This has ALWAYS been my main problem with Duke. They bombard the world with holier than thou PR, and use the general academic reputation of the school to cast an air of superiority around their basketball team and the players on that team. It's ALWAYS been a load of BS.
Yeah, Duke probably has recruited more than its fair share of legitimately academically inclined players. That's only natural, given the reputation of the school. But let's stop pretending that their basketball recruits go through the same kind of admissions process as everyone else at that school. I'm pretty sure they had a football coach get ticked off because the basketball team was receiving an unlimited number of "special admissions", while the school administration wasn't giving the same consideration to the football team.
And now they sign not 1, but 2 kids with wildly questionable HS academic histories in the same year? In my mind, that makes them WORSE than everyone else, especially when it seems like a big part of the sell to Bagley was "we can get you eligible" (i.e, we can use our golden boy status to cut corners for you that other schools can't).
Screw them, and screw anyone in the media who continues to hawk the "Duke does everything the right way" BS. Duke is out to win as many games as possible, doing whatever needs to be done to make that happen, just like everyone else.