Nike now being investigated for illicit payments

Good...I've no doubt that the most blatant of the NIKE shenanigans lead right back to K's doorstep

K is clean on paper. He is too smart to get caught. He has his assistants do the dirty work. He will throw them (most likely Capel, since he has already left Durham) under the bus if anything is traced to Duke and the NCAA will never touch him. They won’t tarnish his legacy. No how, no way.
K is clean on paper. He is too smart to get caught. He has his assistants do the dirty work. He will throw them (most likely Capel, since he has already left Durham) under the bus if anything is traced to Duke and the NCAA will never touch him. They won’t tarnish his legacy. No how, no way.
But But Capel is one of them!! K will beat his chest and run off the NCAA!!!
The UNCAA should just come clean and say they are staying around UK campus and Cal’s house while utilizing all their resources to try and find anything on UK and until they do they are going to look the other way with everyone else.
What this really says is the Justice Department took a pass on this and shuffled it over to the Securities and Exchange Commission to see if there were any civil liabilities for Nike. So, it mostly says the opposite of what the tweet implies -- the case is going away, especially as a criminal matter.

That grimy little turd Avenetti is facing three different sets of criminal charges and is like to spend most of the next decade in prison -- where he belongs.
K is clean on paper. He is too smart to get caught. He has his assistants do the dirty work. He will throw them (most likely Capel, since he has already left Durham) under the bus if anything is traced to Duke and the NCAA will never touch him. They won’t tarnish his legacy. No how, no way.
no way, K says, "he is one of us"
Is this the same SEC that was tasked with enforcing regulation against Enron, WorldCom, Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, and Bernie Madoff? And now they’re tasked with investigating Nike? Seems legit to me....
K is clean on paper. He is too smart to get caught. He has his assistants do the dirty work. He will throw them (most likely Capel, since he has already left Durham) under the bus if anything is traced to Duke and the NCAA will never touch him. They won’t tarnish his legacy. No how, no way.
This is a fact Pork Belly Capel delivers Zion with the house and other stuff arranged for him and his parents and then he heads of to Pitt. Nice little good by present for the Rat Faced Bastard I would say !
Per This tweet. Was only a matter of time really since we already knew about Zona etc.

Wouldn’t read too much into this in terms of Nike specifically.

This is in reference to an investigation that started nearly a year ago when the SEC issued subpoenas to a few apparel companies, not just Nike. So a more accurate tweet would’ve said something like: “It was revealed that Nike is one of several apparel companies being investigated by the SEC regarding illicit payments.”

Would also add that this wasn’t exactly secret, so it’s clear that the media hasn’t been following this story as closely as they may like to think that they have.

The other key point, which another poster already mentioned, is the fact that the DOJ handed over their evidence to the SEC. Which means that it is increasingly likely that FBI investigation of Nike found no evidence that Nike was paying recruits.

Perhaps the second round of subpoenas from last spring turns something up but if someone were forcing me to place a bet, I’d bet that there’s nothing to indicate that Nike was making these payments.

Hopefully we’ll get a more definitive answer soon.
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Wouldn’t read too much into this in terms of Nike specifically.

This is in reference to an investigation that started nearly a year ago when the SEC issued subpoenas to a few apparel companies, not just Nike. So a more accurate tweet would’ve said something like: “It was revealed that Nike is one of several apparel companies being investigated by the SEC regarding illicit payments.”

Would also add that this wasn’t exactly secret, so it’s clear that the media hasn’t been following this story as closely as they may like to think that they have.

The other key point, which another poster already mentioned, is the fact that the DOJ handed over their evidence to the SEC. Which means that it is increasingly likely that FBI investigation of Nike found no evidence that Nike was paying recruits.

Perhaps the second round of subpoenas from last spring turns something up but if someone were forcing me to place a bet, I’d bet that there’s nothing to indicate that Nike was making these payments.

Hopefully we’ll get a more definitive answer soon.

What it would mean is that the FBI found no federal criminal liability for Nike, but thought there might be securities law violations so they turned the evidence over to the SEC.

It could be a violation of securities laws if any shoe or apparel company hid illicit payments to players, families, AAU coaches, etc. These are not criminal laws but carry civil penalties.

That being said, I would not take the word of Michael Avenatti or his lawyers about any such investigation. They are clearly trying to smear Nike in the media.
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@babyeatshisownshit, serious question for you. If it were up to you, would you fire Self and start a coaching search at season's end? Or keep him employed? I mean at some point all this stuff has to add up and even the most diehard KU fans have to turn on the guy. What is that point for you?
If they start digging, there's going to be names we're connected to and names basically every program that didn't get busted with adidas is connected to.

Apparently, even having your coach on tape making payments doesn't get you in much trouble, so I figure anything short of that is fine.
What it would mean is that the FBI found no federal criminal liability for Nike, but thought there might be securities law violations so they turned the evidence over to the SEC.

It could be a violation of securities laws if any shoe or apparel company hid illicit payments to players, families, AAU coaches, etc. These are not criminal laws but carry civil penalties.

That being said, I would not take the word of Michael Avenatti or his lawyers about any such investigation. They are clearly trying to smear Nike in the media.

Prosecutor acknowledged the investigation during yesterday’s opening. Nike attorney also acknowledged it during his testimony yesterday.
The other key point, which another poster already mentioned, is the fact that the DOJ handed over their evidence to the SEC. Which means that it is increasingly likely that FBI investigation of Nike found no evidence that Nike was paying recruits.
It really makes you wonder what it would take for Kansas fans to turn on Self?

@babyeatshisownshit, serious question for you. If it were up to you, would you fire Self and start a coaching search at season's end? Or keep him employed? I mean at some point all this stuff has to add up and even the most diehard KU fans have to turn on the guy. What is that point for you?