New Ghostbusters trailer is out.

Will wait and reserve judgement until I don't see it.

(To be fair, I'm not seeing anything this summer except my 1 month old daughter.)
Same here. Except 2 week old son. Don't plan on watching it either. Not my thing. But I work in the industry so I like to track everything. Did see the lobster about a week before my son was born. Best film I've seen this year.
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I wonder how many gift baskets or trips Sony sent out this week.

Before everyone acts like it's a ridiculous conspiracy, 20th Century Fox gave us a two day trip, free gifts and tactical training with LAPD just so we'd say something good about a movie that was premiering and find a way to shamelessly plug one of their sponsors products in the article.

Happens all the time.
I wonder how many gift baskets or trips Sony sent out this week.

Before everyone acts like it's a ridiculous conspiracy, 20th Century Fox gave us a two day trip, free gifts and tactical training with LAPD just so we'd say something good about a movie that was premiering and find a way to shamelessly plug one of their sponsors products in the article.

Happens all the time.
They should send out more considering every film they've released this year, with the exception of the Shallows, is certified rotten.
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They should send out more considering every film they've released this year, with the exception of the Shallows, is certified rotten.

I just want to be in the pitch room when stuff like this is heard and approved. Considering most films lose money, you'd think they wouldn't waste their time with films they know they have no chance of turning a profit or getting an award for (just talking in general not GB).
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I just want to be in the pitch room when stuff like this is heard and approved. Considering most films lose money, you'd think they wouldn't waste their time with films they know they have no chance of turning a profit or getting an award for (just talking in general not GB).
Because you got a bunch of money men making artistic decisions. Sucks. There are some good studios out there though.
76% on rotten tomatoes after 41 reviews. Not bad.

Rotten Tomatoes is awful. The best movies rate low, the worst movies rate high. Blow (2001) rates a 53, Feminazi Ghostbusters rate 76.

Looking at that pitiful site to rate movies is worse than getting news from the Onion.
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Rotten Tomatoes is awful. The best movies rate low, the worst movies rate high. Blow (2001) rates a 53, Feminazi Ghostbusters rate 76.

Looking at that pitiful site to rate movies is worse than getting news from the Onion.
Blow? Hahaha What are you 18? Blow is shit. I'm sure this Ghostbusters is shit too. What does Wenders' Paris, Texas have on rotten tomatoes? Bergman's Persona? Renoir's
LA RÈGLE DU JEU? Blow haha That's funny. Rotten tomatoes is a collection of critic reviews. They're not just arbitrarily rating movies over there. It's not my first source to check the legitimacy of a film, I mostly use the festivals as an indicator, but it's a fair assessment most of the time.
Blow? Hahaha What are you 18? Blow is shit. I'm sure this Ghostbusters is shit too. What does Wenders' Paris, Texas have on rotten tomatoes? Bergman's Persona? Renoir's
LA RÈGLE DU JEU? Blow haha That's funny. Rotten tomatoes is a collection of critic reviews. They're not just arbitrarily rating movies over there. It's not my first source to check the legitimacy of a film, I mostly use the festivals as an indicator, but it's a fair assessment most of the time.

Damn I thought Blow was bad ass.

Maybe it's because I was on blow at the time....

Oh well. Rotten Tomatoes still sucks.
Blow is probably the 10th best movie where Johnny Depp snorts cocaine.

Speaking of Depp, that guy has fallen off big time. He hasn't made a good movie in at least 7 years (never saw Black Mass). I guess when you're almost 60-years-old and you're still pushing the eccentric hipster act who plays "wacky characters," people grow tired of it.
Because you got a bunch of money men making artistic decisions. Sucks. There are some good studios out there though.
but this ISNT a money decision made by those wanting to make more money, this is a social decision, a political decision. chalk Papa John up as another dumb money man pumping cash & his face into supporting this disaster - why, so he won't have a finger pointed at him saying "you support MEN blockbuster moves & sports all the time, when are you gonna do the same for FEMALES! Sexist!!!"
Sony's plan was really foolproof on this one. Any criticism of the movie? Deflect it back to patriarchal oppression and misogyny. Regardless of how shit the movie is (it is), they'll use sexism in society as their impenetrable shield.
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Speaking of Depp, that guy has fallen off big time. He hasn't made a good movie in at least 7 years (never saw Black Mass). I guess when you're almost 60-years-old and you're still pushing the eccentric hipster act who plays "wacky characters," people grow tired of it.

His kids ruined him. Once they got to a certain age he only made stupid and weird Tim burton type movies.
This looks like the Hangover or Bridesmaids version of Ghostbusters. Both are severely overrated trash but the millenials will eat it up.

