Nate Sestina

The last name Sestina always sounded sexy to me. Not on him, but just imagining a hot squeeze in a tube top with the last name Sestina is appealing to me. Maybe Christina Sestina or something like that.
The last name Sestina always sounded sexy to me. Not on him, but just imagining a hot squeeze in a tube top with the last name Sestina is appealing to me. Maybe Christina Sestina or something like that.
Sestina only clean. You're not clean unless you're Sestina fully clean.

This Is Bad Season 8 GIF by THE NEXT STEP
One of the most underrated Cal players. Shot 50% from 2 and 40% from 3 but only got 19 minutes per game. Great Cal coaching.
He was a good offensive player, but he was a fence post on defense. Dudes used to drive by his lead feet at will.

His game reminded me a lot of Kyle Wiltjer’s. Good offense, but utterly incapable of defending man to man. Both made a mistake by choosing a coach who refuses to play zone.
He was a good offensive player, but he was a fence post on defense. Dudes used to drive by his lead feet at will.

His game reminded me a lot of Kyle Wiltjer’s. Good offense, but utterly incapable of defending man to man. Both made a mistake by choosing a coach who refuses to play zone.
I like that comparison. He was a Kyle Wiltjer .50.
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He was a pretty good shooter, but his defense was HORRIBLE. I think your hatred of Cal is clouding your memory.
Only positive he had over other guys was the 3pt shooting. He was a worse defender, worse rebounder, and worse 2pt shooter than Montgomery and Brooks. 20mpg was fine for him. We should have gotten him more 3pt attempts when he was in, to play to his strengths, though.
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That 2020 team seemed weird at the time, but they were a harbinger of what was to come.

-Questionable lineup choices, Whitney starting over IQ.

-Sieve like on defense, 52nd in Adj. defensive efficiency.

-Starting a 4 man that opponents don't have to guard, EJ.

-Mulitple NBA players on the roster, finished barely in the top 30 of Kenpom.

Anywhere from 1 to all of those would become issues again in each subsequent team.
One of the most underrated Cal players. Shot 50% from 2 and 40% from 3 but only got 19 minutes per game. Great Cal coaching.
Move on with the hate bile, it's clouding your judgement. Sestina was a huge disappointment, he was six 9 and only averaged 5 points and 3 rebounds a game, he was so great he only got to play in Europe. Cal really failed to get everything out of a bench-warmer in Spain player. Jeez And you post like he was a mismanaged Luka Doncic.
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He was decent but the beginning of the “below the rim” guys down low. Personally prefer some hops from my bigs and kind of felt like he was a warning sign that Cal’s recruiting had taken a serious hit.
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