NCAA adopts college basketball rule changes for 2015-16 season

Good point!

Do you think a team must get 80 shots a game? IMO teams that get that many shots a game have an all star game mentality and are playing little better than street ball.

If you played that type ball against me I would slow down the game, get a great shot every time down court, and play defense to make you take bad shots if you wanted to shoot quick. The objective of the game is to win not get a lot of shots per game.
I do not watch a lot of NBA either, so I could be wrong here, but I believe that the first time the defense is called for this infraction it is a warning. After that, it is a one-shot technical foul. Again, I could be wrong, but I believe this is the rule.

Sounds like a rule that makes zones very ineffective and is the same as the rule that used to be called for all types of zone defenses. Like I said above. It is a rule that basically will keep teams from playing much zone It might be OK for colleges however if they do not also go to the pro continuation thing.

IMO the rule would be great for Caliparis dribble drive offense but I still do not like it and think it would be bad for college basketball. IMO the rule makes it very difficult to play decent defense and we would see a parade to the foul line and lots of star players in foul trouble.
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They should go to the NBA rule on zone. That would help generate more offense, IMHO.

It would especially help a team like UK under Cal that relies on superior athleticism and gets tons of zone thrown at them because of it.
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Do you think a team must get 80 shots a game? IMO teams that get that many shots a game have an all star game mentality and are playing little better than street ball.

If you played that type ball against me I would slow down the game, get a great shot every time down court, and play defense to make you take bad shots if you wanted to shoot quick. The objective of the game is to win not get a lot of shots per game.
The point is not that you have to get 80 shots a game. The point is that UK once DID get in the neighborhood of 80 shots per game, on a consistent basis (look it up). That WAS college basketball in the past, compared to what you have now, which is usually one guy dribbling 30 feet from the basket for 30 seconds while his teammates wrestle (quite literally in many cases) with their defenders.

The current college game that you're so busy defending has nearly ZERO resemblance to what the college game looked like from about the mid-50's until the mid-90's. The game that actually looks more like the traditional college game is now played in that league that you hate so much, the NBA. There's ball-movement and passing, on a level you almost never see in college now. Not all the time, because the NBA struggles with the balance of how much contact to allow the same way the college game does, but far more often than in college basketball.

So, you seem incredibly confused about what it is you're actually defending. If you're defending the classic college game, I agree. If you're defending what the college game is now, I think you should switch to football or wrestling, since you must be a fan of watching guys push each other around.
There is no such thing as illegal defense in the NBA. There are also no rules specifically against. That junk eliminated back in the 90s folks, get with the program. There is defensive 3 seconds if a defender isn't "closely guarding" an opponent.
There is no such thing as illegal defense in the NBA. There are also no rules specifically against. That junk eliminated back in the 90s folks, get with the program. There is defensive 3 seconds if a defender isn't "closely guarding" an opponent.

I thought they got rid of that rule, but I haven't watched enough NBA to know for sure.
Reduction in timeouts has been a HUGE point I've been raising holy hell about for a LONG time, that's one of the best changes they could make. I approve wholeheartedly of the changes so far.

One other change I would like to make is this : Refs blow a call, automatic death penalty (hang em' high).

That would help thin the herd with asshats like Shows and company. I say put the pressure on them and then off with their heads ! :smiley:
College Basketball doesn't need a lot of rule changes. All it needs is proper officiating of the present rules. Make the foul calls and get those players in foul trouble like they did for a while a few seasons back. Yes it would be ugly with a parade to the foul line but coaches and players would adjust and the rough play would be eliminated.

One rule however I would like is something that would help eliminate all of those what we all know are deliberate fouls at the end of games that seems to make it take forever to play the final 2 or 3 minutes. One suggestion I have is go to a rule where the offensive team has the option of shooting one shot and taking the ball out of bounds instead of shooting two shots. I would also make all fouls two shot fouls in the last two minutes. I absolutely hate the parades to the foul line at the end of games because of deliberate fouls. The present rules rewards the defense for committing an illegal act by deliberately fouling the offensive player.
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this isnt complicated

move the shot clock to 30 (done)
move the 3 point line back.
defensive 3 seconds
double bonus after 6 fouls
freedom of movement emphasis
Do you think a team must get 80 shots a game? IMO teams that get that many shots a game have an all star game mentality and are playing little better than street ball.

