Obsession with Duke


Jan 3, 2003
Did Coach K turn down Skal, Briscoe and Murray? Do you believe that he had no interest in any of them. How many of Cal's misses last year went to Duke. One to be exact. Just cool your jets and cut the crap about how we just hope that every one of Cal's targets doesn't end up at Duke. Did Wall, Cousins, Towns, Knight, Davis, Noel, Bledsoe, Patterson, Jones etc, etc? Coach K would have given his right arm to have every one of them and others I didn't bother to include. He has an advantage right now because of his coaching big time recruits outside of his job at Duke, but who wouldn't? Cal is the best recruiter of all time and I think his stats prove it, at least during his time at Memphis and UK.
UK fans are always obsessed with the current threat to the throne. It's been UNC, Kansas, Florida and now Duke. Just the way we are.
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UK fans are always obsessed with the current threat to the throne. It's been UNC, Kansas, Florida and now Duke. Just the way we are.

UNC, Kansas, Florida & Duke same when they were threat to the throne.

That is just the way it is.
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I don't care about that team either way, all I'm worried about is our school and our team and try to keep up with ex players as much as I can, Go Cats[cheers]:cool2:
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UK fans are always obsessed with the current threat to the throne. It's been UNC, Kansas, Florida and now Duke. Just the way we are.

Yep, this is right on the money. Duke just happens to be the current No. 1 threat, so we obsess over them. And, just to demonstrate my age, I can remember back when we worried sick about Indiana seizing our top program throne, and before that UCLA.
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You cant even spell Duke without UK.
Enough said.

No specific offense to you, but I never understood how this cliché became such a utilized method of trash talk. I mean, I get it, but I just don't know why people keep using it.
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It'll pass, newest champion always get the most buzz/fear.
Maybe, but Duke isn't exactly a flash in the pan one-hit-wonder. Regardless, I think UK dominating the recruiting scene for the better part of the last decade has had a very positive effect on Duke's program the past few years. Duke and Kentucky are only stronger when both are firing on all cylinders. Competition has only made each better in my opinion.
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No specific offense to you, but I never understood how this cliché became such a utilized method of trash talk. I mean, I get it, but I just don't know people keep using it.

Agreed. I've often heard UK fans trot out that line, but fail to see how it actually works as a put down.

I guess they're playing off Spurrier's famous "can't spell citrus without UT" line, but that actually made sense as a put down, as it clearly drew attention to the way those Manning UT teams kept landing in the Citrus Bowl only because they couldn't beat Florida. But the Duke/UK line does not have any actual meaning like that, the only thing it draws attention to is the fact that our names happen to share two common letters.

But plenty of our fans seem to think it's somehow clever anyways... Not sure why.
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Maybe, but Duke isn't exactly a flash in the pan one-hit-wonder. .

Not so fast. While your program was very much a respectable, higher-level program before K arrived, it was by no means a top 5 program at that time.

The jury is out on whether your program will sustain anything close to the level it has been on under K. My personal suspicion is that Duke fans will find out what Art Garfunkel realized once Paul Simon went his own way - that one half was not as big as the other; in fact, the two parts were diametrically disproportionate. Like Art, it will likely spell a massive dose of Duke nation singing "Sounds of Silence" once K stops strutting the sidelines in Durham.

I'd honestly be a bit nervous if I was a Duke fan. Their coach is almost 70 and will be diminishing rapidly over the next few years. I'd say the remaining title window might be over the next five years or so. After that, even with Capel, Wojo, Amaker, or whoever replaces K, there will be a substantial drop-off.

Better try to win a few more in a hurry.
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Not so fast. While your program was very much a respectable, higher-level program before K arrived, it was by no means a top 5 program at that time.

The jury is out on whether your program will sustain anything close to the level it has been on under K. My personal suspicion is that Duke fans will find out what Art Garfunkel realized once Paul Simon went his own way - that one half was not as big as the other; in fact, the two parts were diametrically disproportionate. Like Art, it will likely spell a massive dose of Duke nation singing "Sounds of Silence" once K stops strutting the sidelines in Durham.

I'd honestly be a bit nervous if I was a Duke fan. Their coach is almost 70 and will be diminishing rapidly over the next few years. I'd say the remaining title window might be over the next five years or so. After that, even with Capel, Wojo, Amaker, or whoever replaces K, there will be a substantial drop-off.

Better try to win a few more in a hurry.
Color me not worried at all. While nobody will ever truly replace Coach K, he has built a sustainable program that will be successful going forward. Also, if the last few years are any indication, Coach K is hardly "diminishing rapidly." If anything, he's taken things to another level.
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Meh, Duke also has more "help" than any other program as well. The national media and NCAA will continue to give them the benefit of the doubt in every situation where it comes into play be it suspect off court instances such as the Lance Thomas and Corey Maggette incidents, or just continuing to get favorable calls in crucial moments on the court.

We already know who they are going to try to hire when the time comes.
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I think what he means is that being over 70 is going to start taking a toll. At some point he's not going to have the patience for coach 18 year old's, the energy for the recruiting trail.. not to mention the general health issues that come with being 70 AND Olympic Basketball coaching..
Although, one thing I admire about Coach K is his relentlessness. He truly seems to love what he does and I bet he's going to do it longer than most. I bet he guts it out a bit longer than most fellow Kentucky fans think, but he may be doing it past his prime. I wonder, if coach K, like his suck-up buddy Dicky V, will continue trudging along well past his expiration date.
Meh, Duke also has more "help" than any other program as well. The national media and NCAA will continue to give them the benefit of the doubt in every situation where it comes into play be it suspect off court instances such as the Lance Thomas and Corey Maggette incidents, or just continuing to get favorable calls in crucial moments on the court.

