Next Years Draft Will Tell The Tale


Apr 11, 2008
in past years Cal has missed on very few recruits that he wanted and there have been few who went as expected in the Draft in Wiggins and some who have went lower than predicted in Shabazz, Barbes, McGary, Stokes, Lacey and etc.

Next years draft will probably include more than usual draftees who spurned our CATS this recruiting season in what everyone has labeled as a weird recruiting year with many recruits opting for lesser competitive teams instead of following our 38-1 squad.

Who are some who you could see keeping their stock and who are some you could see hurting their stock by choosing schools other than UK?
I guess I should start since I posed the question haha:

Stock stays as predicted:
Ben Simmons- Kid is a beast
Malik Newman

Stock falls like a rock:
Diallo at Kansas
Brown at Cal
Zimmermann at UNLV
I think Newman's will drop actually. The fact that he plays on a SEC team not named Kentucky will probably hurt him a bit (i.e. Florida the last two seasons). Added to the fact that he will be double teamed every single night will hurt his numbers. However if he flourishes and succeeds despite that his stock will skyrocket. But my guess is the former.