No one talking about the UHC CEO murder?

Per Wikipedia, here is the timeline that morning. Shooter was only outside hotel for 5 minutes before shooting.
  • 5:34 a.m. – Suspect leaves the hostel, and rides an e-bike to Midtown.
  • 6:15 a.m. – Suspect seen leaving the 57th Street F Train subway stop.[48]
  • 6:17 a.m. – Suspect buys coffee, water, and granola bars at a Starbucks café (at 1380 6th Ave) two blocks away from the New York Hilton Midtown hotel, discarding the coffee cup and water bottle.[48][49][34]
  • 6:30 a.m. – Surveillance footage captures the suspect walking while talking on the phone.[29]
  • 6:39 a.m. – Suspect arrives in front of the New York Hilton Midtown hotel and waits for several minutes.[34][49]
  • 6:40 a.m. – Thompson leaves the Marriott hotel (at 151 W 54th St) he stayed at the prior night, heading toward the New York Hilton Midtown hotel.[32]
  • 6:44 a.m. – Thompson walks along the sidewalk toward the New York Hilton Midtown hotel and the assailant shoots him multiple times, racking his pistol after it appeared to jam; the suspect immediately flees northbound via a pedestrian walkway.

Someone had to be notifying him the victim was leaving the hotel. Perhaps even the same someone that caused him to leave the hotel unescorted.
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Per Wikipedia, here is the timeline that morning. Shooter was only outside hotel for 5 minutes before shooting.
  • 5:34 a.m. – Suspect leaves the hostel, and rides an e-bike to Midtown.
  • 6:15 a.m. – Suspect seen leaving the 57th Street F Train subway stop.[48]
  • 6:17 a.m. – Suspect buys coffee, water, and granola bars at a Starbucks café (at 1380 6th Ave) two blocks away from the New York Hilton Midtown hotel, discarding the coffee cup and water bottle.[48][49][34]
  • 6:30 a.m. – Surveillance footage captures the suspect walking while talking on the phone.[29]
  • 6:39 a.m. – Suspect arrives in front of the New York Hilton Midtown hotel and waits for several minutes.[34][49]
  • 6:40 a.m. – Thompson leaves the Marriott hotel (at 151 W 54th St) he stayed at the prior night, heading toward the New York Hilton Midtown hotel.[32]
  • 6:44 a.m. – Thompson walks along the sidewalk toward the New York Hilton Midtown hotel and the assailant shoots him multiple times, racking his pistol after it appeared to jam; the suspect immediately flees northbound via a pedestrian walkway.
This could be true but I read yesterday he was waiting on the other side of the street for nearly an hour and when he saw Thompson he crossed the street.
Long ago the doctor would come to your house on a horse with a leather bag, and he could either help you or he couldn't. He might have got paid with a chicken. Now health care is so good its unaffordable to many. Meanwhile, at St. Jude's (God forbid), you pay nothing for the best care. It's complicated.
I don't think it is unusual that an executive would be walking on the NY streets without security. He's a businessman, not a celebrity or dignitary.

It is unusual that Luigi would know when he was to arrive, particularly since it was so early in the morning (I imagine the shareholder meeting started some time later). Was this the first day of the shareholder meeting or was it the second? If it was the second, maybe Thompson arrived at the same time as the day before and Luigi had been there the day before watching him.
I don't think it is unusual that an executive would be walking on the NY streets without security. He's a businessman, not a celebrity or dignitary.

Have seen Roger Goodell a few times out and about; a few Fox news hosts walking around; various celebs at restaurants. All were approachable in regards to not having "suits" around them.
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Have seen Roger Goodell a few times out and about; a few Fox news hosts walking around; various celebs at restaurants. All were approachable in regards to not having "suits" around them.
Protection is for the share holders of the business. Celebs are not going to cost people money like this could have potentially. I highly doubt Jamie Dimon is walking the street of NYC without some type of security around him. Same as Zuck, Musk and Bezos.
Aren't shareholder meeting agendas public?

At least to some extent. I cant recall if this was a shareholder meeting or a board meeting.

Either way, even if the meeting is public and published, the hotel or location of the ceo is certainly not.

Also interesting that United healthcare offered only a 10k reward for info leading to the arrest. You are a huge company and your ceo was assassinated on video and all over the news. 10k seems like a horrible misstep. Fyi I dont think thats nefarious, just tone deaf and stupid.
At least to some extent. I cant recall if this was a shareholder meeting or a board meeting.

Either way, even if the meeting is public and published, the hotel or location of the ceo is certainly not.

Also interesting that United healthcare offered only a 10k reward for info leading to the arrest. You are a huge company and your ceo was assassinated on video and all over the news. 10k seems like a horrible misstep. Fyi I dont think thats nefarious, just tone deaf and stupid.

Can you imagine how many UHC employees the lefties would want murdered if they were denying claims while offering $10k for information the cops should be finding out for free?
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Protection is for the share holders of the business. Celebs are not going to cost people money like this could have potentially. I highly doubt Jamie Dimon is walking the street of NYC without some type of security around him. Same as Zuck, Musk and Bezos.
It is not typical for execs in this country to have bondyguards (for their own protection or "for the shareholders of the business"). This is not a third world country. Now, with this shooting things may have changed a bit (particularly for health insurance execs).

Also, Musk, Bezos, etc. are obviously different than Brian Thompson. They probably have security to avoid having people hassle them in public, sort of like a big celebrity would.
It is not typical for execs in this country to have bondyguards (for their own protection or "for the shareholders of the business"). This is not a third world country. Now, with this shooting things may have changed a bit (particularly for health insurance execs).

