The only problem I have with Lebron is that people try to compare him to Jordan. Anyone that saw Jordan in his prime knows you dont mention Lebron in the same sentence, its not even close. Lebron had a head start age wise and still trails in all the categories that matter. Lebron is a great player there is no doubt about it but he isnt on Jordans level and likely never will be. That said Im pulling for GS. I like the Cleveland curse and for some odd reason enjoy seeing their championship drought continue in all sports.
Absolutely ridiculous to think that Lebron isn't in the same sentence. Any sober observer would absolutely put Lebron in the same sentence. At minimum he is in teh same sentence. At this point he has probably surpassed MJ. Give Jordan the teammates that Lebron has right now and you are looking at a first round loss. I don't think people are really aware of just how bad his team really is. Take Lebron off the team and you have a roster that probably wouldn't achieve a top 25 ranking in college. You have to remember all the players, not just Love, that Cleveland has lost. They have been forced to scramble together a roster that wouldn't normally be an NBA caliber team. And yet the could actually win the title. You have to be impressed with what Lebron has done.