64 points and also won with 7 correct picks
2011: jrburt won with 70.5 points - Blue Strype had the most correct picks with 10.
2012: Brother Cat with 61.5 - Brother Cat had the most correct picks with 8.
2013: docholiday51 with 61.5 - adolph...ngover and number8please had the most correct picks with 8.
2014: jrburt with 74 points - AsianPICat had the most correct picks with 10.