Also, Musk, Bezos, etc. are obviously different than Brian Thompson. They probably have security to avoid having people hassle them in public, sort of like a big celebrity would.
They are different but Fortune 100 and even 500 companies have security around their top people. I know some dont but to say not typical is incorrect.
Our ancestors overthrew the government over a tiny tax on tea.

I’m surprised it took this long for someone to lose it.
At least one thing that conservatives and liberals can all agree on now is that violence is an answer. The BS that it never was is just stupid. We can all agree on that now can't we?
A lot of what is being discussed can both be true. Absolutely tragic what happened to the CEO. Even if his company is making unethical decisions, he didn't deserve that. I hang out with some friends every Thursday night at a local bar. I've gotten to know this other guy over the last year who is there w. his friends. I knew he was a doctor, but was talking with him last night. He the chief medical officer for United Health Care for the state I live in. Knew the CEO personally and was devastated. On the flip, what the insurance companies have been doing (not just health, but home) is tragic also. Personally think that we have issues when health becomes all about profits. I am not saying private companies shouldn't make money, but when that becomes the main goal, over individual's health, we maybe should look at what is going on.
Where? Copy, paste, and show


Sounds like you haven’t read the political thread lately. The whackos in there have openly advocated killing anyone who disagrees with them.
Where? Copy, paste and show your work. You did, however, get banned for racial slurs at a SCOTUS justice in an online rant bc you wanted the minimum age of consent to be lower or something gross.


Remember, when these politicians talk then say "but"...they actually wanted assassination attempts to be successful on others
Somebody needs to warn Clarence Thomas too…
2 supreme court justices had armed men approach their homes the last few years. Trump had 2 known assassination attempts and 2 that weren't publicized. Dude shot up the Rep congressional baseball practice about 6 years ago. There is a lot more political violence than people want to admit. Just because they are largely inept people kind of laugh it off, but it would appear this nutjob is inspiring copycats. Nick Fuentes had an armed man approach his house today after killing 3 people and then killed 2 dogs and shot at cops while running away... The next year is going to be really scary to anyone paying attn.
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Feds charge him with crimes that do carry the death penalty. State crimes will be tried first, it seems, maybe to force a guilty plea and accept life w/o parole in state case (NY has no death penalty) in exchange for suspending the fed case (but not dropping it, in case he gets out of jail for some reason).
Feds charge him with crimes that do carry the death penalty. State crimes will be tried first, it seems, maybe to force a guilty plea and accept life w/o parole in state case (NY has no death penalty) in exchange for suspending the fed case (but not dropping it, in case he gets out of jail for some reason).
Something similar happened to the guy who tried to assassinate the Louisville mayor and the state judge let him out on bail on the state charges.
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Something similar happened to the guy who tried to assassinate the Louisville mayor and the state judge let him out on bail on the state charges.
I assume fed charges would be held in abeyance (Not sure if that's the right term) while he serves out a life sentence in state prison?

His attorney yesterday did not even bother asking for bail. Probably to keep from being laughed out of the courtroom
Wait until they lose their jobs due to AI.
AI has and will further destroy my field. I would not be surprised if this country will be looking at UBI in the future.

Like how automation and foreign outsourcing affected other jobs, AI is coming for the cushier office gigs now and you’re right, you will see more unhinged leftists (the same people who politically align with Google, Amazon, Facebook😂).
Pretty disappointed with most reactions across the board tbh. From celebration and laughter to his perp walk which only Chris Nolan could film better in a Batman sequel. Cool. So now he's a folk hero to an immature public and a comic book villain to the government. Good stuff.
I assume fed charges would be held in abeyance (Not sure if that's the right term) while he serves out a life sentence in state prison?

His attorney yesterday did not even bother asking for bail. Probably to keep from being laughed out of the courtroom

Both sovereigns can prosecute. The feds have a process by which they permit a prosecutor to pursue the death penalty. It is not just simply a matter of statutory authority or the local United States Attorney’s prerogative. There is evidently a process in DC that needs to be navigated by the prosecutor to get that approval. Right now, only the possibility of the death penalty may exist through federal prosecution
Pretty disappointed with most reactions across the board tbh. From celebration and laughter to his perp walk which only Chris Nolan could film better in a Batman sequel. Cool. So now he's a folk hero to an immature public and a comic book villain to the government. Good stuff.

Was it a “perp walk?” Or, an acknowledgment that his life may be endangered by some idiot vigilante?
Pretty disappointed with most reactions across the board tbh. From celebration and laughter to his perp walk which only Chris Nolan could film better in a Batman sequel. Cool. So now he's a folk hero to an immature public and a comic book villain to the government. Good stuff.
Someone at work wrote "FREE LUIGI" on the wall above the urinal. Anyone who celebrates cold blooded murder is one evil individual.
What do you expect from a dirtbag Liberal that sees the Unibomber as a hero, LMAO ??

I mean Liberals are willing let young girls get raped and killed by illegals just so they can change the voting map, so this is childsplay to them. The losers wipe their tails with "Democracy." Luckily, the have been rejected and are irrelevant now. 🤣
This guy was banned from that thread for calling Clarence Thomas the n word, if I recall correctly, so take what he says with a grain of salt.
Ah, the author of "Presidents don't affect the daily lives of the average American" has re-entered the fray.

Can't for another nugget of genius from that clown lol.

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