Need a weather update from Lexington locals...


May 29, 2001
I was supposed to bring my whole family up there tonight through Sat for a campus visit as my daughter wants to go to nursing school at UK. But with all the snow, I know classes are cancelled today and it's not expected to stop for a couple more hours. What are the chances of activity returning to normal tomorrow? That's when we're scheduled to do 2 tours. Plus, I paid a small fortune for tickets to the basketball game on Saturday and would hate to miss it.

So, how soon do you expect the roads to be passable and activity to return to normal in Lexington?

Thanks very much for any info you can offer.
By tomorrow all the main roads will be clear,by Saturday it will be in the upper 40's.Today is not a good day to travel
Originally posted by ThroughBlue:

What do you want for the tickets?
Paid $200 each for a block of tickets in section 215, but we're coming to the game no matter what, even if we have to wait until early Sat morning to drive up there. This will be our last chance to see a UK home game before my daughter makes a college decision, so that part of the trip will happen no matter what. Just hoping we can still do all the other stuff we had planned as well.
Originally posted by Bluest Member:
By tomorrow all the main roads will be clear,by Saturday it will be in the upper 40's.Today is not a good day to travel
Thanks, do you think classes will be cancelled again tomorrow or just today?
Think alot of things will be closed again tomorrow. Snow is still falling just measured outside my house in Lexington and got 11" of snow. Suppose to be -6 degrees in morning meaning everything is going to turn to ice. They keep showing shots of interstate being still snow covered. Reason all the problems is they couldn't pre-treat an roads considering it was raining right before the snow got here. Another reason roads will be icy in morning...Be safe traveling
Originally posted by ktbug:
Classes are probably 50/50!
Well, those odds are actually better than I thought. With that much snow in ATL, schools would be closed for a week:)

Bottom line is we have a general campus tour and nursing school tour scheduled for tomorrow that we simply can't reschedule for later this spring. So, we'll definitely come up for the basketball game no matter what, but if classes and tours get called off for tomorrow, we'll just have to take a self-guided tour of a closed, very cold, and snow-covered campus. Hoping we can at least gain access to some campus buildings by Saturday. Figures that a major snow storm would hit on the one weekend we could make it up there. Damn!

Thanks for the replies folks.
With it still snowing, temperatures dropping (still) and supposed to be near or below ZERO tonight, I doubt there will be classes tomorrow. The snow is deeper this time than last (two weeks ago). I would say over a foot of snow in my yard and the roads near my house have not been touched at all (were at least plowed one time by this this time two weeks ago). Mayer had over 100 trucks running and hired a contractor to help out trying to keep the main roads clear or remove snow faster.

Looks like they are concentrating more on the main roads this time with zero trucks on the secondary/side streets. The main roads looked remarkably passable this morning on the news. Snow covered, but passable.

Can update more later as I see it.

This post was edited on 3/5 11:10 AM by UKEE
Originally posted by Smashcat:
Campus not completely shut down even today. These places are open. Can only be better tomorrow.

UniversityofKentucky[/B] @universityofky · 3h 3 hours ago


That's because many of the people who work in those place live on campus. It's a matter of walking to work. Rarely, do those places close because people living on campus have to eat and have meal plans (although they closed early last time at Eastern Kentucky University)
Campus will be a disaster for days. Roads around campus will be a disaster for days. I don't know traffic conditions for 75 but 65 north is shut down. I can't imagine 75 is any better, even tomorrow...

UK nursing is a really good program. Just take her to the game and she'll pick UK.

I have 3 at UK now, best decision they ever made.
Stopped snowing and road crews starting to make headway on the main roads. I see pavement on the news on many of the main roads, even if only one lane. I just shoveled my sidewalk (part of the way) and it's pretty deep. Official numbers = 17.1 inches for Lexington.

Edit: Even though it's now snowing where I'm at (Southeastern side of Lexington out past Man-O-War), it's snowing downtown on live news now. Ugh! :(

This post was edited on 3/5 12:42 PM by UKEE
Drive in Saturday morning, go to the game, and re-schedule the tours for Monday? It's your only hope I'm afraid. I wouldn't drive in today and might not tomorrow. Bitter cold temperatures will make the roads dangerous.
Its already clearing up here in town. Not sure about interstates but I'd say you should be able to make the trip on Saturday morning. Or you could just give me your tickets.. :)))))))))))
Turn on the dadgum Weather Channel, man. They've been live from Broadway all throughout the day. As someone who misses Lexington a lot, I've been watching just for that.
Driving from Chicago to Lexington tonight. How is 65S in Southern Indiana until I hit 64E - anyone know? Any issues on 64E?