Need help on board misquotes

Don't forget Jamal Bradley! I believe Dickie V wrote that in a preseason story.

It isn't a misspelling or anything, but Towns' walk is responsible for a lot of random comments.
Two that I see all the time: Last year we were DEFIANTLY a great team because we won 38 games in a ROLL!
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Someone mentioned a player named "put heeds" in a post earlier today. I have been trying to figure that one out all day.
he'll if i am on my phone autocorrect takes over and thinks it knows what i am saying...

but this thread is great...i remember many of these....still smh
than and then tend to be confused quite a bit; but the one that gets me is if someone says could care less, as opposed to couldn't care less
than and then tend to be confused quite a bit; but the one that gets me is if someone says could care less, as opposed to couldn't care less
Deerehunter coined an absolute classic once on the Kansas board: "beckon call", lol. I was proud to be there at the founding of that, ha ha. I mean, I am positive that was original.
I believe L1C4 was coined around the time that was its L1C7 bout to be 8.
The best of these are the ones that actually make what the person is trying to say end up virtually the opposite...

As has been said by every recruit on Twitter:

"I am so proud to be APART of this."

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