My son calls a lot of our fans “simps”

Jamal Mercer

Feb 7, 2008
They’re incapable of factoring in what has actually happened this season. 3/4 of your main guard rotation are injured.

Go ahead, think about any college team in the country. Take away their starting PG and starting shooting guard. Now take away the backup PG.

I’ll say it again. Pope has done an amazing job minus a couple games. Considering what he has to work with.
Simp in Oxford dictionary: silly or foolish person.

I’d say that sums it up.
Yes… the definition based on the long form “simpleton”. Which is how it would have been used in past years/generations. The kids using the word aren’t referencing simpleton or quoting the Oxford dictionary. Thats not how slang works.

But assuming your son is younger than 25, that age demographic uses simp as an extremely common slang. Slang meaning, more or less, a male who showers females with extreme levels of undeserved attention and validation while receiving none in return.

Not sure why you’re being defensive. Nobody is attacking your kid. It was an interesting/uncommon way to phrase his correct observation; using a word that his generation/peers frequently use in reference to dating, not sports. It has morphed into a general insult without context, because being a “simp” is a negative trait, which is likely his intended use here.

Again, “interesting use of the word for a 100% correct observation”
Yes… the definition based on the long form “simpleton”. Which is how it would have been used in past years/generations. The kids using the word aren’t referencing simpleton or quoting the Oxford dictionary. Thats not how slang works.

But assuming your son is younger than 25, that age demographic uses simp as an extremely common slang. Slang meaning, more or less, a male who showers females with extreme levels of undeserved attention and validation while receiving none in return.

Not sure why you’re being defensive. Nobody is attacking your kid. It was an interesting/uncommon way to phrase his correct observation; using a word that his generation/peers frequently use in reference to dating, not sports. It has morphed into a general insult without context, because being a “simp” is a negative trait, which is likely his intended use here.

Again, “interesting use of the word for a 100% correct observation”
Nothing I said was defensive. It’s called an explanation.