Naughty "Moms for Liberty" and Disney board member thread??

Every time I hear a public figure so obsessed about some sexual issue, makes me automatically suspect they have some personal issue themselves. Call me skeptical but never seems to fail.
Like Drag Queen Story Hour? Any man who wants to dress up and go entertain children should invite suspicion, not praise.
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You don’t mess with loss prevention at Target.

They are watching you everywhere and keep tabs on how much you steal from them.
The Collierville Board of Mayor and Aldermen is working to appoint Blair’s replacement. Board chairman Wright Cox thanked Blair for her service to the community and her commitment to public education in Collierville.
Every time I hear a public figure so obsessed about some sexual issue, makes me automatically suspect they have some personal issue themselves. Call me skeptical but never seems to fail.

It makes sense in a fd up way. . Lindsey Graham hates gay peoples so badly because somehow has twisted it in his mind that they are fault for him being gay. It’s some fd up psychology.
You can’t make this stuff up:

“Bridget Ziegler worked with Gov. Ron DeSantis on Florida’s so-called ‘Don’t Say Gay’ legislation.”

I think she has a great defense.

She was fulfilling her legislative goal!

It’s impossible to “Say Gay” when your mouth is full of p&ssy!”
You can’t make this stuff up:

“Bridget Ziegler worked with Gov. Ron DeSantis on Florida’s so-called ‘Don’t Say Gay’ legislation.”

I think she has a great defense.

She was fulfilling her legislative goal!

It’s impossible to “Say Gay” when your mouth is full of p&ssy!”
Someone really needs to ask Wright Cox about all of this MFL sex scandal stuff going on in Florida. 🤣
Yeah, I just caught the name, “Wright Cox.”

Gosh, I wish my parents had given me a name tailor-made for the culture wars and internet memes!
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It's hilarious this thread is still going but I'll add - there's nothing sweeter than finding out some culture war political nut is a sexual freak or has embarrassing skeletons in their closets. Metal and horror were ostracized for decades but I'm willing to bet those that pitched a constant fit, just like those who still complain as if we should live as they live, were and are probably into key parties, orgies, drugs, and all sorts of other fetishized lifestyles. Who was the religious nut we recently found out was a cuck who was into his wife hooking up with their pool boy? And that dipshit is coming down on all us sinners as The Cowboy from The Big Lebowski would say? GTFO.
It's hilarious this thread is still going but I'll add - there's nothing sweeter than finding out some culture war political nut is a sexual freak or has embarrassing skeletons in their closets. Metal and horror were ostracized for decades but I'm willing to bet those that pitched a constant fit, just like those who still complain as if we should live as they live, were and are probably into key parties, orgies, drugs, and all sorts of other fetishized lifestyles. Who was the religious nut we recently found out was a cuck who was into his wife hooking up with their pool boy? And that dipshit is coming down on all us sinners as The Cowboy from The Big Lebowski would say? GTFO.
It's hilarious this thread is still going but I'll add - there's nothing sweeter than finding out some culture war political nut is a sexual freak or has embarrassing skeletons in their closets. Metal and horror were ostracized for decades but I'm willing to bet those that pitched a constant fit, just like those who still complain as if we should live as they live, were and are probably into key parties, orgies, drugs, and all sorts of other fetishized lifestyles. Who was the religious nut we recently found out was a cuck who was into his wife hooking up with their pool boy? And that dipshit is coming down on all us sinners as The Cowboy from The Big Lebowski would say? GTFO.
Yet you constantly rip on people on here all the time. It makes one wonder what crazy pedo crap you're into.
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She’s a Republican so who cares what she does. No one ever seems to give a shi$ what Democrats do.
As a moderate Dem, I have never voted for someone simply because they said that they stood for “traditional values”. So when I find out that a married elected official has a side piece I don’t get upset.
It’s the MAGA GOP that runs on “one man-one woman” while engaging in “whatever will hold still”. The hypocrisy makes me laugh.😂
Judd Apatow killed comedy once he believed we wanted to see his life on screen but he's a liberal so I somewhat agree. Conservatives have Tim Allen and Roseanne though. They're...funny. I...I guess.
The Mt Rushmore of “conservative comics”…does not exist because it takes four to have a Mt Rushmore.
Another protester. We know what that means.
I think he is missing the point! 😂

Drag queens aren’t telling everyone it should be illegal to dress up like Shelley Winters and read Goodnight Moon to kids, then do it themselves! 😂
This chick likes to watch her husband nail another girl while she watches and participates, good for her. Maybe she shouldn’t care if others do it?
From the posts, above, I think it’s fair to say that Bridgett Zeigler and the Falwell’s would Mount Rushmore, especially if being filmed.
At this point in rural, verbal conversations, I would likely make pointed reference to “fence posts,” and “stick shifts,” but will spare my urban, urbane, and suburban fellow posters such hideous visualizations!!
As a moderate Dem,
I’m with ya’ my brother.

I daily shake my head at where we find ourselves, nationally, politically.

I just don’t fit in with the main movers of either party, now, if I ever really did.

So I tarry on, as like a boat beating against the modern tides of cultural hatred and division.




Waynes World GIF
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