DE- Courtney Miggins/Alvonte Bell/Kengera Daniel
NT- Matt Elam/Jacob Hyde
DT- Regie Meant/Adrian Middleton/Tymere Dubose
JACK- Denzil Ware/Josh Allen
SLB- Jason Hatcher/DeNiro Laster
MLB- Courtney Love/Nico Firios
WLB- Jordan Jones/Eli Brown
NICK- Blake McClain/Kei Beckham
CB- Chris Westry/JD Harmon
SS- Marcus McWilson/Mike Edwards
FS- Darius West/Marcus Walker
CB- Kendall Randolph/Derrick Baity
As you can see our D in 2016 will need very few if any newcomers to make an impact unless injuries take place. We are a legit two deep at every position. Bright future indeed.
When healthy, I think Walker will fight to be in the 2 deep. Stoops seemed to like his spring and the potential he exhibited.