The only problem I have with Lebron is that people try to compare him to Jordan. Anyone that saw Jordan in his prime knows you dont mention Lebron in the same sentence, its not even close. Lebron had a head start age wise and still trails in all the categories that matter. Lebron is a great player there is no doubt about it but he isnt on Jordans level and likely never will be. That said Im pulling for GS. I like the Cleveland curse and for some odd reason enjoy seeing their championship drought continue in all sports.

Absolutely ridiculous to think that Lebron isn't in the same sentence. Any sober observer would absolutely put Lebron in the same sentence. At minimum he is in teh same sentence. At this point he has probably surpassed MJ. Give Jordan the teammates that Lebron has right now and you are looking at a first round loss. I don't think people are really aware of just how bad his team really is. Take Lebron off the team and you have a roster that probably wouldn't achieve a top 25 ranking in college. You have to remember all the players, not just Love, that Cleveland has lost. They have been forced to scramble together a roster that wouldn't normally be an NBA caliber team. And yet the could actually win the title. You have to be impressed with what Lebron has done.
I've watched both and I think it's definitely a fair debate. I'll say this, I think you could take the same team of scrubs, and let them play with each player, and James would take them farther. Jordan is great but James is also.

Perhaps, but Jordan would have won 4 straight titles in Miami. I don't think that, I know it.

And to the other guy...not playing a guy that had 28 and 11 is very questionable. People say "Oh but they got blown out in game 4" and my response is Mosgov played well in the 3 games before that for the most part and the Cavs COULD HAVE BEEN UP THREE to ZERO if James hits that shot at the buzzer in game 1. Most national analysts are questioning the decision by Blatt today, so this is not just something I'm saying. Yes, the game was closer lat night later, but if the game had went another 2-3 minutes it would have been about another 20 point loss just like game 4.
It's simple. The Warriors are the better team. The Cavs have the best player. The best team usually wins. Lebron can only hope that his teammates step it up because he can't outscore the Warriors by himself.
It's simple. The Warriors are the better team. The Cavs have the best player. The best team usually wins. Lebron can only hope that his teammates step it up because he can't outscore the Warriors by himself.

I agree completely. Makes you wonder how interesting the finals would have been if Cleveland had Irving and Love. Their offense would be much better but their defense would probably be worst.
It's simple. The Warriors are the better team. The Cavs have the best player. The best team usually wins. Lebron can only hope that his teammates step it up because he can't outscore the Warriors by himself.

The Warriors have the healthiest roster, and the most stacked roster. Even Rick Barnes could win a championship....ok, maybe I'm exaggerating. Lebron has really showed that he should be mentioned as the second GOAT, if not the GOAT. Watching Golden State foul with impunity is annoying, yet amusing. They play defense in a way that is reminiscent of Louisville. Just foul on every play and dare the refs to call all of them. Set moving screens like Joakim Noah and Kevin Garnett, but only get called once per game.
Absolutely ridiculous to think that Lebron isn't in the same sentence. Any sober observer would absolutely put Lebron in the same sentence. At minimum he is in teh same sentence. At this point he has probably surpassed MJ. Give Jordan the teammates that Lebron has right now and you are looking at a first round loss. I don't think people are really aware of just how bad his team really is. Take Lebron off the team and you have a roster that probably wouldn't achieve a top 25 ranking in college. You have to remember all the players, not just Love, that Cleveland has lost. They have been forced to scramble together a roster that wouldn't normally be an NBA caliber team. And yet the could actually win the title. You have to be impressed with what Lebron has done.

Well Im sober,lol. Never drink a drop. Who did Michael have in Chicago that was such a "great" player outside of Scottie Pippen and a bunch of role players. He sure as hell didnt have Wade and Bosh for 4 years but only come away with one ring. I mean look at all the great centers Jordan won with, 88 year old Bill Cartwright, Will Perdue, Luc Longley. He had Grant at PF who was solid but not a superstar by any stretch. Hell Ill bet folks cant name a PG he played with off the top of their heads,lol. Jordan made the guys around him better. Lebron doesnt have that ability. Lebron is all about Lebron. As mentioned I like the guy but he should be compared to ANYONE but Jordan. In the end Lebron was a sellout that joined forces with TWO other superstars just to get ONE title ring. Put the talent in Miami around Michael and he has 4 rings in a row. Lebron managed one if memory serves. Lebron hasnt even made it to Kobes level yet and Kobe was no MJ himself.

If he werent so self absorbed always making little comments about how he had to nix the play his coach called AFTER he made the game winning shot he would be more likable. Those kind of comments make it hard to like him. Well Lebron, IF you did nix the play call would you have mentioned it after the game had your HERO ball not worked out? Once you did nix it and made the shot why the hell would you throw your coach under the bus after the game? The only thing he has surpassed Jordan in is vanity. When he gets a fist full of rings Ill give him more credit. Right now he is a Lamborghini with a 4 cylinder motor under the hood. He looks good and sounds good but in the end he just doesnt have the horsepower to finish the job.