We already know who they are going to try to hire when the time comes.

That has everything to do with Coach K and almost zero to do with Duke

Which brings up a good point. Not only is he a HOF coach which is hard to replace for ANY program, but he's a guy with clout. One thing is for sure, there will NEVER be another coach who works the refs, media and overall landscape like Coach K does.

When he leaves, Duke is going to drop off tremendously in coaching talent AND the ability to draw easy brackets / flops / charges / OoB calls / chest stomps / recruiting ranking bumps / etc.

Double whammy coming in the next 5-8 years.
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I hate Duke. LOL. School for sissies. They don't never have a bad boy like the great Demarcus Cousins. I don't call Lattner a bad boy. He was as sissy as they come. Listen to him talk some time. They use to say a kid had to be square to go to Duke. They use to get all the straight laced white boys you know LOL. Hell they still do. And look here coach K always has that dumb look on his face. I don't know why any kid would want to play for him when they could play for an awesome coach like Cal. UK is just a much cooler place to go.
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Laettner was a pussy. Aside a few flareups in the heat of the moment, he did most of his chirping while he was behind his teammates, despite being bigger than everyone else.
Color me not worried at all. While nobody will ever truly replace Coach K, he has built a sustainable program that will be successful going forward. .

"Sustainable" and "successful" verses the present state of co-dominance (along with UK)?That's a substantial difference in output.

I see Duke taking a substantial, but not massive, step back. Capel will probably replace K, as he's their best option, but it's highly improbable he continues the level of dominance K has been on. The same can be said of UK when Cal steps down. Only difference is Cal might coach another 15 years or so, whereas K's age is a very substantive reality.

It should be interesting. I could see a scenario where Capel accumulates initial success in much the same way Ollie did when Calhoun first left UConn; however, even K has partially needed outside source to help to obtain his recent recruiting success through his proximity to the NBA elite. Those sources vaporize when K steps down.
God I hate Duke so bad. Their fans too. I honestly think I hate Duke more than Louisville. Here's my top 5 most hated sports teams.

2)New York Yankees
3)New England Patriots
5)New York Mets
6)Duke Again
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I don't really hate Duke or Coach K.

It's the way the media and NCAA treat them that drives me up a wall.

I think coach K was going to be great regardless and he's earned some of that benefit of the doubt. I just think it goes quite a bit too far.

And I do agree that a lot of the favoritism is because of Coach K but I also think some of it can be attributed to the idea of private school superiority and the false clean image that it projects.
Kentucky has more NCS & wins than Duke, I believe that tell you who is top Program & that is Kentucky. by bluedevil.
No specific offense to you, but I never understood how this cliché became such a utilized method of trash talk. I mean, I get it, but I just don't know why people keep using it.

You can't spell U of L without FOUL.

You can't spell Pitino without NIT.

You can't spell Coach K without googling it first.
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God I hate Duke so bad. Their fans too. I honestly think I hate Duke more than Louisville. Here's my top 5 most hated sports teams.

2)New York Yankees
3)New England Patriots
5)New York Mets
6)Duke Again

God damn.. That list would be boner worthy if it weren't for the inclusion of the Mets.. What did they ever do to you?
God I hate Duke so bad. Their fans too. I honestly think I hate Duke more than Louisville. Here's my top 5 most hated sports teams.

2)New York Yankees
3)New England Patriots
5)New York Mets
6)Duke Again

I frankly don't agree with your list.

Duke is infamously worthy of the top 6 spots.
God damn.. That list would be boner worthy if it weren't for the inclusion of the Mets.. What did they ever do to you?

I'm a hardcore Atlanta Braves fan. Honestly I could replace the Mets with the Nationals now, but we were rivals with the Mets when I was growing up in the 90s-00s. Especially in around 98, 99, 00 and those years. I hated Piazza. Loved John Rocker lol.
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I don't really hate Duke or Coach K.

It's the way the media and NCAA treat them that drives me up a wall.

I think coach K was going to be great regardless and he's earned some of that benefit of the doubt. I just think it goes quite a bit too far.

And I do agree that a lot of the favoritism is because of Coach K but I also think some of it can be attributed to the idea of private school superiority and the false clean image that it projects.

I hate that too. They're all in love with Duke. Duke this or Coach K that. The sports media is the same way with Duke as it is the Yankees and the Patriots. Actually the media's in love with all the New York sports teams. They cant stand it if a NY team aint relevant.
I am not obsessing over Puke U and I think the main reason there has been so much discussion on them is because they are our first big game. After the game with Puke I think the discussion will move onto Illinois state and South Florida. Then in December it will be the next opponent since, besides EKU, they are all power conference opponents.
The top dog don't visit and try to convince their worthiness to lesser programs. Even coming off a title, there's an influx of Duke fans here.
The top dog don't visit and try to convince their worthiness to lesser programs. Even coming off a title, there's an influx of Duke fans here.

All that is indicative of is your very large, very active form, with plenty of Duke talk :).
You all are so butt-hurt about Duke winning it all that you miss the point.

You had the greatest (at least defensively) team in basketball last year and did not win it all.

You should have.

Can we all agree on that point?

UK SHOULD have won it all.

KU lost in the first weekend. No excuses. We went as far as we should have. We just weren't very good.

UK was VERY GOOD, and under-achieved.

I hate Duke along with the rest of you. They are media darlings and have the easiest path in the tourney EVERY YEAR.

But the point is you should have won it all. Clearly.

Why didn't you? We never had a shot. You guys were locked and loaded.

I ask respectfully.