*** Official CatsIllustrated Stupid Underdog Pick Contest - Week 12 ***

New Mexico is laughing at us. None of us picked either state school. Big wins on the road that could have gotten us points. Oh, well... Congrats to @Larry00 and @jwcat30 who picked App State to get the most points this week with @jwcat30 moving up to 5th place overall.
Underdog Winners - Week #12:

New Mexico : 24.5 points
New Mexico State : 22.5 points
Appalachian State : 12.0 points
Old Dominion : 7.5 points
UCLA : 6.0 points
ARMY : 5.0 points
Michigan State : 4.5 points
VIRGINIA : 4.0 points
ARKANSAS STATE : 3.5 points
UNLV : 3.5 points
North Carolina State : 3.0 points
SOUTH CAROLINA : 2.0 points

Correct Underdog Picks - Week #12:

Appalachian State: Larry00, jwcat30

UCLA: Blueisbest

ARMY: warrior-cat, howercat, BurgLife

Michigan State: *CatinIL*

VIRGINIA: mgp913, rockycard, Bryguy, rivercatinfl

Nobody picked: New Mexico, New Mexico State, Old Dominion, ARKANSAS STATE, UNLV, North Carolina State, SOUTH CAROLINA

Stupid Underdog Picks Leader Board - Week #12:

53.0 : RedLotMudcat
50.0 : WalterTheHippo
45.0 : Hang_Time_2
44.5 : gblue5744
41.0 : jwcat30
37.0 : BeardedKatFan
37.0 : secrules3
35.5 : catben
33.5 : kybloo92
33.0 : TOMCATS1990
32.5 : Chad Rock
31.5 : MAYHOO22
28.5 : Short-Dawg-69
28.0 : stinger11723
25.0 : jsyeag
25.0 : Serenity Now!!!
25.0 : warrior-cat
24.5 : ILiveBlue-GoCats
23.5 : jameslee32
23.0 : RonRajon
22.5 : rockycard
22.0 : Nuke99m
22.0 : pumpedupcats
22.0 : rivercatinfl
21.0 : UKfirst
20.5 : Cat4life_
20.5 : TuckyFB
20.0 : H-D cat
19.5 : bluecoon1
19.5 : ThreeHogNight
19.0 : M4CAT
18.5 : Larry00
18.5 : Roe07
17.5 : Old_Red
16.5 : JSgorocks
16.0 : Blueisbest
15.5 : Littlefeller
15.0 : CGblue
15.0 : howercat
14.5 : Big_Blue_1018
14.5 : docholiday51
14.0 : ArtLaibsGhost
14.0 : Caveman Catfan
14.0 : GrandePdre
14.0 : jimmy cowboy
13.5 : AVCat
13.5 : blue cincy
13.5 : Ken Cat
13.5 : LordEggForgotHisPassword
13.0 : Bryguy
13.0 : pappy52
12.5 : PickSixKing
11.5 : Blueworld_3.0
11.5 : BurgLife
11.0 : *CatinIL*
10.5 : kywildcatsfannumber1
10.5 : LordEgg
10.5 : mgp913
10.5 : wildcatbd21
9.5 : BigBlueBall
9.5 : RocknRollCats
8.0 : Burgcatfan
8.0 : Uk##1
7.5 : blubud
7.5 : BlueInTheBoro
7.5 : maysvilleky
6.0 : btodd0224
6.0 : cat tat2
5.5 : BlueBallz
5.5 : lazydave841
4.0 : gamecockcat
3.5 : Catapult
2.5 : SWVA WildcatFan
1.5 : KyThunder55

Stupid Underdog Picks Multiple Winners - Week #12:

6 : jwcat30

6 : MAYHOO22
5 : BeardedKatFan
5 : RedLotMudcat
5 : WalterTheHippo
4 : gblue5744
4 : Hang_Time_2
4 : ILiveBlue-GoCats
4 : jameslee32
4 : JSgorocks
4 : kybloo92
4 : Nuke99m
4 : rivercatinfl
4 : rockycard

3 : ArtLaibsGhost
3 : Big_Blue_1018
3 : bluecoon1
3 : Blueisbest
3 : Bryguy

3 : Cat4life_
3 : catben
3 : Chad Rock
3 : howercat
3 : jsyeag
3 : Littlefeller
3 : M4CAT
3 : mgp913
3 : Old_Red
3 : pumpedupcats
3 : secrules3
3 : Short-Dawg-69
3 : ThreeHogNight
3 : TOMCATS1990
3 : warrior-cat
2 : *CatinIL*
2 : BurgLife
2 : Caveman Catfan
2 : CGblue
2 : docholiday51
2 : GrandePdre
2 : H-D cat
2 : jimmy cowboy
2 : Ken Cat
2 : Larry00
2 : pappy52
2 : PickSixKing
2 : Roe07
2 : RonRajon
2 : Serenity Now!!!
2 : stinger11723
2 : TuckyFB

Underdog Winners:

Week 1: 10
Week 2: 10
Week 3: 13
Week 4: 11
Week 5: 10
Week 6: 14
Week 7: 17
Week 8: 17
Week 9: 15
Week 10: 21
Week 11: 18
Week 12: 12

Season Average for Underdog Winners: 14.0

Correct Underdog Picks:

Week 1: 27
Week 2: 17
Week 3: 17
Week 4: 6
Week 5: 5
Week 6: 23
Week 7: 31
Week 8: 6
Week 9: 16
Week 10: 17
Week 11: 4
Week 12: 11

Season Average for Correct Picks: 15.0

Total Picks Made:

Week 1: 93
Week 2: 81
Week 3: 78
Week 4: 79
Week 5: 72
Week 6: 73
Week 7: 64
Week 8: 61
Week 9: 60
Week 10: 55
Week 11: 53
Week 12: 53

Season Average for Total Picks: 68.5
Does this continue through the bowl games and playoffs???
Usually we treat the bowls as a single, very long week. The playoffs typically are excluded past the first round. Just too hard for me to manage.

I usually try to find a game for the prediction contest up to the last time Kentucky plays for the year.