Nike Peach Jam over: 2024, 2025, 2026 targets recruiting followup

While Ament is turning into an alpha scorer, his passing ability might be his greatest attribute.

He has not scheduled any official visits yet. Schools like Virginia, Duke, UConn, UNC, Kentucky, and more were at each of Ament’s games throughout the DMV Live.

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KENTUCKY: “I’ve been talking for a while with Kentucky, they were recruiting me some while they were at BYU and I had a few conversations with Coach (Cody) Fueger. Mark Popefacetimes me and all, you know, they have been recruiting me hard. I’m trying to set up an official visit with them soon. They like that I can shoot the ball, play multiple positions, and how versatile I am. We are getting to know one another. With their five out system, and being able to spread out the floor, I’ll be able to take on mismatches with my size and ability to shoot. It’s a good system
I'd start with Kentuckians Jasper Johnson, Moreno, Kaden Magwood, and then Tounde Yessoufou. Other than Magwood, it looks like Pope is all over them as it is.
Just guessing, but I think Pope is holding off on Magwood in hopes he will be there after he signs a primary point guard, maybe Peterson . I am hopeful Magwood is the long term point, maybe player 7 or 8 in the class.
Just guessing, but I think Pope is holding off on Magwood in hopes he will be there after he signs a primary point guard, maybe Peterson . I am hopeful Magwood is the long term point, maybe player 7 or 8 in the class.
The great thing about this class is that is is so darn deep with points, combos and wings that a lot of big schools like UK are going to be happy with whoever they wind up with, even if they're not a first choice target.
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I'd start with Kentuckians Jasper Johnson, Moreno, Kaden Magwood, and then Tounde Yessoufou. Other than Magwood, it looks like Pope is all over them as it is.
I think I put peterson number one on my list. Besides the ones you have mentioned, I would like to land Ament, Dybansta, Riebe, And the remote chance of the boozers. They might get two of those, Maybe more and I know i'm forgetting others to add to the list.
My wife is from the Philippines. We have been there many times, but starting in 2015, we rented an old truck from a local guy, stick shift and everything. Traffic was insane at first. Made my wife very uncomfortable at times, but it was the best trip we have ever taken there. She got to see thing on her own Island she had never seen. As long as you know your surroundings, understand the rules(especially the unwritten ones) and take precautions, it can be a very rewarding experience.
I remember the roads in Aruba, bad shape and people drove like maniacs. I’ve seen the driving in parts of Europe, Russia, and India and it’s insane. I’d definitely get a driver not to mention driving on the left side of the road would be very strange at first. Everything we have ingrained over here would be wrong especially at first.
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I remember the roads in Aruba, bad shape and people drove like maniacs. I’ve seen the driving in parts of Europe, Russia, and India and it’s insane. I’d definitely get a driver not to mention driving on the left side of the road would be very strange at first. Everything we have ingrained over here would be wrong especially at first.
In the Philippines, they use the right side. It is basically like driving in New York City, except there are 100 times more motorcycles. There are some really strange things to. In 2015, we were driving on a road that was being expanded and instead of removing a tree, they poured the concrete around it🤣. It was on the right hand most part of the road, but there were no signs or cones or anything. I often wonder how many people have hit that tree. That was just so crazy.

I really enjoyed the freedom driving gives me. It makes the journey so much better.