Nike now being investigated for illicit payments

But But Capel is one of them!! K will beat his chest and run off the NCAA!!!
Well, that may well have been part of his plan- to make a scene on worldwide television "defending Capel" while planning to throw him under the bus privately. And anyone who says he threw Capel under the bus would hear... "Didn't you see Coach K defending Capel to the student section?! He is SOOO loyal! He clearly wouldn't betray a former assistant like that!" Right.
What this really says is the Justice Department took a pass on this and shuffled it over to the Securities and Exchange Commission to see if there were any civil liabilities for Nike. So, it mostly says the opposite of what the tweet implies -- the case is going away, especially as a criminal matter.

That grimy little turd Avenetti is facing three different sets of criminal charges and is like to spend most of the next decade in prison -- where he belongs.

Remember when the alt-leftists said he was gonna put trump in jail and there was even a period of time where they considered him to be a good candidate to beat Trump in 2020 (even though he was supposedly going to put Trump in prison lol?)
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