I think the larder was full, the corn was bursting out of the crib and the hay was pushing off the roof. In other words, we were stacked, deep. For much of the year it looked like we had outstanding players that might potentially return in the form of Booker, Johnson, maybe the twins, maybe even Lyles. Plus we had some more definite returnees like Ulis, Poythress and Lee not to mention the substantial commits we already had. This was a very unusual situation, more so than I think any year to date with Cal.
Guys were looking at their options in case the larder remained full. Got late in the year and they stood on their cards.
That said, I'm not concerned. Basketball is a lot more than the biggest, fastest and quickest. Intensity, skill, hard work and team execution and development are still critically important. You can be the greatest athlete or the five greatest but you still have to play basketball. I firmly believe that the team for the upcoming year still has plenty of physical capability to perform surprisingly well if they master the things that Cal always preaches. I think the top notch athletes we've been getting have made a few of us forget all the ingredients necessary to make for a successful team. I don't think Mr Ulis and Mr Poythress have forgotten though.
For myself, I expect to be watching Kentucky Basketball next fall.