Nosy or noisy neighbors?

With which have you had the worst experience?

  • Nosy

    Votes: 11 28.2%
  • Noisy

    Votes: 28 71.8%

  • Total voters


Nov 4, 2020
With which have you had the worst experience? A nosy neighbor or a noisy one?

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In our neighborhood, we all live on an acre each and most have privacy fences so it basically keeps the noise down. The one to my left parties a lot but, inside my house I cannot hear them so, no problem. The people to my right are very conservative and only venture out when there is yard work to do or sit in their back yard for some fresh air. All have dogs but, they are in at night as are mine including houses to the back of us. Very quiet neighborhood. The house before this one had all kind of noise and partiers because it was right next to an apartment complex that had all kind to people moving in or out and constantly harassing my mutts.
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I've only ever had two issues with neighbors. The first was a Cambodian family that lived beneath our apartment and would cook the worst smelling food (to me) every weekend. Just an overpowering stench. Can't really complain about them otherwise.

The other was an old couple who lived next door about 8 years ago. The wife was super nice, I saved their dog from running away a few times, but the guy was just an old ass. Never spoke two words to me before one day while I was in the backyard, old boy said, "you gonna cut these weeds?" [against my side of the fence]. I replied that I had ordered some weedeater string that was on the way. "Well, they're getting on my side of the fence." Now, what I wanted to say was things like, "You mean the fence that I paid to have built?" or "At least I'm not 65 and still renting," which would have been a dick thing to say, but still. I just said, "OK," and went along with my day. That was the last I ever heard from him.
I've only ever had two issues with neighbors. The first was a Cambodian family that lived beneath our apartment and would cook the worst smelling food (to me) every weekend. Just an overpowering stench. Can't really complain about them otherwise.

The other was an old couple who lived next door about 8 years ago. The wife was super nice, I saved their dog from running away a few times, but the guy was just an old ass. Never spoke two words to me before one day while I was in the backyard, old boy said, "you gonna cut these weeds?" [against my side of the fence]. I replied that I had ordered some weedeater string that was on the way. "Well, they're getting on my side of the fence." Now, what I wanted to say was things like, "You mean the fence that I paid to have built?" or "At least I'm not 65 and still renting," which would have been a dick thing to say, but still. I just said, "OK," and went along with my day. That was the last I ever heard from him.

I'm guessing he perished by weed eater string?
I managed an apartment building for 18 months. The worst tenants (noisy) lived next door. I was constantly having to tell them to turn down their music. They would complain that I was on them because they were black. They were college athletes (football player and basketball player). I finally told them that the football coach was part owner of the building (true). That fixed things.

ETA: I also got complaints about the odors in the hall near where the Asian guy lived. It stunk. I had a bunch of air fresheners hidden in the hallway by his door.
My street is pretty diverse, old retirees and young couples, black and white families, a hispanic family several houses down. But always pretty quiet. Middle class neighborhood but everyone has 3 or 4 damn cars. People parking all over the street. Which doesn't bother me, I used to have to do the same in high school and some of college at my parents house.

It's only a nuisance when folks have family over for holidays or friends for get togethers/parties. Since my cars are in my garage (which is where you should put them folks) inevitably surplus parking involves outside my house. That doesn't bother me unless I've got plans myself to have folks over. At that point, eff their guests, it's all about me 😅

The only legitimate issue I had, notnjust being annoyed like above which isn't actually a big deal, is a neighbor across the street a few houses down started parking his car and leaving it in front of my house. **** that. And I don't mean like coming home at night from work and leaving in the morning. I mean he had an extra car, some early 00s Impala that needed a bit of work, and he just parked it in front of my house. Didn't move for weeks. I know people go on about "you don't own the spots outside your house" which is a bunch of horseshit even if legally true. You do have to be accommodating of neighbors needs like I outlined above. Don't be a jackass. Sometimes I might need family or friends to park in front of their house. But to just leave a car that you aren't driving in front of someone elses house? I called the cops and had them tag it as abandoned. He had 24 hrs to move it before it got towed and impounded. Hasn't been parked in front of my house since. I live in a decent neighborhood, not downtown or some old small street or something. Pretty new neighborhood.
I had an upstairs neighbor once that was possibly the loudest person I've ever heard. She was constantly screaming at her boyfriend. And if it wasn't her boyfriend she would literally scream at people walking down the street asking if they'd buy her cigarettes. And anytime she had sex I had to sleep on the couch because her bedroom was directly above mine. I couldn't sleep when that was going on. She finally got evicted after everyone in the building (and probably the buildings next to us) complained so much.

