NCAA prez on possible NIL reforms

Central planners .. How can we live without them?
Yes, we should do away with all of the health and safety inspectors, the military, the fda, health departments. Lets go back to the days of unregulated food preparation, product safety, etc. who doesn’t want more borax in their milk?
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They stopped being amateurs when sports became billion dollar businesses. Everybody was getting rich off of it but the athletes that were generating the money. That's a terrible system.
long before that
Bill Walton has said many times that he took a paycut going to the NBA
The scholarship itself is worth about $50k per year. So let's not pretend they weren't already being compensated. I have no problem with NIL, and I would even go along with some sort of national minimum wage for all college athletes. I am totally against the collectives, however. That is straight up buying players and should be against NCAA rules, as it always has been.

Yes, we should do away with all of the health and safety inspectors, the military, the fda, health departments. Let’s go back to the days of unregulated food preparation, product safety, etc. who doesn’t want more borax in their milk?
Bloated fed govt dude. Don’t be an idiot. Or… go ahead and continue to be one.
NCAA can't do anything about it. Telling 3rd parties how to spend their advertising income is WAY outside their jurisdiction.

It's also ridiculous to compare NBA contracts to nil. Compare NBA sponsorships to it, because that's what's comparable, and NBA players don't disclose that to anybody they don't want except the tax man.
I think the idea of comparing what NBA/NFL players get in NIL type deals with what a college player gets might be a good way to view whether the college player's deal is a legitimate one based on marketing value or a bribe by a collective of boosters (or one billionaire). Of course, you'd have to figure out how to account for say a pro player's national appeal, etc. But if a college kid is getting more than a NBA/NFL star in NIL deals then that should usually at least raise a red flag I would think.
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No player of any kind should make more than 25,000 a year. Only men's college football and basketball should make more then 8,000 a season.

Why ? They bring a lot more value to the table than that. Why let the grownups steal all of the money for outlandish salaries, and the college presidents steal the rest so they can feel good by funding non revenue and women’s sports .
No players . No TV contract . No fans in the stands . Players should rake in at least 50 per cent of all revenue streams their skills,effort and risk of injury make possible .
I think the idea of comparing what NBA/NFL players get in NIL type deals with what a college player gets might be a good way to view whether the college player's deal is a legitimate one based on marketing value or a bribe by a collective of boosters (or one billionaire). Of course, you'd have to figure out how to account for say a pro player's national appeal, etc. But if a college kid is getting more than a NBA/NFL star in NIL deals then that should usually at least raise a red flag I would think.

The issue is, it's nobody's business. If Johnny's Lawnmower Repair wants to give Steph Curry $35 for a commercial then give Antonio Reeves $65,000 for a commercial... That's nobody's business. It's between them. It's got nothing to do with the NCAA or individual universities. They have no part to play in endorsements. Only way they possibly could would be through a CBA, like the NFL (and maybe other leagues but I don't know) does. But they'd have to put players on payroll for that.
The issue is, it's nobody's business. If Johnny's Lawnmower Repair wants to give Steph Curry $35 for a commercial then give Antonio Reeves $65,000 for a commercial... That's nobody's business. It's between them. It's got nothing to do with the NCAA or individual universities. They have no part to play in endorsements. Only way they possibly could would be through a CBA, like the NFL (and maybe other leagues but I don't know) does. But they'd have to put players on payroll for that.
I agree that colleges should have no part in making or brokering NIL deals, and also that it's nobody's business how much a player (or any other college student) makes... EXCEPT I do think college compliance departments & the NCAA should be involved to the extent of determining that a deal is within the range of fair market value (whatever that is) rather than a bribe.
I agree that colleges should have no part in making or brokering NIL deals, and also that it's nobody's business how much a player (or any other college student) makes... EXCEPT I do think college compliance departments & the NCAA should be involved to the extent of determining that a deal is within the range of fair market value (whatever that is) rather than a bribe.

Fair market value is whatever someone is willing to give you, period. You wouldn't be very happy with somebody telling you that somebody else can't give you a bunch of money. Why should the NCAA tell a 3rd party how much money they can give somebody?
Fair market value is whatever someone is willing to give you, period. You wouldn't be very happy with somebody telling you that somebody else can't give you a bunch of money. Why should the NCAA tell a 3rd party how much money they can give somebody?
We'll just have to disagree on the definition of fair market value (FMV). I don't agree that a bribe is FMV. Just because somebody is willing to give you money does not make it FMV; and FMV is something that can be determined.

If it is improper to offer a player money to play a sport at a college (i.e., a bribe), then the NCAA should not allow that to happen. So, the question is what was the actual purpose of the money. Now if bribes are ok, we also don't need to try to provide cover for it by incorrectly calling it FMV. Just call it what it is, pay-for-play.
absolutely needs to be transparency

it would go a long way in controlling the money being spent on athletes. At the same time it would put incredible pressure on athletes and coaches for those that are paid over the top sums of money and not perform.

"This kid made $800K last year and had more turnovers than every other kid in the league"

That sounds like a bad thing on the surface but that is the kind of thing that has to happen to get this back in line.
Where is the bloat? lol we have a 32 trillion dollar deficit moron. You are not this dumb are you?
The problem I see is your extreme confidence in your opinion of a subject about which you know nothing. I think that shows who is dumb in this scenario. I guess you don’t really know where is the bloat?
Typical misdirection….
“Transparency is the problem”
And being bought…
The problem I see is your extreme confidence in your opinion of a subject about which you know nothing. I think that shows who is dumb in this scenario. I guess you don’t really know where is the bloat?
Extreme confidence in knowing budget numbers is not an opinion. I kinda look at these numbers for a living... so anytime you want to match wits, let me know.
We'll just have to disagree on the definition of fair market value (FMV). I don't agree that a bribe is FMV. Just because somebody is willing to give you money does not make it FMV; and FMV is something that can be determined.

If it is improper to offer a player money to play a sport at a college (i.e., a bribe), then the NCAA should not allow that to happen. So, the question is what was the actual purpose of the money. Now if bribes are ok, we also don't need to try to provide cover for it by incorrectly calling it FMV. Just call it what it is, pay-for-play.

We can do that (agree to disagree), I just don't know how you call it a bribe to say "if you do end up playing for the local team I'd like to give you X amount of dollars to be in our commercials". Seems like a reasonable marketing strategy. Get them locked in before the other lawnmower shop down the street can.
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Then it should be easy for you to show the bloat. Tick tock…
The 32 trillion overdraft of the us govt checkbook. Bloat city. Wanna ask me if I have ever read a 200 page us omb budget like you did to another in this thread? You are way above your pay grade buddy. Stay in your lane.
The 32 trillion overdraft of the us govt checkbook. Bloat city. Wanna ask me if I have ever read a 200 page us omb budget like you did to another in this thread? You are way above your pay grade buddy. Stay in your lane.
Yes, I can tell you’re a real policy wonk🤦‍♂️