Can't wait for the Lord of the Rings remake that is probably in the pipes somewhere. :cool:
Speaking of Depp, that guy has fallen off big time. He hasn't made a good movie in at least 7 years (never saw Black Mass). I guess when you're almost 60-years-old and you're still pushing the eccentric hipster act who plays "wacky characters," people grow tired of it.
He has a new pirates of the carribean movie coming out in 2017. I think this is #5? I've watched 1-3 and all were good. Need to watch #4.
This looks like the Hangover or Bridesmaids version of Ghostbusters. Both are severely overrated trash but the millenials will eat it up.
millenials shit all over Batman V Superman but will eat this crap sandwich? false.
Pirates 1 was great.

Pirates 2 was meh.

Pirates 3 was ok I'm done with this.

Have not see 4.

Don't mind seeing Harrison as Indy at 60 but Shai Laboof, craptastic cgi bullshit and an uninspired story screwed that one up.
I really liked the first two Pirates. The third one was a complete mess of a script. The fourth one is completely forgettable. I can't even recall the basic plot of 4 except that they were looking for the fountain of youth.
but this ISNT a money decision made by those wanting to make more money, this is a social decision, a political decision. chalk Papa John up as another dumb money man pumping cash & his face into supporting this disaster - why, so he won't have a finger pointed at him saying "you support MEN blockbuster moves & sports all the time, when are you gonna do the same for FEMALES! Sexist!!!"
You really are upset over this. I'm sorry man.
Everybody's a critic. At least on Rotten Tomatoes. I looked at their alleged 74 percent approval rating for Ghostbusters and not only hadn't I heard of most of these critics -- I'd never even heard of the alleged media outlets they represent. Not too much of a stretch to imagine half these sycophants are running a site out of mom's basement and are overjoyed to get a package of freebies from the studios every month.

Here's a review from someone I had heard of -- Richard Roeper, who took over Roger Ebert's job at the Chicago Sun-Times. He calls it a "Horrifying (unfunny) mess.'

Just to give you an understanding of how it works. It's also split up between critics and top critics. 16 top critics have reviewed the film and 9 of them gave it a negative review.
Thanks. It'll rise and fall on its own merits, I suppose. I have no beef with this particular movie, except insofar as it illustrates everything wrong with the industry -- boring, uncreative, politically correct, greedy and derivative.
I agree. I won't ever see it. It looks like shit to me. Like everything else coming out this summer. And I have no problem with the all female cast. There will be about 700 films this year that get distribution. And many more that will be relegated solely to the festivals. Less than 1% of all of those will have an all female cast. I just don't get the butt hurt over this particular aspect.
I agree. I won't ever see it. It looks like shit to me. Like everything else coming out this summer. And I have no problem with the all female cast. There will be about 700 films this year that get distribution. And many more that will be relegated solely to the festivals. Less than 1% of all of those will have an all female cast. I just don't get the butt hurt over this particular aspect.
Just guessing, but I'd expect it is that people don't like to feel they are being told to support something on political grounds rather than its merits. For example, in my daily perusal of the NYT, I saw that their critic Manohla Dargis gave the movie a positive review. But when I read what she wrote, it was more a political screed than a movie review. It could have been four women reciting instructions on building a tractor, and she would have endorsed it.

If somehow the studio could have made this movie with all women, then downplayed that aspect of it until it was released, most people would have decided to see it or not see it, and those who did would have responded on its quality. But of course that is not the America we live in. The movie only got made BECAUSE of the gender politics. Then THAT became the reason for seeing it, and it was irrelevant whether it brought any fresh or original or creative angle to the American cinema. And that's inherently tiresome.
but this ISNT a money decision made by those wanting to make more money, this is a social decision, a political decision. chalk Papa John up as another dumb money man pumping cash & his face into supporting this disaster - why, so he won't have a finger pointed at him saying "you support MEN blockbuster moves & sports all the time, when are you gonna do the same for FEMALES! Sexist!!!"
ordinarily I might regard that as paranoia, but we're in this weird cultural shifting time, seems almost - almost - like the 60s all over again. so, yeah, have no doubt that "wanting to be on the right side of history" is clouding thinking, and even some money hungry bastards might fall prey....
Ok. You all ready for it?

Ironman is being replaced by a 15 yr old African American genius female.

Marvel is a diverse world. Ironman is now a 15 yr old black chick, Spiderman is a black guy, Capt America is now black, and the Hulk is now Asian.

Hmmm, Kinda wanna see how this new Avengers team is going to look like.