She also got fired from her job at Ryans for showing up to work drunk. She knocked on my door and was crying about how she didn't know how she was gonna pay her bills.
I've never lived near anyone except for in college. My neighbors weren't noisy, but my roommate and I raised absolute hell on weekends sometimes. Our neighbors were always really friendly towards us, but they had to be thankful when we left. XD
I had an upstairs neighbor once that was possibly the loudest person I've ever heard. She was constantly screaming at her boyfriend. And if it wasn't her boyfriend she would literally scream at people walking down the street asking if they'd buy her cigarettes. And anytime she had sex I had to sleep on the couch because her bedroom was directly above mine. I couldn't sleep when that was going on. She finally got evicted after everyone in the building (and probably the buildings next to us) complained so much.

She also got fired from her job at Ryans for showing up to work drunk. She knocked on my door and was crying about how she didn't know how she was gonna pay her bills.

You can't just leave on a cliffhanger like that. What did you say after she knocked on the door? This sounds like the setup for a Brazzers scene.
I had an upstairs neighbor once that was possibly the loudest person I've ever heard. She was constantly screaming at her boyfriend. And if it wasn't her boyfriend she would literally scream at people walking down the street asking if they'd buy her cigarettes. And anytime she had sex I had to sleep on the couch because her bedroom was directly above mine. I couldn't sleep when that was going on. She finally got evicted after everyone in the building (and probably the buildings next to us) complained so much.

She also got fired from her job at Ryans for showing up to work drunk. She knocked on my door and was crying about how she didn't know how she was gonna pay her bills.
How much did you pay her and was it amazing?
Nosy all day. Noisy sucks and is unbearable and leads to confrontation typically.

I live in a very small gated community with all retired people but myself. Talk about nosy these people have nothing else to do it’s kinda sad. But it is helpful at times, I don’t ever have to worry about someone breaking in my house or snooping my neighbors would be on that shit like white on rice.
I like it.

On the lines of upstairs noisy neighbors, I once lived in some apartments that were low rent when I first retired from the military (unmarried and paying big child support and child care money) and not long after I started living there some one moved upstairs and would play loud music every night. Not long afterward I got tired of it and went upstairs to ask if he/she could turn it down. No he, she. When she open the door she was just getting ready to go out and was decked out. Blond, beautiful and very large breast. A little on the heavy side but hot anyway. I ask her if she could keep the music down that I could hear everything. She agreed and did and not long after (days) ask if I wanted to go out with her. I did and we started dating which later led to us renting a small house together for a short while. However, she liked attention a lot (With her tits got it) and would flirt with anything and everything when we were out. Did not pan out because there were always situations for attention and she ate it up with no regard to me being there. For me, you do not disrespect the one you are with for others attention.
I lived next to a special needs foster family with 10 kids, and boy did they act like it.

It was a bit weird, but they were generally nice. Just weird. Like they were part of a Charlie Manson murder cult type of weird. I had no clue how many kids were in that 3 bedroom house.

Constant racket and stupid child noises. As you can imagine, you can’t have 10 kids anywhere, especially inside a house. So they spent all their free time acting like farm animals outside.

It wasn’t that bad, more hilarious than anything. Like a bad sitcom. They were only loud during daytime hours.

The Dad was a bit nuts with an anger problem, so occasionally you would get a wild out of the blue shitstorm. The first couple days they moved in, it was beautiful out, and they had their windows up. He just erupts in some “WELL IM NOT GONNA LET THESE GD KIDS RUIN MY GD LIFE”. It was hilarious, because I think they did ruin his life.

