North Carolina fans dealing with reality


Gold Member
Feb 7, 2004
Just watching the NC vs Syracuse game. The lower arena seating is 1/3 empty. No telling what the upper level looks like. Fans coming to grips with knowing the hammer is coming down. Just wondering what Boheim and ole Roy had to say to each other. Two cheaters doing it the " Wrong Way "If the NCAA does not drop the hammer on North Carolina the rest of the schools shoul band together and tell the NCAA to stick it.
It's actually pretty full now. I'm sure this game is a sellout.

North Carolina is so freakin soft. Roy Williams thin skin and weak persona really shows in his players.

Even Paige


I want Roy at UNC for as long as he can. His teams are weak.
Barnes said he'd take the uncheat job. Or was it, he'd cheat to get that job. (Oh forget it.)
Speaking of arenas or "stadiums", how many of you have been to Cameron indoor stadium? I recently accidentally clicked on a Duke women's game. They actually showed the upper part of that place....there really isn't an upper part. Which was shocking. I've seen a lot of Duke men's games on tv, but that was the first time I had ever seen the entire "stadium", and what a little dump that place really is.
Duke has actually had issues in the past with filling Cameron with students. I've actually been to Cameron indoor stadium. Very overrated venue. Coach k has done a fantastic job making it appear like the fan support is excellent, when in reality he's been on Duke students and fans in the past for lack luster support. It's not even top 2 in the entire state of North Carolina with fan support. I have some friends from North Carolina that say wake has more fans.

What the media won't say, is Duke is hated like they are because real fans hate bandwagon fans. And Duke is the POSTER CHILD for bandwagon fans.
I think reality will really set in for UNC fans when this year's recruiting is over. Nobody wants to play for a team that will be banned from the Big Dance. It appears that UNC may not get a single player in the top 100. It would be the first time in my memory that they have struck out like that in recruiting. I actually hope the NCAA delays any final action for months, because just the threat of a possible post-season ban seems to be killing UNC's recruiting right now.
Originally posted by ok-cats-computer:
I think reality will really set in for UNC fans when this year's recruiting is over. Nobody wants to play for a team that will be banned from the Big Dance. It appears that UNC may not get a single player in the top 100. It would be the first time in my memory that they have struck out like that in recruiting. I actually hope the NCAA delays any final action for months, because just the threat of a possible post-season ban seems to be killing UNC's recruiting right now.
Your right as any recruit would be totally screwed if they went to NC
UNc is going to find itself under a mound of shit soon. Idk why some of you think they will get slap on the wrist and let off the hook. They are going to buried when all is said and done but it will not be in the middle of their basketball season.
"Punish UNC or disband the NCAA"

Yeah, that's about the size of it. If they won't penalize UNC for this impropriety, they truly have no use anymore.

And here come the phantom fouls to lead UNC to victory in the Dead Dome.

UNC is so damn corrupt.
Originally posted by KentuckyWildcat4Life:
Punish UNC or disband the NCAA.
I'd like to do both. Maybe wait until UNC's punishment is fully fulfilled, then disband the NCAA.
Welcome to the ACC Syracuse. I think they knew what they were getting into, but thought it wouldn't be this bad. At least you didn't have 4 guys foul out we have in the past going there. This may be Boeheim's swan song year......with the investigations on the calendar. Boeheim is stubborn though.
who the f'k started a thread about North Carolina fans and reality for the love pete and paul? lol. Some dude named dancer man ? that's just perfect.
Originally posted by KopiKat:

who the f'k started a thread about North Carolina fans and reality for the love pete and paul? lol. Some dude named dancer man ? that's just perfect.
You mentioned pete and paul,might as well throw mary in there too.The UNC fans can go to hell and as far as reality goes how about bringing some reality down on the generation of athletic and academic fraud that UNC has inflicted on all of college sports.

So far they have gone their merry way,playing ball,being ranked and having a coke-cola without so much as a peep from the NCAA,ESPN or anyone else that should give a damn.
Originally posted by GOING FOR #9:
UNc is going to find itself under a mound of shit soon. Idk why some of you think they will get slap on the wrist and let off the hook. They are going to buried when all is said and done but it will not be in the middle of their basketball season.
They certainly should. If it does happen I to tend to think it will come out on this summer. Perhaps on the even of the 4th. About as far from either side of the college basketball season you can get.
Did you think that Mississippi State and Auburn were in deep ship when Cam Newton admitted to taking $180,000.00 from Auburn and apologizing to MSU? That was handled by the NCAA.
Originally posted by .S&C.:

And here come the phantom fouls to lead UNC to victory in the Dead Dome.

UNC is so damn corrupt.
I went to the game in Chapel Cheat in 2011 with Brandon Knight and we led the whole game only to have to most crooked foul calls in the last two minutes of the game to hand U**NC the win
Its actually worse for UNC for this scandal to drag on for a long time.

The sooner they get hammered, the sooner they can start rebuilding.

I hope the cloud of uncertainty hangs over them for for a long time before finally getting hammered.
Originally posted by J. Shellacque:
Speaking of arenas or "stadiums", how many of you have been to Cameron indoor stadium? I recently accidentally clicked on a Duke women's game. They actually showed the upper part of that place....there really isn't an upper part. Which was shocking. I've seen a lot of Duke men's games on tv, but that was the first time I had ever seen the entire "stadium", and what a little dump that place really is.

I've played basketball in there. Honestly, the place is a dump. Slightly bigger than D2 basketball gym. I don't know how they do it, but the gym is dark and the wood is old and brown. The lighting, jumping nerds, and the TV angle really do justice to that place.

I have always said you could put Duke's arena inside of Rupp and still have a bigger crowd then what ever you could fit inside of that cracker box.
I actually think Roy has done a pretty good job coaching his team this year considering the team can't shoot.
Originally posted by stenchymouse:
Its actually worse for UNC for this scandal to drag on for a long time.

The sooner they get hammered, the sooner they can start rebuilding.

I hope the cloud of uncertainty hangs over them for for a long time before finally getting hammered.
I agree. And Svaniro's point makes me think that the NCAA may wait until the season is over, because UNC is pretty good this year, and could possibly make a run in the tournament. They (NCAA) may be waiting because they know UNC won't have a team as good as the current one for a long time after the penalties are handed down. But I don't recall how NCAA sanctions work. If the NCAA handed down post season bans for UNC, would they start this year, or not until next year? If I had to guess, I would guess next year. But then again, the NCAA would just change the rules anyway to allow them into the tournament this year, so it's moot.