If you are one of those staunch "it wasn't the refs" guys, please, learn some basketball. I counted 4 fouls on straight up big men that led to foul trouble (about 10 against kansas). This foul trouble sat poythress (and Willis against Kansas), leading to their huge run. That foul trouble made them play O-lay defense to not get called for fouls, because they repetitively get called for fouls on legal guarding defense (straight up, feet planted, hands not coming down late). That foul garbage led to early bonus FTs. There are numerous other "fouls", such as not touching a shooter who nearly airballs it and then the official calls for the breathing foul, that are too crazy to go into on an individual basis. This game, it resulted in at least 25 points advantage for them, who knows how many more we would have scored with even officiating. With Kansas it was about 45 points, so there's that (Trending up!)Where we played well enough to win both times and lost due to refs. Soo mad at the refs and not upset with UK at all. Like not one iota.
You can't adjust to officiating that literally prevents you from playing defense. You play hard defense, fouls. You play defense as prescribed by the rule book, fouls (straight up). You play Olay defense but challenge late, if he misses it, foul. He pushes off with a full arm extension and you grab his arm, foul. You don't touch him at all and don't challenge, he extends his forearm back into you and grunts, foul.
I don't care how poor or great we played. If we lose, I want to lose with officiating done by the FREAKING RULEBOOK. Which apparently no NBA, NCAA, or NFL official bothers to read. Such as the pump fake, dive into defender that is CLEARLY DEFINED as an OFFENSIVE foul. Or the KICK OUT on threes that is CLEARLY DEFINED as an OFFENSIVE foul (got screwed on one of those today at the top of the key!). Even if they don't know the rules, the least they could do is be consistent for both teams.
Saying poor, one sided, non-rule abiding officiating doesn't affect the game is ridiculous. This is the worst officiating season I've ever seen. It is like Cody Zeller diving into Anthony Davis on repeat. There was a game against miss state awhile back and that was the last game I recall UK getting a significant favorable whistle that affected the outcome of the game. I am not blindly for UK on officiating, it goes both ways. Very rarely do we get game-trending biased officiating for us, there might be a few calls or a run of calls, but almost never a significant differnece.