Most Canadiens after being fouled hard would immediately go over and apologize.
Most Canadiens after being fouled hard would immediately go over and apologize.
Did you start a thread after the game last night about Cal yelling too much?50-2 i say that constantly...thats read what you want to read
And Tyler Ulis needs to play with a little more control out there. He SHOULD NOT be staring opponents down and clinching his fists on the court.
Dude, Tyler talks more than anyone on the whole teamULIS has fire but is always in control
Now you're calling Our Players PUNKSULIS has fire but is always in control but yes if he pulls a punk move like Lee did i will call him on it...i can not stand that stuff
Plain as anything to see he was walking away already. But don't let facts get in your way, UmM.
Not everybody that posts is a sunshine pumper or ass insightful would that be?
I agree with this. It looked like an excessively hard foul to me too. He had no chance of blocking the shot and hit him with a fairly hard body slam. I don't think it was malicious but it certainly was hard.I'm not sure I agree that it wasn't a particularly hard foul. The thump that I heard once he hit the floor tells me a different story..
Briscoe tripped Cal at the scorers table last night too. Need to nip that stuff in the bud.
Take last night for example...he got fouled on layup and jumps up like he wants to rumble??? That was not a particularly hard foul...not sure where the frustration comes from. HE has been T'D up twice already. Needs to show a little more control out there
I personally like the fire in Murray, Ulis, Briscoe, and others that show it; albeit less than these 3. I particularly love the way the other four teammates come in to help, showing solidarity and brotherhood. We don't hear what's said on the court between the two teams. Guarantee there is a lot of trash being talked and the hard fouls are usually the results of that. You drain a step back jumper in my eye, next time you have a break-away dunk or easy lay-up, I'm going to make you earn the points from the line. It's gamesmanship and is apart of every sport. Murray getting up like that is, IMO, his way of showing "he ain't no b*tch" and won't back down from and isn't scared of physical play. I'm sure Cal will rein it in when he feels it's getting out of control.
BEST POST EVERDude, put the keyboard away for a while. Just stop. You're being really critical of our players. I know on your 19" magnavox it looked like a little bump but these guys are moving fast and when you look at the replay you will see why Murray went flying to the floor. Illinois State's plan was to play physical, well they took it too far sometimes and if I was Murray I might have jumped up like that too. You need to remember what's at stake for this kid. If he gets injured 7 games in he's screwed.
As far as the technical fouls, I believe one if them was the one where he was trying to help his teammate up and tge ref T'd him up. Cal told the ref "if you're lying you're done". Murray said he didn't say anything. I believe him.
fair enough, but don't you ever have a positive thought about UK??Plus Cal has already said he has talked to Murray about his language on the court..don't try to tell me i don't know what i am talking about
ha, perfect.his way of showing "he ain't no b*tch" and won't back down
haha you're statement reminded me of this...
he does seem to be easily agitated, but that particular play, although a clean play, was a pretty rough foul. i can see where his first instinct might be to get mad.Take last night for example...he got fouled on layup and jumps up like he wants to rumble??? That was not a particularly hard foul...not sure where the frustration comes from. HE has been T'D up twice already. Needs to show a little more control out there