The next best fit he threw was when they were finally moving out. I heard this big crash and then Charlie starts screaming. I thought someone might have dropped a piano on his head. He’s cussing and dying in a pool of blood sounds like. Blaming the wife, each kid by number. I don’t know what happened, didn’t really care at that point.
My street is pretty diverse, old retirees and young couples, black and white families, a hispanic family several houses down. But always pretty quiet. Middle class neighborhood but everyone has 3 or 4 damn cars. People parking all over the street. Which doesn't bother me, I used to have to do the same in high school and some of college at my parents house.

It's only a nuisance when folks have family over for holidays or friends for get togethers/parties. Since my cars are in my garage (which is where you should put them folks) inevitably surplus parking involves outside my house. That doesn't bother me unless I've got plans myself to have folks over. At that point, eff their guests, it's all about me 😅

The only legitimate issue I had, notnjust being annoyed like above which isn't actually a big deal, is a neighbor across the street a few houses down started parking his car and leaving it in front of my house. **** that. And I don't mean like coming home at night from work and leaving in the morning. I mean he had an extra car, some early 00s Impala that needed a bit of work, and he just parked it in front of my house. Didn't move for weeks. I know people go on about "you don't own the spots outside your house" which is a bunch of horseshit even if legally true. You do have to be accommodating of neighbors needs like I outlined above. Don't be a jackass. Sometimes I might need family or friends to park in front of their house. But to just leave a car that you aren't driving in front of someone elses house? I called the cops and had them tag it as abandoned. He had 24 hrs to move it before it got towed and impounded. Hasn't been parked in front of my house since. I live in a decent neighborhood, not downtown or some old small street or something. Pretty new neighborhood.
This really sounds like the hood
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I prefer no neighbors.

Though, I would rather have nosy neighbors. We're, if someone really wants to observe us coming and going to work and soccer practices then so be it. In fact, they're the neighbors we will ask to watch the house when we're out of town.

Noisy neighbors can be more annoying because it now affects us. The only time a nosy neighbor bothers us is when they ask questions while we're out doing ydwork or something. If a noisy neighbor revs up a car engine or throws parties during the day, the noise can interrupt watching TV, kids taking naps, etc.

What's worse than both Nosy/Noisy is disrespectful. I grew up in a family of mechanics and car guys. If someone wants to work on cars and occasionally idle a car during the day.....great.......but if you are revving the engine at 11:00 at night, then it crosses a boundary. If you're out dribbling basketballs at midnight it's a problem. If neighbors are just blatantly being freaking out over property lines, going nuts about enforcing rules, telling you how to run your household,'s a problem.
Had a neighbor when we lived in our old house that got caught peeping in the couple that lives beside his house. The husband noticed cigarette butts by their bedroom window and neither of them smoked. He caught him one night and I thought he was going to kill him. Months later, we had a young lady that lived in our neighborhood start babysitting for us. She was getting phone calls at our house with someone breathing heavily. This was before caller ID. I told the police about our peeping tom neighbor. They paid the guy a visit and the phone calls stopped.
I can't bitch too much anyway, I'm the noisy neighbor. I'm a musician who plays mainly bass and drums the two worst as far as soundwaves penetrating walls. And I enjoy having friends over to have parties on the deck.

I'm at least mindful and shut it down by 10.
I've only ever had two issues with neighbors. The first was a Cambodian family that lived beneath our apartment and would cook the worst smelling food (to me) every weekend. Just an overpowering stench. Can't really complain about them otherwise.

The other was an old couple who lived next door about 8 years ago. The wife was super nice, I saved their dog from running away a few times, but the guy was just an old ass. Never spoke two words to me before one day while I was in the backyard, old boy said, "you gonna cut these weeds?" [against my side of the fence]. I replied that I had ordered some weedeater string that was on the way. "Well, they're getting on my side of the fence." Now, what I wanted to say was things like, "You mean the fence that I paid to have built?" or "At least I'm not 65 and still renting," which would have been a dick thing to say, but still. I just said, "OK," and went along with my day. That was the last I ever heard from him.

I've always heard Cats and Dogs smell horrible when they are cooking.
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