If you played that type ball against me I would slow down the game, get a great shot every time down court, and play defense to make you take bad shots if you wanted to shoot quick. The objective of the game is to win not get a lot of shots per game.

I simply said good point. He brought up a good point. Actually, didn't say that I agreed or disagreed but I see his point. However, why not quote and argue the actual point instead of someone who just made a comment about the point? Can't figure that one out.
College Basketball doesn't need a lot of rule changes. All it needs is proper officiating of the present rules. Make the foul calls and get those players in foul trouble like they did for a while a few seasons back. Yes it would be ugly with a parade to the foul line but coaches and players would adjust and the rough play would be eliminated.

One rule however I would like is something that would help eliminate all of those what we all know are deliberate fouls at the end of games that seems to make it take forever to play the final 2 or 3 minutes. One suggestion I have is go to a rule where the offensive team has the option of shooting one shot and taking the ball out of bounds instead of shooting two shots. I would also make all fouls two shot fouls in the last two minutes. I absolutely hate the parades to the foul line at the end of games because of deliberate fouls. The present rules rewards the defense for committing an illegal act by deliberately fouling the offensive player.

I actually liked what you said to start this post and I agree that the NCAA needs to instruct officials to call the fouls. They call the perimeter as tight as possible but allow mugging to take place in the paint. I don't understand that philosophy.
However, you lost me on the 2nd part to your post. I'm sorry but I pray that none of those suggestions are ever made into actual rules. Free throws are part of the game. Its strategy to use FTs to your benefit as best you can. Those deliberate fouls and subsequent FTs have brought some of the greatest moments in college basketball history. Sure, occasionally it gets boring and redundant but the pressure packed exciting moments far outweigh those lagging seconds. Adopting your suggestions would never allow any kind of late comeback. If your down by 4-6 points with a minute left then you might as well hit the showers.
If you are down by 6 points with a minute to go you should lose the game. You should not have the option of coming back because you committed illegal acts by fouling on purpose. We all know that those are deliberate fouls and should be a technical with two shots and the ball out of bounds. The truth is most times you are going to lose anyway and all you are doing is prolonging the game and losing by even more than you would have if you played it straight up and did not deliberately foul.

IMO another thing you could do to discourage all of the late fouling is give the coach of the fouled team the option of naming who he wants to shoot the foul shots in the last two minutes when you are being deliberately fouled. Since it should be a technical with two shots and the coach getting to name the shooter and then getting the ball out of bounds. I do not think letting the coach of the fouled team name the shooter would be out of line if the officials are not going to do what they should and call the deliberate fouls.
Just to add a little background to this discussion, here are some statistical facts about college basketball, and the reason that something clearly needs to change- unless you're a huge fan of stagnant games where defenders have an enormous advantage, and the ball rarely goes through the hoop.

Let's look at some stuff from the last 3 seasons:

In 12-13, team scoring was at 67.5 ppg, which was the lowest since 51-52- and that's despite the fact that you now have a 3 point shot, which adds points that didn't exist until 1987. Team scoring this past year was 67.74 ppg, 3rd lowest since 51-52 (only 81-82, at the height of stalling tactics, was lower. And just barely).

Team FG attempts this past year were at 54.4 a game, the lowest ever recorded (back to 47-48), over 10 less per game than every year from 47-48 through 76-77. FG's made per game this past year were at 23.64, the lowest since 50-51.

FG % was 43.3% in 12-13, the lowest since 64-65.

Assists per game this past year were at 12.62, the lowest ever recorded (back to 92-93, which is when the NCAA started tracking it as a team stat)

Personal fouls per game were at 17.68 in 12-13, the lowest ever recorded (and I'd love to know what percentage of those were offensive fouls, versus the percentage of fouls in the past that were offensive).

FT's per game were at 19.76 in 12-13, the lowest ever recorded.

And oh yeah- during the aborted attempt at calling a tighter game in 13-14, despite the fact that it sort of vanished as the year progressed, scoring jumped up to 71 ppg (highest since 01-02), and FG% jumped to 44.24 (highest since 06-07).

All this info is available here